
accession tax 財產增值稅、財產增益稅
additional tax 附加稅
admission tax 入場稅
allowable tax credit 稅款可抵免稅;準予扣除稅額
amended tax return 修正後稅款申報書
animal slaughter tax 動物屠宰稅
annual income tax return 年度所得稅申報表
assessed tax. 估定稅額
assessment of tax 稅捐估定
asset tax 資產稅
back tax 欠繳稅款;未繳稅額
business tax (工商)營業稅;工商稅
capital tax 資本稅:<美>按資本額稽徵;<英>指資本利得稅和資本轉讓稅(=[縮]ctt)<英>資本轉讓稅
capital transfer tax 資本轉移稅;資本過戶稅
company income tax / company tax 公司所得稅
corporate profit tax / corporation profit tax 公司利潤稅;公司利得稅
corporate profits after taxes <美>公司稅後利潤(額);公司稅後收益(額)
corporate profits before taxes <美>公司稅前利潤(額);公司稅前收益(額)
corporation tax act <美>公司稅法
corporation tax rate 公司稅稅率
deferred income tax 遞延所得稅
deferred income tax liability 遞延所得稅負債
deferred tax 遞延稅額;遞延稅額
development tax 開發稅;發展稅
direct tax 直接稅
dividend tax 股利稅;股息稅
earnings after tax (=[縮]eat)(納)稅後盈利;(納)稅後收益(額)
earnings before interest and tax (=[縮]ebit)繳付息稅前收益額;息稅前利潤
effective tax rate 實際稅率
employment tax 就業稅;職業稅;雇用稅
entertainment tax 娛樂稅;筵席捐
estate tax 遺產稅
estimated income tax payable 估計應付所得稅;預估應付所得稅
estimated tax 估計稅金
exchange tax 外匯稅
excise tax ①[國內]稅;[國內]貨物稅
export tax 出口稅
export tax relief 出口稅額減免
factory payroll taxes 工廠工薪稅
factory tax [產品]出廠稅
fine for tax overdue 稅款滯納金
fine on tax makeup 補稅罰款
franchise tax 特許經營稅;專營稅
free of income tax (=[縮]f.i.t.)<美>免付所得稅
import tax 進口稅
income before interest and tax 利息前和稅前收益
income after taxes 稅後收益;稅後利潤
income tax ([縮]=it)所得稅
income tax benefit 所得稅可退稅款
income tax credit 所得稅稅額抵免
income tax deductions 所得稅扣款;所得稅減除額
income tax exemption 所得稅免除額
income tax expense 所得稅費用
income tax law 所得稅法
income tax liability 所得稅負債
income tax on enterprises 企業所得稅
income tax payable 應付所得稅
income tax prepaid 預交所得稅
income tax rate 所得稅率
income tax return 所得稅申報表
income tax surcharge 所得附加稅
income tax withholding 所得稅代扣
increment tax;tax on value added 增值稅
individual income tax return 個人所得稅申報表
individual tax 個人稅
inheritance tax <美>繼承稅;遺產稅;遺產繼承稅
investment tax credit (=[縮]itc/i.t.c.)<美>投資稅款減除額;投資稅款寬減額;投資減稅額
liability for payroll taxes 應付工薪稅
local tax / rates 地方稅
luxury tax 奢侈(品)稅
marginal tax rate 邊際稅率
notice of tax payment 繳稅通知;納稅通知書
nuisance tax <美>繁雜捐稅;小額消費品稅
payroll tax 工薪稅;工資稅;<美>工薪稅
payroll tax expense 工薪稅支出;工資稅支出
payroll tax return 工薪所得稅申報書;工資所得稅申報書
personal income tax 個人所得稅
personal income tax exemption 個人所得稅免除
personal tax 對人稅;個人稅;直接稅
prepaid tax 預付稅捐
pretax earnings 稅前收益;稅前盈餘;稅前盈利
pretax income 稅前收入;稅前收益;稅前所得
pretax profit 稅前利潤
product tax 產品稅
production tax 產品稅;生產稅
profit tax 利得稅;利潤稅
progressive income tax 累進所得稅;累退所得稅
progressive income tax rate 累進所得稅率
progressive tax 累進稅
progressive tax rate 累進稅率
property tax 財產稅
property tax payable 應付財產稅
property transfer tax 財產轉讓稅
rate of taxation;tax rate 稅率
reserve for taxes 稅捐準備(金)納稅準備(金)
retail taxes 零售稅
sales tax 銷售稅;營業稅
tax accountant 稅務會計師
tax accounting 稅務會計
tax accrual workpaper 應計稅金計算表
tax accruals 應計稅金;應計稅款
tax accrued / accrued taxes 應計稅收
tax administration 稅務管理
tax audit 稅務審計;稅務稽核
tax authority 稅務當局
tax benefit <美>納稅利益
tax benefit deferred 遞延稅款抵免
tax bracket 稅(收等)級;稅別;稅階;稅檔
tax collector 收稅員
tax credits <美>稅款扣除數;稅款減除數
tax deductible expense 稅收可減費用
tax deductions <美>課稅所得額扣除數
tax due (到期)應付稅款
tax evasion 逃稅;漏稅;偷稅
tax exemption / exemption of tax / tax free 免稅(額)
tax law 稅法
tax liability 納稅義務
tax loss 納稅損失;稅損
tax on capital profit 資本利得稅;資本利潤稅
tax on dividends 股息稅;紅利稅
tax payment 支付稅款;納稅
tax penalty 稅務罰款
tax rate reduction 降低稅率
tax rebate (出口)退稅
tax refund 退還稅款
tax return 稅款申報書;納稅申報表
tax savings 稅金節約額
tax withheld 扣繳稅款;已預扣稅款
tax year 課稅年度;納稅年度
taxable 可徵稅的;應納稅的
taxable earnings 應稅收入
taxable income (=[縮]ti)可徵稅收入(額);應(課)稅所得(額);應(課)稅收益(額)
taxable profit 應(課)稅利潤
taxation guideline 稅務方針;稅務指南
taxes payable 應繳稅金,應付稅款
tax-exempt income 免稅收入;免稅收益;免稅所得
tax-free profit 免稅利潤
taxpayer 納稅人
transaction tax 交易稅;流通稅
transfer tax ①轉讓稅;過戶稅②交易稅
turnover tax 周轉稅;交易稅
undistributed taxable income 未分配課稅所得;未分配應稅收益
untaxed income 未納稅所得;未上稅收益
use tax 使用稅
value added tax (=[縮]vat)增值稅
wage bracket withholding table 工新階層扣稅表
withholding income tax <美>預扣所得稅;代扣所得稅
withholding of tax at source 從源扣繳稅款
withholding statement 扣款清單;扣繳憑單
withholding tax 預扣稅款