70天攻克考研英語辭彙 Day 4

industrial a.
industrial revolution has greatly sped up social development.
[猜一猜]  a. 工業的 b. 先進的 c. 深刻的 d. 全方位的
[翻譯]  工業革命大大加快了社會發展。

industrialize v.
america is a highly industrialized country.
[猜一猜]  a. 開化 b.古老 c. 停止發展 d. (使)工業化
[翻譯]  美國是一個高度工業化的國家。

refusal n.
give him a blunt refusal to show that we are not easily dealt with.
[猜一猜] a. 拒絕,回絕 b. 對付 c. 避難 d. 接受
[翻譯] 直截了當拒絕他,讓他們知道我們是不好對付的。
[分析]  refus+ al 拒絕+名詞詞尾 → 拒絕,回絕

refuse v.
although i had asked for help for several times, he refused without any reason.
[猜一猜] a. 理睬 b. 答應 c. 請求 d. 拒絕,回絕
[翻譯]  儘管我已經求助過多次,但他還是毫不講理地拒絕了。
[分析]  re +fuse回 +潑,流 → 往回潑,倒流,可引申為拒絕,謝絕
[詞義擴展] n. 廢物,垃圾 refuse dump 垃圾堆
[近義詞]  reject

industrious a.
he is an industrious teacher and often works till midnight.
[猜一猜] a. 年輕的 b. 勤勉的 c. 嚴厲的 d. 心腸好的
[翻譯]  他是一個勤勉的老師,經常工作到深夜。
[大頭巧計]  industry是工業 → 像機器一樣不停地生產,很勤勉。

industry n.
light industry takes a big part in this small country.
[猜一猜] a. 工業 b. 部門 c. 發展方向 d. 政策
[翻譯]  輕工業在這個小國中占很大比重。
[詞義擴展]  勤奮,勤勉
the industry of bees is highly praised in some literature works. 一些文學作品高度讚揚了蜜蜂的勤勉。

front a.
ted seated himself in the front row.
[猜一猜] a. 後面的 b. 左邊的 c. 上部的 d. 前面的, 前部的
[翻譯] 泰德在前排落座。
[詞義擴展] n. ① 前面, 正面the front of the book was painted red. 書的正面塗成了紅色。
② 前線, 戰線, 陣線soldiers were fighting in the front, leaving their wife alone in hometown. 戰士們在前線打仗, 留下妻子獨自一個人在家鄉。
v. 面對, 朝向a sports ground fronted the fifth teaching building. 第五教學樓前有一個體育場。
[詞組] in front of 在…之前
he used to flush once he spoke in front of people. 一站在人群之前, 他就臉紅。

frontier n.
frontier disputes frequently happened between two counties in those years.
[猜一猜]  a. 前線 b. 國境, 邊境 c. 分水嶺 d. 領空
[翻譯]  那些年裡, 兩國之間的邊境衝突不斷。
[大頭巧計] front (前面的) 瞚er (名詞詞尾, 表示一種事物) → 要進入一個國家 首先要越過邊境, 所以位於一國最前面的是國境, 邊境。
[詞義擴展] n. 尖端, 新領域 frontier of science 科學新領域

recognition n.
the village has changed out of all recognition since i was there five years ago.
[猜一猜]  a. 認出,辨出 b. 夢幻 c. 變化 d. 回憶
[翻譯]  五年以來,這個鄉村大變樣,我都認不出來了。
[分析] recogn+ ition 認出,承認+ 名詞詞尾  →  認出,承認
[詞義擴展]  承認 recognition of the state is unlikely. 承認這個州是不可能的。

recognize/recognise v.
it is clear from the demonstration that the students no longer recognize the authority of the universities staff.
[猜一猜]  a. 依賴 b. 信仰 c. 遵守 d. 承認
[翻譯]  遊行很清楚地表明學生們不再承認學校的權威。
[分析] re+ cogn+ ize 重新+ know認識+ 動詞詞尾 → 認出來
[詞義擴展]  認出,識別 dogs could recognize people by their smell. 狗能靠氣味識別人。
[近義詞] identify

extravagant a.
the extravagant behavior of the officer aroused peoples wrath.
[猜一猜]  a. 廉潔的 b. 受賄的 c. 反動的 d. 奢侈的
[翻譯]  那個官員的奢侈行為激起了人們的憤怒。
[大頭巧計] 前綴extra超過;詞幹vagant漫步;游離於(正常標準)之外;引申為奢侈的;過分的;(言行等)放肆的。
[大頭例句] he will pay for his extravagant behavior.他將為他放肆的行為付出代價。
[近義詞] luxurious 奢侈的,豪華的 sumptuous 奢侈的,華麗的

