
 暖氣裝置 warming device
 翹曲面 warped surface
 洗手間 water closet (wc)
 水唧筒,水壓缸 water cylinder
 水位計,水位表 water gauge
 水線 waterline (wl)
 水容器 water receiver
 供水管 water service pipe
 水密門 water tight door
 波周期 wave period
 鎮波器 wave subduer
 焊工 welding operator (or welder)
 焊粉 welding powder
 焊接程式 welding procedure
 焊接品質,鍛接品質 welding quality
 焊接變壓器 welding transformer
 再生泵 wesco pump
 浸水面 wetted surface
 輪,舵輪 wheel
 蝸輪 worm wheel
 翼輪級 wheel stage
 小滑車 whip
 風速 wind velocity
 翼形葉片 wing blade
 冬期木材載重線 winter timber loadline
 金屬線,鋼索,鋼絲,電線,線 wire
 鋼絲夾 wire clip
 無線電探向儀 wireless direction finder
 [無線電]報務員 wireless (or radio) operator
 配線屬具 wiring fittings
 撤消船級 withdrawal of classification
 工場 work shop
 壁開關 wall switch
 暖機運轉 warming (or heating) up
 警告信號 warning signal
 水泥漿 wash cement
 甲板沖水管 wash deck pipe
 洗淨煤 washed coal
 淨水器 water purifier
 供水裝置 water service
 瓦特小時計 watt hour meter
 波形解析 wave analysis
 導波管彎頭 wave guide bend
 波列 wave train
 迎風舷 weather side
 重量計算 weight calculation
 焊接管,有縫管 welded tube
 焊接熱 weld heat
 焊接合,鍛接合 welding joint
 焊條塗藥機 welding rod extrusion press
 焊接符號 welding symbols
 焊接電壓 welding voltage
 濕式空氣泵 wet air pump
 濕燃室鍋爐 wet combustion chamber boiler
 潮濕度,潤濕度 wetness
 鏈輪 wild cat wheel
 絞車,絞機 winch
 螺鏇梯 winding stairs
 風損 wind loss
 窗 window
 風斗 wind scoop (or scooper shoe)
 風洞 wind tunnel
 風向風速計 windvane and anemovane
 金屬絲網 wire gauze
 布線圖 wiring diagram
 木柱 wooden pillar
 木船 wooden ship
 木螺絲 wood screw
 木包板 wood sheathing
 波浪跡流 wave wake
 [接近受補船]艉燈 wake light
 不定分段焊接法 wandering block method
 警示燈 warning light
 沖洗槽 wash trough
 水道 water course
 噴水器 water jet ejector
 救生圈燈 water light
 水壓機 water press
 水密艙區劃分 watertight subdivision
 波谷 wave hollow
 波高頻度分布圖 wave scatter diagram
 波剪力 wave shearing force
 波斜度 wave slope
 氣象圖 weather chart
 氣象觀測船 weather ship
 起錨 weigh anchor
 焊接熱 welding heat
 焊接長度 weld length
 濕燃室 wet combustion chamber
 捕鯨母船 whale mother ship
 絞車冷凝器 winch condenser
 絞機操作員 winch man
 表面流,風偏移 wind drift
 帆船,帆船船員 windjammer
 風屏 wind screen (or shield)
 冬期乾舷 winter freeboard
 卷索筒 wire drum
 供線馬達 wire feed motor
 木材放置場 wood yard
 工藝 workmanship
 蝸桿 worm
 蝸[形齒]輪 worm gear
 編紗束,紗束布(frp) woven roving (or roving cloth)
 皺摺面 wrinkled surface
 舯備用錨 waist anchor
 卷索絞機 warping winch
 水位計玻璃管 water gauge glass
 水位 water level (wl)
 水密艙口 water tight hatch
 水密瀝青 water tight pitch
 水密閘門 water tight sluice door
 水密試驗 watertight test
 距波高度 wave clearance
 興波黏性阻力 wave making viscous resistance
 波陡比 wave steepness ratio
 風化作用 weathering
