
cobbler's twine 製鞋麻線

cobbler's wax 鞋線蠟

cobblestone 大卵石

cobeko 敵樂胺除草劑

cobenium 科貝紐姆恆彈性合金

cobex 敵樂胺除草劑

cobitalium 科比塔留姆耐熱鋁合金

cobourg 科伯斜紋呢

cobra venom 眼鏡蛇蛇毒

cobra 眼鏡蛇

cobweb cotton 蛛網棉

cobweb lawn 薄麻紗

coca leaf 古柯葉

coca-cola 可口可樂

cocaine hydrochloride 鹽酸古柯鹼

cocaine 古柯鹼

cocainum  古柯鹼

cocarboxylase 輔羧酶

coccidioidin 球孢菌素

cocculus trilobus 日本木防己

cochial red 胭脂紅

cochin yarn 椰殼纖維紗

cochineal carmine 胭脂蟲紅

cochineal coral handkerchief 紅色絲手帕

cochineal red 胭脂蟲紅

cochran cotton 科克倫棉

cochrome 科克羅姆鈷鉻系耐熱合金

cock feather duster with bamboo handle 竹柄雞毛帚

cock feather 公雞毛

cock key 鏇塞扳手

cock neck hackle and saddle with bamboo handle 竹柄統背毛帚

cock neck hackle and saddle with rattan handle 藤柄統背毛帚

cock neck hackle duster with bamboo handle 竹柄統項毛雞毛帚

cock neck hackle duster with rattan handle 藤柄統項毛雞毛帚

cock neck hackle with bamboo handle 竹柄統項毛帚

cock neck hackle with rattan handle 藤柄統項毛帚

cock neck hackle 公雞項毛

cock neck skin 公雞頭皮

cock saddle feather duster with bamboo handle 竹柄單長尖雞毛帚

cock saddle feather duster with plastic coated rattan handle 包塑膠藤柄雙長尖雞毛帚

cock saddle with bamboo handle 竹柄統尖毛帚

cock saddle with rattan handle 藤柄統尖毛帚

cock schlappen with bamboo handle 竹柄統泳子毛帚

cock schlappen with rattan handle 藤柄統泳子毛帚

cock schlappen 公雞泳毛

cock spanner 鏇塞扳手

cock wheel 惰輪

cock 龍頭

cock-liver agate 雞肝瑪瑙

cocked hat 三角帽

cockle stair 螺鏇梯

cockpit panel 座艙儀錶盤

cockroach killer 滅蟑螂藥

cocktail cabinet 酒櫃

cocktail cup 雞尾酒酒杯

cocktail dress 燕尾服

cocktail feather duster with rattan handle 藤柄尾毛雞毛帚

cocktail fruit jam 什錦果醬

cocktail glass 雞尾酒酒杯

cocktail napkin 酒巾

cocktail onion 雞尾酒酸果

cocktail sausage 小香腸

cocktail saw 雞尾鋸

cocktail set 雞尾酒具

cocktail shaker 調酒器

cocktail 雞尾酒

coco plum 椰李

coco 椰子

cocoa bean 可可豆

cocoa beef filling sweet 可可牛肉夾心糖

cocoa butter cookie 可可曲奇餅乾

cocoa butter 可可脂

cocoa colour powder 可可色素粉

cocoa cream candy 可可奶油糖

cocoa drink 可可飲料

cocoa ginseng tea 可可人參茶

cocoa jug 可可壺

cocoa knife 可可刀

cocoa mat 椰衣墊

cocoa matting 椰殼纖維席紋布

cocoa peanut sweet 可可花生夾心糖

cocoa powder in bulk 散裝可可粉

cocoa powder in packet 盒裝可可粉

cocoa powder in tin 聽裝可可粉

cocoa powder 可可粉

cocoa shell butter 可可豆殼脂

cocoa tobacco flavour 可可菸草香精

cocoa toffee 可可太妃

cocoa wafer 可可威化

cocoa 可可

cocoa-brown cloth 可可褐色布

cocoanut ball 椰子糖

cocoanut broom 椰殼纖維掃帚

cocoanut fatty acid diethanolamide 椰子油脂肪酸二乙醇醯胺