frost n.
suffering frost, mandy, the poor flower girl died on the eve of christmas.
[猜一猜]  a. 炎熱,酷暑 b. 嚴寒 c. 頑疾 d. 冷漠,冷淡
[翻譯]  難以忍受嚴寒, 那個叫曼蒂的賣花的小女孩在聖誕前夜死了。

extreme a./n.
[詞義] a. 末端的,盡頭的;極端的,極度的n. 極端;最大程度;極度(狀態)
[大頭巧計] 詞幹extr超過;後綴eme形容詞詞尾;超出的;引申為極度的,極端的;末端的,盡頭的。
[大頭例句] the terrorism was carried out by an extreme factionist. 這次恐怖行動是由一個極端宗派主義者執行的。

external a.
his decision was never influenced by the external factors.
[猜一猜] a. 重要的 b. 外部的 c. 上級的 d. 細微的
[翻譯] 他的決策從來不受外界因素的影響。
[大頭巧計]  詞幹extern外部的;後綴al形容詞詞尾;即為外部的,外面的。
[大頭例句] we can absorb some advanced external thoughts in management.我們可以吸收國外先進的管理思想。
[近義詞]  exterior 外面的,外表的 outer 外部的,外面的 outside 外面的,外表的

kill v.
i am not kidding; all overdose of this drug really can kill.
[猜一猜]  a. 中毒 b. 虛脫 c. 殺死 d. 治癒
[翻譯]  我不是開玩笑,過量使用該藥的確會致命。
[詞義擴展] v. ① 破壞,毀掉the mistake has killed his determination of carrying the plan out. 那次失誤使他喪失了繼續實行計畫的決心。
② 消磨(時間)he killed the time by playing kards. 他打牌來消磨時間。
[近義詞] murder 謀殺 slay 殺,殘殺(尤敵人) slaughter 屠殺,殺戮 massacre 大量屠殺 assassinate 暗殺

land n.
i am allergic to water, so i came here by land.
[猜一猜]  a. 步行 b. 陸地 c. 乘車 d. 飛機
[翻譯]  我對水過敏,於是經陸路過來的。
[詞義擴展] n. 田地,國土,國家many farmers left the land for jobs in town.  許多農民離開莊稼地,到城鎮裡去找工作。
v. (使)登入,(使)著陸the boy fell off the tree and landed on his back. 男孩從樹上掉下來,後背著地。
[近義詞] ground 地面,場地 earth 地面,地球,土地,土壤

landing n.
the landing on moon heralds a new era of space.
[猜一猜]  a. 登入 b. 勘察 c. 搜尋 d. 圖片
[翻譯]  月球登入預示著航空史上又一個新時代的到來。
[詞義擴展] ① 著陸at the sight of the landing of the plane, all the people there waved and grined. 看到飛機著陸,人們一邊揮手一邊笑。
② 樓梯平台she felt off from the landing. 她從樓梯平台上跌下去了。

landlady n.
the landlady was very hard on her tenants.
[猜一猜] a. 女經理 b. 太太 c. 女房東 d. 婦女
[翻譯]  女房東對租戶很苛刻。

landlord n.
the landlord treated us as his family members.
[猜一猜] a. 老師 b. 房東 c. 收發員 d. 看門人
[翻譯]  房東待我們像家人一樣。

extinct a.
more and more species have been extinct due to human's destruction to the nature.
[猜一猜] a. 滅絕的 b. 豐富的 c. 稀少的 d. 存在的
[翻譯] 由於人類對大自然的破壞,越來越多的物種滅絕了。
[大頭巧計] 前綴ex出;詞幹stinct刺;被刺的沒有了;引申為滅絕的。
[詞義擴展] 熄滅了的the volcano has been extinct for over 100 years. 那座火山已經熄滅了超過100年。

extinguish v.
you are supposed to extinguish your cigarette in public places.
[猜一猜] a. 敬獻 b. 滅絕 c. 熄滅 d. 點燃
[翻譯] 在公共場合,你應該把香菸熄掉。
[大頭巧計]  前綴ex出;詞幹stinguish刺;刺出,刺滅,引申為熄滅;撲滅。
[大頭例句]  the firemen extinguished the big fire eventually. 消防隊員最終將大火撲滅了。
[近義詞]  quench 熄滅,平息 stamp on 熄滅,撲滅 put out 撲滅

