
c2c: card-to-card interleaving,卡到卡交錯存取
cc-numa(cache-coherent non uniform memory access,連貫緩衝非統一記憶體定址)
chrp(common hardware reference platform,共用硬體平台,ibm為powerpc制定的標準,可以兼容mac os, windows nt, solaris, os/2, linux和aix等多種作業系統)
emp: emergency management port,緊急事件管理連線埠
icmb: inter-chassis management bus, 內部管理匯流排
mpp(massive parallel processing,巨量平行處理架構)
mux: data path multiplexor,多重路徑數據訪問

cti:computer telephone integration,計算機電話綜合技術
dbs: direct broadcast satellite,直接衛星廣播
dwdm: dense wavelength division multiplex,波長密集型復用技術
mmds: multichannel multipoint distribution service,多波段多點分發服務
pcm: pulse code modulation,脈衝編碼調製
pstn(public switched telephone network,公用交換式電話網)
tapi: telephony application programming interface,電話應用程式接口
tsapi: telephony services application programming interface,電話服務應用程式接口
wdm: wavelength division multiplex,波分多路復用

arpg(action role play games,動作角色扮演遊戲)
avg(adventure genre,冒險類遊戲)
ffj: force feedback joystick(力量反匱式操縱桿)
fpp(first person game,第一人稱遊戲)
ftg(fighting game,格鬥類遊戲)
gb(game boy,任天堂4位手提遊戲機)
gbc(game boy color,任天堂手提16色遊戲機)
gg(game gear,世嘉彩色手提遊戲機)
fps(frames per second,幀/秒)
fr(frames rate,遊戲運行幀數)
n64(nintendo 64,任天堂64位遊戲機)
sfc(super famicom,超級任天堂16位遊戲機)
slg(simulation game,模擬類遊戲)
spg(sports games,運動類遊戲)
srpg(strategies role play games,戰略角色扮演遊戲)
stg(shoot game,射擊類遊戲)
ss(sega saturn,世嘉土星32位遊戲機)
pc(personal computer,個人計算機)
ps(play station,索尼32位遊戲機)
ps(pocket station,索尼手提遊戲機)
rts(real time strategies,實時戰略)
rpg(role play games,角色扮演遊戲)
tab(table chess,桌棋類遊戲)

adsl: asymmetric digital subscriber line,不對稱數字訂閱線路
ah: authentication header,鑑定檔案頭
amr(audio/modem riser,音效/數據主機板附加直立插卡)
arp(address resolution protocol,地址解析協定)
atm(asynchronous transfer mode,異步傳輸模式)
bod(bandwidth on demand,彈性頻寬運用)
cbr(committed burst rate,約定突發速率)
ccirn: coordinating committee for intercontinental research networking,洲際研究網路協調委員會
ccm(call control manager,撥號控制管理)
cdsl: consumer digital subscriber line(消費者數字訂閱線路)
cgi(common gateway interface,通用網關接口)
ciea: commercial internet exchange association,商業網際網路交易協會
cir(committed infomation rate,約定信息速率)
cts(clear to send,清除傳送)
dbs-pc: direct broadcast satellite pc(人造衛星直接廣播式pc)
dce: data circuit terminal equipment,數據通信設備
des: data encryption standard,數據加密標準
dmt: discrete multi - tone,不連續多基頻模式
dns(domain name system,域名系統)
docsis(data over cable service interface specifications,線纜服務接口數據規格)
dte: data terminal equipment,數據終端設備
ebr(excess burst rate,超額突發速率)
esp: encapsulating security payload,壓縮安全有效載荷
fdm: frequency division multi,頻率分離
fricc: federal research internet coordinating committee,聯邦調查網際網路協調委員會
ftp(file transfer protocol,檔案傳輸協定)
ghost:(general hardware oriented system transfer,全面硬體導向系統轉移)
hdsl: high bit rate dsl,高比特率數字訂閱線路
http(hypertext transfer protocol,超文本傳輸協定)
icmp(internet control message protocol,網際網路信息控制協定)
ietf(internet engineering task framework,網際網路工程任務組)
ike: internet key exchange,網際網路密鑰交換協定
imap4: internet message access protocol version 4,第四版網際網路信息存取協定
ip(internet protocol,網際協定)
isdn(integrated service digital network,綜合服務數字網路)
isoc: internet society,網際網路協會
isp(internet service provider,網際網路服務提供商)
lan(local area network,區域網路)
ldap: lightweight directory access protocol,輕權目錄訪問協定
iab: internet activities board,網際網路工作委員會
ietf: internet engineering task force,網際網路工程作業推動
l2tp(layer 2 tunneling protocol,二級通道協定)
lmds: local multipoint distributed system,局域多點分散式系統
mime: multipurpose internet mail extension,多用途網際網路郵件擴展協定
mnp: microcom networking protocal
modem(modulator demodulator,數據機)
nat(network address translation,網路地址轉換)
nc(network computer,網路計算機)
nds: novell directory service,novell目錄服務
nntp: network news transfer protocol,網路新聞傳輸協定
msn: microsoft network,微軟網路
ofdm(orthogonal frequency division multiplexing,直角頻率部分多路復用)
p3p(privacy preference project,個人隱私安全平台)
pds: public directory support,公眾目錄支持
pgp: pretty good privacy,優良保密協定
pics: platform for internet content selection,網際網路內容選擇平台
pof: polymer optical fiber,聚合體光纖
pop3: post office protocol version 3,第三版電子郵局協定
pptp: point to point tunneling protocol,點對點通道協定
radsl: rate adaptive dsl,速率自適應數字訂閱線路
rarp(reverse address resolution protocol,反向地址解析協定)
rdf: resource dexion framework,資源描述框架
rsa(rivest shamir adlemen,一種網際網路加密和認證體系)
rts(request to send,需求傳送)
sis: switched internetworking services(交換式網路互聯服務)
s/mime: secure mime,安全多用途網際網路郵件擴展協定
snmp(simple network management protocol,簡單網路管理協定)
smtp(simple mail transfer protocol,簡單郵件傳輸協定)
skip: simple key exchange internet protocol,網際網路簡單密鑰交換協定
sua(single user account,單用戶帳號)
tcp(transmission control protocol,傳輸控制協定)
uart(universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter,通用異步接收/傳送裝置)
udp(user datagram protocol,用戶數據報協定)
uls: user location service,用戶定位服務
vod: video on demand,視頻點播
vpn: virtual private network, 虛擬區域網路
www(world wide web,全球資訊網,是網際網路的一部分)

