
商標術語(中文) 商標術語(英文)
世界貿易組織《wto》 world trade organization
關稅及貿易總協定《gatt》 general agreement on tariffs and trade
亞太經濟合作組織《apec》 asia pacific economic cooperation
與貿易有關的智慧財產權協定《trips》 agreement on trade related aspects of intellectual property rights
世界智慧財產權組織《wipo》 world intellectual property organization
保護智慧財產權聯合國際局 international board of intellectual property right
保護工業產權巴黎公約 paris convention for the protection of industrial property
商標國際註冊馬德里協定 madrid agreement concerning the international registration of marks
商標註冊條約《trt》 trade mark registration treaty
商標註冊用商品與國際分類尼斯協定 nice agreement concerning the international classification of ggods and services for the purpose of the registration of marks
建立商標圖形要素國際分類維也納協定 vienna agreement for establishing and international classfication of the figurative elements of marks
專利合作條約《pct》 patent co-operation treaty
共同體專利公約 community產patent convention
斯特拉斯堡協定《sa》 strasbourg agreement
工業外觀設計國際保存海牙協定 the hague agreement concerning the international deposit of industrial designs
工業外觀設計國際分類洛迦諾協定 locarno agreement on establishing and international classification for industrial designs
商標,外觀設計與地理標記法律常設委員會(sct) standing committee on the law of trademarks,industrial  design  and gergraphical indication
國際專利文獻中心《inpadoc》 international patent documentation center
歐洲專利局《epo》 european patent office
歐洲專利公約 european patent convention
比荷盧商標局 trade mark offiice of belgium-holland-luxemburg
法語非洲智慧財產權組織 organization of african intellectual property
國際商標協會 the international trademark association
中華人民共和國商標法 ttrademark law of the peoples republic of china
英國商標法 trademark law of united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
美國商標法 trademark law of the united states of america
日本商標法 japanese trademark law
商標 trade mark
商標局 trade mark officce
商標法 trademark law
文字商標 word mark
圖形商標 figurative mark
組合商標 associated mark
保證商標 certification mark
集體商標 collective mark
馳名商標 well-known mark
著名商標 famouys mark
近似商標 similar mark
防禦商標  defensive mark
服務標記 service mark
註冊商標 registered mark
商標註冊申請人 trade mark registrant
註冊申請日 application date of trade mark
註冊申請號 application number
商標註冊證 trade mark registration certificate
商標註冊號 trade mark registration number
商標註冊日  trade mark registration date
商標註冊簿 trade mark registered book
註冊有效期 the term of validity
商標註冊官 examination for trade mark registration
註冊查詢 trade mark enquiries
註冊續展 renewal of trade mark
分別申請 separate application
重新申請 new registration
別行申請  new application
變更申請 application regarding changes
註冊代理 trade mark agency
註冊公告 trade mark publication
申請註冊 application for registration
續展註冊 renewal of registration
轉讓註冊 registration of assignment
變更註冊人名義/地址/其它註冊事項 modification of name/address of registrant/other matters
補發商標證書 reissuance of registration certificate
註銷註冊商標 removal
證明 certification
異議 opposition
使用許可契約備案 recordal of license contract
駁回商標複審 review of refused trademark
駁回續展複審 review of refused renewal
駁迴轉讓複審 review of refused assignment
撤銷商標複審 review of adjudication on opposition
異議複審 review of adjudication on opposition
爭議裁定 adjudication on disputed registered trademark
撤銷註冊不當裁定 adjudication on cancellation of improperly registered trademark
撤銷註冊不當複審 review on cancellation of improperly registered trademark
處理商標糾紛案件 dealing with infringement
優先權 priority
註冊申請優先日 date of priority
註冊商標使用人 user of registered trade mark
註冊商標專用權 exclusive right to use registered trade mark
註冊商標的轉讓 assignment of registered trade mark
商標的許可使用 licensing of registered trade mark
使用在先原則 principle of first to use
註冊在先原則 principle of first application
商標國際分類 international classfication of goods
專利 patent
專利權 patent right
專利權人 patentee
專利代理 patent agency
產品專利 product patent
專利性 patentablity
專利申請權 right to apply for a patent
實用新穎 utility model
專有性 monopoly
專利的新穎性 novelty of patent
專利的實用性 practical applicability
專利的創造性 inventive
專利檔案 patent document
專利申請檔案 patent application document
專利請求書 patent request
專利說明書 patent specification
專利要求書 patent claim
專利證書 letter of patent
商標淡化法 trademark dilution act
商標權的權利窮竭 exhaustion trademark
平行進口 parallel import
灰色進口 gray import
反向假冒 reverse passing-off
顯行反向假冒 express reverse passing-off