frown v.
he frowned at the homework his students had just handed in.
[猜一猜] a. 皺眉 b. 撅嘴 c. 悶悶不了 d. 滿意
[翻譯]  他皺著眉看著他的學生剛剛交上來的作業。

frozen a.
frozen fish is not fresh enough for this dish.
[猜一猜] a. 油炸的 b. 冷凍的 c. 水煮過的 d. 醃製的
[翻譯] 做這道菜, 冷凍魚不夠新鮮。

accommodate v.
last night he accommodated me for the night.
[猜一猜]  a. 玩耍 b. 睡覺 c. 留宿 d. 幫助
[翻譯] 昨晚,他留我住了一夜。
[大頭巧計]  拉丁文accommodate=to fit, to adapt,使適應。
[詞義擴展] 供應,供給 accommodate sb. with sth. 向某人提供某物

accommodation n.
there is a shortage of cheap accommodation.
[猜一猜]  a. 住宿 b. 露營 c. 習慣 d. 野餐
[翻譯] 這裡缺乏便宜的住宿。
[詞義擴展]  膳食供應
look for accommodation 尋找住所
the tourists found the accommodation is reasonable. 遊客覺得膳宿費是合理的。

accordance n.
in accordance with his wishes, he was buried in his hometown.
[猜一猜] a. 完全 b. 任務 c. 目的 d. 一致
[翻譯] 根據他的願望,他被葬在家鄉.
[分析]  ac + cord + ance to + heart,心 + 抽象名詞詞尾→於心愿一致
in accordance with 與…一致
deeds in accordance with words 言行一致

did it all go according to plan?
[猜一猜]  a. 一致 b. 按照 c. 依次 d. 履行
[翻譯]  一切都按計畫進展的嗎?
[分析] ac + cord to + heart,心 → 依照心愿行事
[大頭例句]  act according to circumstances 隨機應變

upward a.
we should be optimistic because of the upward trend of the development.
[猜一猜]  a. 惡化的 b. 上升的 c. 難以預測的 d. 複雜的
[翻譯] 既然事態的發展呈上升的趨勢,我們就應該保持樂觀。
[大頭巧計]  up是上的意思,ward表示方向,合起來自然是向上了。
[詞義擴展] ad. 向上,往上,…以上
after going upward to the top floor of the building, we can have a bird view of the whole area. 登上樓頂之後,我們可以俯瞰這整個地區。

spare a.
do you have a spare wheel in your car?
[猜一猜] a. 完好的 b. 備用的 c. 另外的 d. 腳踏車的
[翻譯] 你的汽車上有備用輪胎嗎?
[聯想記憶] 由“暫不使用,多餘的”意思而來。
[詞義擴展]  v. ① 節約,節省
try to spare her as much sorrow as possible when you tell her the news. 你告訴她這個訊息的時候,儘量不要讓她傷心。
② 讓給,抽出(時間)
can you spare me a moment of your time? 我能耽擱你一會兒嗎?
[近義詞]  extra

labor / labour n.
manual labor is not inferior to mental labor.
[猜一猜] a. 勞動 b. 思考 c. 寫作 d. 看法
[翻譯]  體力勞動並不比腦力勞動低下。
[詞義擴展] n. 勞力,勞工,勞方
the fault lies in the labor not the capital. 錯在勞方,不在資方。
v. ① 勞動she has been laboring at the reception desk all the day. 她整天都在接待處忙個不停。
② 苦幹she still labored forward after a long walk.  長途跋涉後,她仍吃力地往前走。

lab/laboratory n.
many important experiments were carried out in his laboratory.
[猜一猜]  a. 實驗室 b. 家裡 c. 寢室 d. 地下室
[翻譯]  許多重要實驗都是在他的實驗室里進行的。
[分析] labor+ ory  to work + 表示地點的名詞詞尾 → 工作的地方 → 實驗室

spark n.
sparks from the fire were flying up through the chimney.
[猜一猜]  a. 濃煙 b. 灰燼 c. 火花 d. 氣體
[翻譯] 火星沿著煙囪向上飄。
[詞義擴展] v. 發火花,發電花
keep away from it, the fire is sparking dangerously. 站開點,那堆火迸出火星,十分危險。
[近義詞]  sparkle