 重,重量 weight
 度量衡 weights and measures
 焊工,電焊機 welder
 焊接速率 welding speed
 焊接技術 welding technique
 焊接嘴 welding tip
 井,池 well
 濕存法(鍋爐) wet process
 鯨加工船 whale factory ship
 白心展性鑄鐵 white heart malleable cast iron
 鋼絲索 wire guy
 無線電操控 wireless control
 [繞]索筒 wire reel
 鍛鋼,焊接鋼 wrought steel
 耐受電壓 withstand voltage
 排水口 wash (or freeing) port
 廢棄物 waste
 水冷[式]軸承 water cooled bearing
 水滴分離器 water drop seperator
 水監視器 water monitor
 水線面 waterplane
 水線面力矩 waterplane moment
 防水 waterproof
 水變阻器 water rheostat
 水密工作 water tight work
 水管壁 water wall
 波峰 wave crest
 導波輸送線 wave guide transmission line
 磨損,轉向迎風行駛 wearing
 耐候電纜 weather proof cable
 氣象符號 weather symbol
 加權 weighting
 韋耳泵 weir's pump
 焊接管,有縫管 welded pipe
 焊規 weld gage (or gauge)
 焊接加熱量控制 weld heat input control
 焊接設計 welding design
 焊條 welding rod
 焊接間距 weld spacing
 捕鯨船,小艇 whaler
 輪負荷 wheel load
 白鋅漆 white zinc paint
 船身受風面,氣流,起風 windage
 風向 wind direction
 風力推進船 wind driven vessel
 繞組 winding
 水車化螺槳 windmilling propeller
 側軸 wing shaft
 冬期北大西洋乾舷 winter north atlantic freeboard
 線流作用(蒸汽),抽絲 wire drawing
 線框模型(cad) wire frame model
 無線電報 wireless telegraph
 無線電話 wireless telephone
 懸纜下井法(鑽油) wire line work
 木船構造 wood ship construction
 工作壓力 working pressure
 內膛 working tube
 工作間用具 work shop appliance
 車輛甲板 wagon deck
 跡流因子,跡流係數 wake coefficient (or factor, or fraction)
 列式電動作業系統 ward leonard system
 拖索,翹曲 warp
 翹曲剛性 warping rigidity
 甲板清洗水 wash deck water
 廢物排除管 waste pipe
 廢汽管 waste steam pipe
 水力制動馬力計 water brake dynamometer
 噴水 water jet
 水幕,水簾 water screen
 水封 water seal
 供水管路圖 water service plan
 灑水 water sprinkle
 水船,泵匠(蒸汽船) water tender
 水密艙壁 watertight bulkhead
 水密蓋 water tight cover
 水密甲板 water tight deck
 水閘,水阱 water trap
 波形高 wave elevation
 波高 wave height
 風雨負荷 weather load
 風雨密蓋 weather proof cover
 大肋骨 web frame
 焊接頭 welding head
 焊接程式試驗 welding procedure test
 井圍甲板船 well deck vessel
 井頭,井頂(鑽油) well head
 浸透 wet-out
 濡濕 wet through
 捕鯨船,小艇 whale boat
 碼頭費 wharfage
 白鉛漆 white lead paint
 白鋅 white zinc
 絞機座 winch bed
 雨刷 window wiper
 風阻力 wind resistance
 冬期載重線 winter loadline (w)
 供[焊]線裝置 wire drive unit (or wire feeder)
 木製家具 wooden furniture
 木護舷材,木碰墊 wood fender
 工作手冊 work book
 工作汽缸 working cylinder
 誤操作警報 wrong operation alarm
 熟鐵,鍛鐵,焊接鋼 wrought iron
 跡流,伴流 wake
 適跡[流]螺槳 wake adapted propeller
 跡流量測 wake survey
 穿壁套管 wall bushing
 導索樁 warping chock
 水船 water boat (or tender)
 船舶 water craft
 漏斗,水筒 water funnel
 水錘作用 water hammering action
 水壓 water pressure
 浸水季化 water seasoning