cocoanut fibre brush 椰殼纖維刷

cocoanut fibre door mat 椰殼纖維門墊

cocoanut fibre rope 機制椰殼纖維繩

cocoanut fibre 椰殼纖維

cocoanut ice cream cone 椰子甜筒

cocoanut ice cream 椰子雪糕

cocoanut jam 椰子醬

cocoanut juice 椰子汁

cocoanut leaf rib 椰葉骨

cocoanut milk 椰子奶

cocoanut oil 椰子油

cocoanut shell carving 椰殼雕

cocoavanilla tobacco flavour 可可香草煙香精

coconada cotton 科科拿大棉

coconada rug 科科拿大地毯

coconada stripe 科科拿大條子平紋棉織物

coconut aldehyde 椰子醛

coconut and coffee jelly 椰子咖啡凍

coconut biscuit 椰子餅乾

coconut butter cake 椰蓉奶油酥

coconut butter 椰子果醬

coconut cake 椰蓉酥

coconut candy 椰子糖

coconut capacitor 大型真空電容器

coconut carving 椰雕

coconut chocolate 椰子朱古力

coconut crab 椰子蟹

coconut cream biscuit 椰子奶油餅乾

coconut cream powder 椰子奶油粉

coconut cream 椰子軟糖

coconut fat 椰子脂

coconut fibre brush 椰殼纖維刷

coconut fibre 椰殼纖維

coconut jam 椰子醬

coconut jelly 椰子軟糖

coconut leaf rib 椰葉骨

coconut milk plum 椰汁應子

coconut milk powder 椰奶粉

coconut milk 椰奶

coconut nugget 椰子牛軋糖

coconut oil 椰子油

coconut roll 椰子奶糖

coconut shell carving 椰殼雕

coconut soft sweet 椰子軟糖

coconut sweet 椰子糖

coconut water 椰子汁

coconut 椰子

cocoon beater 索緒機

cocoon cooking machine 煮繭機

cocoon fiber 蠶絲

cocoon outer floss 繭衣

cocoon screening machine 篩繭機

cocoon silk 繭絲

cocoon sorting machine 選繭機

cocoon stripping spun yarn 繭衣絹絲

cocoon stripping 繭衣

cocoon waste 廢繭

cocoon 繭

cocoon-drying machine 蠶繭乾燥機

cocoon-fibre quilt 絲棉被

cocoon-peeling machine 剝繭機

cocopan 小型礦車

cocos fibre  椰殼纖維

cocrystallized al-si alloy 共晶鋁矽合金

cocuiza fibre 科奎扎纖維

cod fat 鱈脂

cod liver oil capsule 魚肝油膠囊

cod liver oil with malt extract 麥芽精魚肝油

cod liver oil 魚肝油

cod oil 鱈油

cod roe paste 鱈卵醬

cod 鱈魚

cod-fish oil 鱈魚油

coddle-free carpet 不需保養的地毯

code call indicator 編碼呼叫指示器

code conversion equipment 代碼轉換設備

code converter 解碼器

code discriminator 鑒碼器

code error detector 誤碼檢測器

code machine 編碼機

code phone 保密電話

code receiver 收報機

code selector 代碼選擇器

code sender 電碼傳送器

code translator 解碼器

code transmitter 發報機

coded lock 密碼鎖

coded selector 編碼選擇開關

codeine 可待因

coder 編碼器

coder-decoder 編碼解碼器

codilla 亞麻下腳纖維

coding amplifier 編碼放大器

coding cam 編碼凸輪

coding collar 編碼環

coding device 編碼器

coding machine 編碼機

coding mask 編碼盤

coding relay 編碼繼電器

coding tube 編碼管

coding wheel 編碼輪

codistor 靜噪穩壓管

codlemone 十二碳二烯醇

codonopsis and lycli tablet 參杞片