sparkle v.
his eyes sparkled with excitement when talking about salary.
[猜一猜]  a. 閃爍 b. 盯著 c. 放光 d. 流露
[翻譯] 談到工資時,他目光閃爍顯露出激動的神情。
[聯想記憶] 由spark是“火花”,加上動詞後綴le構成。
[近義詞]  glitter, flash

flood n.
the country has become a whole to defeat the flood, which is so far the most serious one and threaten the life and poverty of people.
[猜一猜] a. 麵包 b. 冰雹 c.  洪水 d. 龍捲風
[翻譯]  洪水威脅著人的生命和財產, 為了抵抗這至今為止最為嚴重的洪災, 全國人民擰成了一股繩。
[詞義擴展] v. 淹沒, 發大水, 泛濫
the whole area has been flooded. 整個地區都已經被洪水淹沒了。
[近義詞]  deluge,inundation

conceive v.
it was then he conceived the idea of robbing a bank.
[猜一猜] a. 構想 b. 排除 c. 捕捉 d. 鬥爭
[翻譯]  就是在那一刻,他產生了搶銀行的念頭。
[分析] con+ ceive together, with+to take → 把某物帶在身邊,就是懷胎,懷有,構想的意思
[詞義擴展] ① 以為 she conceived that she was followed by a man. 她以為有一個男子在跟蹤她。
② 懷胎 it is a disgrace for her family that she conceived a baby before she got married. 她沒結婚就懷了孕,這給她的家庭帶來了極大的恥辱。

concern v.
reform of educational system concerns our own interests.
[猜一猜] a. 威脅 b. 關係到 c. 解散 d. 有利於
[翻譯]  教育制度的改革關係到我們自身的利益。
[分析]  con+ cern together+to eliminate, to separate → 經過分離,淘汰,把相同的東西集合在一塊, 即可想到有關係,涉及到的意思
[詞義擴展] v. 關心,掛念 
don't concern too much about your future. 別為未來擔心。
n. ① 關心,掛念 
it proved that my concern is excessive.  事情證明了我的掛念是多餘的。
② 利害關係
his business is no concern of mine. 他的事與我無關。
[詞義擴展] so/as far as... be concerned 在…看來
as far as i am concerned, corruption is avoidable with the restriction of law.在我看來,腐敗是可以通過法律的約束避免的。
be concerned with 關心,掛念,從事於
the mother is concerned with her son’s constitution. 母親掛念兒子的健康。

concerning prep.
concerning this subject, i'm of mr. smith's opinion.
[猜一猜]  a. 提起 b. 關於 c. 討論 d. 放心
[翻譯] 關於這個問題我同意史密斯的觀點。
[分析] concern+ ing 關心,掛念 + 形容詞詞尾 → 有關的,相關的

invalid n.
he was injured in world war ⅰ and remained invalid for the rest of his life.
[猜一猜]  a. 低調 b. 殘廢 c. 消沉 d. 悲觀
[翻譯] 他在一戰中受傷,後半生成了殘廢。
[詞義擴展]  a. ① 有病的,傷殘的
she treated her invalid mother quite well.  她對她抱病的母親很好。
② 供病人使用的
the park was invalid to patients.  這個公園供病人使用。

invalid a.
they haven't got a marriage certificate so their marriage is declared to be invalid.
[猜一猜]  a. 合法的 b. 解散 c. 受罰 d. 無效的
[翻譯] 他們沒有領結婚證書,於是婚姻宣布是無效的。
[詞義擴展] 作廢的
the law is out of date and thus invalid.  這條法律已過時,於是被作廢了。

knot n.
he asked me to tie a knot in a rope.
[猜一猜] a. 圓環 b. 結 c. 洞 d. 燒斷
[翻譯] 他讓我在繩上打個結。
[詞義擴展] n. ① (樹)節
music has power to soothe a avage brest, to soften rocks or bend a knot oak.  音樂有魅力去撫慰那狂野的胸懷,軟化岩石,或折彎那盤根錯節的橡樹。
② 節(二海里 / 小時)
the ship headed off westward at a rate of knots. 輪船以極快的速度向西航行。
v. 打結
his wife always knots his tie well before he leaves. 走之前,妻子都會幫他打好領帶。

natural a.
it is natural for a fish to swim.
[猜一猜]  a. 辛苦的 b. 正常的 c. 反常的 d. 罕見的
[翻譯]  魚兒會游泳是正常的。
[分析] nature+ al 自然,名詞+形容詞後綴,表示…的 → 自然的,天然的
[詞義擴展] 自然界的,天然的,天賦的,固有的
many natural materials are becoming scare. 許多天然原材料都越來越少了。