 消波器 wave absorber
 波幅 wave amplitude
 波形 wave profile
 軌端壓力(下水) way end pressure
 帆幅,信號旗 weft
 重量控制 weight control
 重量明細表 weight schedule
 焊接裂紋 weld crack
 焊接部份 welded part
 電焊電纜 welding cable
 焊接構造 welding construction
 焊接用夾具 welding jigs and fixtures
 電焊機 welding machine
 焊接標記,焊接痕 welding mark
 氣焊炬,氣焊噴燈 welding torch
 焊接間隔 weld interval
 焊接金屬 weld metal
 焊趾 weld toe
 井圍甲板 well deck
 潮濕區域 wet space
 捕鯨炮 whale gun
 駕駛室,操舵房 wheel house
 鏇動,漩渦,幌動 whirling
 白色菱型標誌(海底工作) white diamond shape
 木船建造廠 wooden shipyard
 木釘 wood nail
 木墊,木枕 wood pad
 工人,作業員 worker
 運轉配合,可動配合 working fit
 技工 workman
 功比(燃氣渦輪機) work ratio
 繞線轉子 wound rotor
 蒸汽消費率 wr (= water rate)
 肘銷,活塞銷 wrist pin
 廢熱 waste heat
 廢油泵 waste oil pump
 飲水桶(救生艇) water breaker
 推水螺鏇槳 water screw
 水密接合 water tight joint
 波系 wave system
 道,軌,台 ways
 氣候調整 weather adjustment
 露天甲板 weather deck
 逆轉軸 weigh (or reversing) shaft
 重量及重心估 weight and center of gravity estimate
 可焊性,可鍛性 weldability
 焊道接縫 weld bond
 熔接合,鍛接合 welded joint
 焊接護目鏡 welding goggles
 焊接方式 welding manner
 焊接操作 welding operation
 焊接法 welding process
 焊接順序 welding sequence
 焊接溫度 welding temperature
 焊接殘留應力 weld residual stress
 焊接時間 weld time
 液體羅經 wet compass
 鯨背甲板 whale back deck
 鯨背甲板船 whale back steamer
 狂風(十級風) whole gale
 寬距[強力]柱 widely spaced pillar
 表面流 wind current (or drift)
 風向影向係數 wind direction effect coefficient
 翼艙壁 wing bulkhead
 無線電室 wireless room
 切繩器 wire rope cutter
 鳥胸骨式牽索帆船 wishbone rigged ketch
 耐受電壓 withstand voltage
 木工車床 wood lathe
 加工木材 worked timber
 工作船,作業船 work ship
 遇難船,遇難 wreck
 沈船裝燈浮標 wreck light buoy
 噴水滅火系統 water spray fire extinguishing system
 水密 water tight
 水密穿線管 water tight cable gland (or stuffing tube)
 水密肋板 water tight floor
 水管鍋爐 water tube boiler
 舷緣水道,排水道 water way
 波載彎曲力矩 wave bending moment
 波向 wave direction
 波型阻力 wave pattern resistance
 波陡度 wave steepness
 波面 wave surface
 透波觀念(鑽油船) wave transparent concept
 前帆耳(帆前緣下隅) weather clew
 尖劈,楔 wedge
 重量馬力比 weight-horsepower ratio
 焊接延遲時間 weld delay time
 焊接金屬面積 weld metal area
 濕修整 wet trimming
 抖動,顫抖 whipping
 船身受風面積 wind area
 風洞 wind channel (or tunnel)
 絞盤樁 windlass bitt
 木[制]甲板室 wooden deckhouse
 木屏 wood screen
 加工硬化 work hardening
 工作件 work piece
 蝸輪 worm wheel
 衛盛頓泵 worthington pump
 焊接電流 welding current
 焊接應力 welding stress
 焊接尺寸 weld size
 鯨油 whale oil
 碼頭吊車 wharf crane
 輪距(車輛) wheel base
 白色燈 white light
 白生鐵 white pig iron
 寬幅葉片 wide blade
 寬墊片 wide liner
 鋼絲刷,銅絲刷 wire brush
 鋼索 wire rope
 工作計畫,工作圖,施工圖 working plan
 工作衝程 working stroke