codonopsis pilosula nannfeldt c.tangshen oliv 黨參

codonopsis pilosula nannfeldt 東北黨參

codonopsis pilosula 黨參

codoxime 可多克西

coefficient multiplier 係數乘法器

coenzyme a 輔酶a

coenzyme 輔酶

coenzymometer 輔酶測定器

coercimeter 矯頑磁力計

coercive force meter 矯頑磁力計

coercivemeter 矯頑磁性測量儀

coeur fleuri 漂白小几何花紋被褥麻布

coffee bean skin separator 咖啡鮮果剝皮機

coffee bean 咖啡豆

coffee can 咖啡罐

coffee chocolate 咖啡朱古力

coffee cup 咖啡杯

coffee essence 咖啡精

coffee filtering paper 咖啡過濾紙

coffee glutinous rice wine 咖啡糯米酒

coffee grinder 磨咖啡器

coffee grinding machine 咖啡磨碎機

coffee grounds 咖啡渣

coffee ice cream cone 咖啡甜筒

coffee ice cream 咖啡雪糕

coffee machine 咖啡機

coffee maker 咖啡壺

coffee making machine 煮咖啡機

coffee mill 咖啡磨

coffee peeling mill 咖啡去殼器

coffee percolator 煮咖啡壺

coffee pot 咖啡壺

coffee roaster 咖啡焙烘器

coffee roasting apparatus 烘咖啡器

coffee saucer 咖啡碟

coffee set 咖啡具

coffee spoon 咖啡匙

coffee stick 咖啡棒

coffee stirrer 咖啡攪拌器

coffee table 咖啡桌

coffee toffee 咖啡太妃

coffee washer 咖啡洗滌器

coffee wine 咖啡酒

coffee 啡咖

coffee-based beverage 咖啡飲料

coffee-mate 咖啡伴侶

coffin cloth 壽衣呢

coffin plank 棺材板

cofrel tablet 咳快好片

cofrel 咳福樂

cogged ingot 初軋鋼錠

cogging mill 初軋機

cogging roll 粗軋輥

cogging shears 初軋坯剪下機

cogging-down roll 開坯機軋輥

cognac 科涅克白蘭地

cogongrass rhizome 白茅根

cogwheel pump 嵌齒輪泵

cogwheel 嵌齒輪

coherent beam amplifier 相干光束放大器

coherent detector 相干檢波器

coherent optical computer 相干光計算機

coherent optical detector 相干光探測器

coherent optical receiver 相干光接收機

coherent oscillator 相干振盪器

coherent signal processor 相干信號處理機

coherent-light-valve signal analyzer 相干光閥信號分析儀

coherer detector 粉末檢波器

coherer 金屬屑檢波器

cohesional field analysis tester 內聚力場分析試驗機

coho 相干振盪器

coho 銀大麻哈魚

cohras prints 科勒斯蠟防印花布

coicis semen with husk 殼苡米

coiffure 花邊頭飾

coil and gravity starter 電流線圈重力式起動機

coil antenna 環形天線

coil banding machine 帶卷捆軋機

coil boiler 盤管鍋爐

coil box 線圈盒

coil brake 盤簧閘

coil buggy 帶卷自動裝卸車

coil bumper 帶卷防撞器

coil case 線圈盒

coil checker 線圈檢驗器

coil comparator 線圈比較器

coil condenser 盤管式冷凝器

coil conveyer 帶卷運輸機

coil diameter detector 帶卷直徑檢測器

coil downending machine 翻卷機

coil ejector 鋼皮卷推出器

coil evaporator 盤管蒸發器

coil form 線圈管

coil holder 帶線圈支持器

coil insulating paper 線圈絕緣紙

coil insulator tester 線圈絕緣測試器

coil kit 線圈組件

coil magnetometer 感應式磁強計

coil neutralized amplifier 線圈中和放大器

coil opener 直頭機

coil opening machine 松卷機