nature n.
nature makes most trees lose their leaves in winter.
[猜一猜] a. 大自然 b. 宇宙 c. 空間 d. 疲憊
[翻譯]  大自然使多數樹木在冬天落葉。
[分析]  nat + ure 出生,天生+ 名詞後綴 → 大自然,天性,本性
[詞義擴展] 性質,本性,天性
the substance has a hard, bitter nature. 這種物質具有堅硬,易碎的特徵。
by nature 天生,就其本性而言 he is strong by nature. 他天生剛強。
in nature 本質上 it is a change in nature. 這是本質上的變化。

stereo n./a.
in my 16th birthday, my father bought me a stereo radio as my present.
[猜一猜] a. 新穎的 b. 穩定的 c. 立體聲的 d. 昂貴的
[翻譯] 在我16歲生日時,爸爸送給我一台立體聲收音機作為生日禮物。
[近義詞] hi瞗i(= high fidelity)高保真度,具有高保真度的收音機[錄音機、留聲機]

luxury a.
he objected on principle to luxury and ostentation.
[猜一猜] a. 裝飾 b. 奢侈 c. 浪費 d. 節儉
[翻譯]  他反對奢侈擺闊。
[詞義擴展]  n. 奢侈品
in some places, white bread is luxury. 在有些地方,饅頭就是奢侈品。

stick n.
he is blind, but he can walk without a walking stick.
[猜一猜] a. 盲人道 b. 導盲犬 c. 手杖 d. 墨鏡
[翻譯] 他是個盲人,但沒有手杖也能走路。
[詞義擴展] v. ① 刺,戳,扎
a thorn stuck me in the hand. 一根刺扎在我手上。
② 貼上
stick the broken pieces together with glue. 用膠水把碎片粘到一起。
stick out  ① 伸出,突出
his front teeth stick out. 他的門牙向前突出。
② 堅持到底 
she had an acute stomach ache but she managed to work out the problem before going to the hospital. 她胃部劇痛,但還是強忍著直到把問題解決了才上醫院。
stick to  堅持,忠於,堅守
if you stick to the truth, you have nothing to fear. 如果你堅持真理,你就沒什麼好怕的。

sticky a.
his fingers are sticky with jam.
[猜一猜]  a. 酸味的 b. 漂亮的 c. 好味的 d. 粘的
[翻譯]  他的手指因有果醬而發粘。
[大頭巧計]  stick +y 貼上+形容詞詞尾 → 粘的

machine n.
i'll show you how to start the machine.
[猜一猜] a. 機器 b. 零件 c. 工具 d. 玩具
[翻譯]  我會教你怎樣啟動這種機器。
[詞義擴展] v. 用機器加工
all these parts were machined strictly to specification. 所有這些部分都進行了嚴格的加工。

machinery n.
i saw no big machinery at any of the factories i visited.
[猜一猜] a. 廠房 b. 機器 c. 工具 d. 倉庫
[翻譯] 我在我所參觀過的工廠都看不到大的機器。
[大頭例句] the ship's machinery is being overhauled.  船上的機器正在進行大檢修。

extraordinary a.
the great wall is one of the most extraordinary architectures in the world.
[猜一猜] a. 宏偉的 b. 古老的 c. 不尋常的 d. 珍貴的
[翻譯] 長城是世界上最不尋常的建築物之一。
[大頭巧計] 前綴extra超過,勝過;詞幹ordinary尋常的;超過尋常的,即為非常的,格外的,非比尋常的。
[大頭例句] the young man has an extraordinary aptitude for music. 那個年輕人有異常的音樂天賦。
[近義詞] extreme 異常的,極端的 unusual 不尋常的,與眾不同的 unwonted 不尋常的

fabric n.
the whole fabric of society was changed by the coup d餰tat.
[猜一猜] a. 架構 b. 政策 c. 秩序 d. 命運
[翻譯] 整個社會架構都被這場政變改變了。

fabricate v.
they fabricated evidence to escape from arrest.
[猜一猜] a. 呈上 b. 得到 c. 捏造 d. 篡改
[翻譯] 他們編造證據以免於被逮捕。
[大頭巧計]  詞幹fabric結構,構造;後綴ate動詞詞尾;構造,引申為捏造,編造(謊言,藉口等),建造,製造。
[大頭例句]  he fabricated an excuse casually for being late. 他胡亂編造了一個遲到的藉口。