
2008夏季奧運會2008 summer olympics

國際奧委會the international olympic committee (ioc)

申辦城市the bidding cities

候選城市 the candidate cities

申辦2008年奧運會bid for 2008 olympics

beijing 2008 olympic games bidding committee (bobico)

主辦2008年奧運會host the 2008 olympic games

奧林匹克精神the olympic ideals; the olympic spirit

世界奧林匹克日the international olympic day

環境保護 protect the environment

北京四環路the fourth ring road in beijing

城市基礎設施建設the city's infrastructure construction

最後的投票make the final vote

綠色奧運the green olympics

科技奧運the scientific games

節水龍頭water-saving taps

再生紙recycled writing paper

廢電池used batteries

無氟冰櫃freon-free refrigerators

閉路電視close-circuit television

友好大使the goodwill ambassador

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長跑a long-distance running

世界大學生運動會the universiade