

初級教師 associate(預備會員) 1.美國鏇轉 american spin  2.反身基本步  basic fallaway  3.原地基本步  basic place  4.背後換手 change of hand behind back  5.換位置步左換右 change of place left to right 6.換位置步右換左 change of place right to left  7.橫並追步左右左 右左右 chasse l r l. r l r.  8.環接步   link  9.分身常步 [慢] prom walks [slow]  10.分身常步[快] prom walk [quick]  11.鞭步 whip  中教師級 member(會員) 12.掌換步 ball change  13.右換左步雙鏇轉 change of place r to l with double spin 14.卷鞭步 curlv whip  15.雙交叉鞭步 double cross whip  16.反身拋步  fallaway throwaway 17.右換左步過額轉 overturned change of place l to r  18.反身拋步過額轉    overturned fallaway throway  19.左鞭步 reverse whip  20.鞭拋步 thr0waqay whip  高級教師 fellow(高級會員) 21.雞仔步 chicken walls  22.手臂打圈 rolling off the arm  23.西班牙手形 spanish arms  24.停放步 stop and go 25.風車步 windmill