api(application programming interfaces,應用程式接口)
ascii(american standard code for information interchange,美國國家標準信息交換代碼)
atl: activex template library(activex模板庫)
basic:beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code(初學者通用指令代碼)
com: component object model(組件對象模式)
dna: distributed internet application(分散式網際網路應用程式)
mfc: microsoft foundation classes(微軟基礎類庫)
sdk(software development kit,軟體開發工具包)

ce(consumer electronics,消費電子)
dcom: distributing component object model,構造物體模組
dhcp: dynamic host configuration protocol,動態主機分配協定
dmf: distribution media format
gdi(graphics device interface,圖形設備接口)
gui(graphics user interface,圖形用戶界面)
gpf(general protect fault,一般保護性錯誤)
hta: hypertext application,超文本應用程式
inf file(information file,信息檔案)
ini file(initialization file,初始化檔案)
ndis: network driver interface specification,網路驅動程式接口規範
nt(new technology,新技術)
qos: quality of service,服務質量
rrvp: resource reservation protocol(資源保留協定)
rtos(real time operating systems,實時作業系統)
sbfs: simple boot flag specification,簡單引導標記規範
vefat: virtual file allocation table(虛擬檔案分配表)
(vxd,virtual device drivers,虛擬設備驅動程式)
wdm(windows driver model,視窗驅動程式模組)
winsock: windows socket,視窗套接口
whql: windows hardware quality labs,windows硬體質量實驗室
whs: windows xing host,視窗腳本程式
zam: zero administration for windows,零管理視窗系統

ecc: elliptic curve crypto(橢圓曲線加密)
set: secure electronic transaction(安全電子交易)

css: cascading style sheets,層疊格式表
dcd: x content dexion for xml: xml檔案內容描述
dtd: x type definition,檔案類型定義
html(hypertext markup language,超文本標記語言)
jvm: x virtual machine, x虛擬機
oji: open x vm interface,開放x虛擬機接口
sgml: standard generalized markup language,標準通用標記語言
smil: synchronous multimedia integrate language(同步多媒體集成語言)
vrml:virtual reality makeup language,虛擬現實結構化語言
vxml(voice extensible markup language,語音擴展標記語言)
xml: extensible markup language(可擴展標記語言)
xsl: extensible style sheet language(可擴展設計語言)