coil pipe condenser 盤管冷凝器

coil pipe cooler 盤管冷卻器

coil pipe 盤繞管

coil pulser 線圈脈衝發生器

coil rack 線圈架

coil resistance 線圈電阻器

coil rod 盤條

coil shield 線圈罩

coil spring clutch 盤簧式離合器

coil spring mattress 盤簧墊

coil spring 盤簧

coil straightener 卷材矯直機

coil straightening machine 開卷校平機

coil strapping machine 捆卷機

coil tap 線圈抽頭

coil tester 線圈測試器

coil thread rolling machine 搓絲機

coil tilter 翻卷機

coil transfer buggy 帶卷運送裝卸車

coil transfer car 帶卷移送車

coil transfer lifter 帶卷移送升降機

coil turner 翻卷機

coil type ammeter 線圈式安培計

coil unloader 卸卷機

coil upender 翻卷機

coil weighing machine 帶卷秤

coil winder 繞線圈器

coil winding machine 繞線機

coil winding 線圈繞組

coil wound rotor 繞線轉子

coil wrapping machine 線捆包裝機

coil zipper 環扣拉鏈

coil-bound adhesive-free photo album 穿簧式免貼像冊

coil-bound fold-type insertion photo album 穿簧摺疊式插袋像冊

coil-moving speaker 動圈式揚聲器

coil-skin pass mill 卷材平整機

coil-temper mill 卷材平整機

coiled aluminium alloy sheet 鋁合金卷片

coiled bar 成盤條鋼

coiled electrode 盤繞電焊條

coiled filament lamp bulb 卷絲燈泡

coiled filament 螺鏇燈絲

coiled inner tube 蛇形內管

coiled material 卷材

coiled pipe cooler 盤管式冷卻器

coiled pure aluminium sheet 純鋁卷片

coiled radiator 盤管散熱器

coiled silicon steel sheet 矽鋼片

coiled spring 盤簧

coiled steel 成卷帶鋼

coiled tube 盤管

coiled waveguide 卷繞式波導管

coiler for trimmings 廢邊卷取機

coiler gear 輥式卷取機

coiler kickoff 拔卷機

coiler 蛇形管

coiling machine 卷取機

coiling pipe bender 盤管機

coiling reel 帶材卷取機

coilless oscillator 無線圈振盪器

coimbatore cotton 薩勒姆棉

coin operated billiard table 投幣啟動式檯球桌

coin operated washing machine 投幣啟動式洗衣機

coin silver 貨幣銀

coin 硬幣

coin-box telephone 投幣式電話機

coin-feed televisor 投幣電視機

coin-in-the-slot machine 自動收幣機

coinage alloy 貨幣合金

coinage bronze 貨幣青銅

coinage gold 貨幣金

coinage nickel 硬幣鎳

coincidence adder 符合加法器

coincidence amplifier 重合放大器

coincidence analyser 重合分析儀

coincidence and anti-coincidence analyzer 符合及反符合分析器

coincidence counter 符合計數器

coincidence sensor 符合感測器

coincidence tube 符合管

coincidence-blocking oscillator 重合間歇振盪器

coining machine 壓幣機

coining mill 壓花機

coining press 精壓機

coir broom 椰子皮掃帚

coir brush 棕刷

coir fibre mattress 椰殼纖維墊

coir fibre rope 椰殼纖維繩

coir fibre 椰殼纖維

coir hand brush 椰子皮手刷

coir mat 棕席

coir mattress 棕墊

coir rain cape 蓑衣

coir rope 棕繩

coir yarn 椰殼纖維紗

coir 椰殼纖維

coke booster 撒焦器

coke burner 煉焦爐

coke car 熄焦車