
  利潤分配表   會外工02表-1lin         單位:元 aji       行次   本年實際   上年實際   項目實際         淨利潤         減 :職工獎勵及福利基金         儲備基金 :         企業發展基金         利潤轉作投資         加 :年初未分配利潤         已彌補虧損         可供分配的利潤         減 :已分配股利         其中:中方股利         外方股利         利潤歸還投資         年末未分配利潤      

★ 本信息僅供參考。

statement of profit appropiation

statement of profit appropiation   from aji-02 sup.1   for the year ended dec.31,1996   monetary unit:yuan   items   line no.   this year's   last year's       actual   actual   net income         less: staff and workers' bonus and welfare fund         reserve fund         enterprise expansion fund         profit reinvestment         add: undistributable profits at beginning of year         recovery accumulated losses         profit available for distribution to owners         less: dividends declared         including: chinese investment         foreign investment         profits capitalized on return of investment         undistributed profits at end of year