
exhibition and museum 展覽會博物館 
… are now free to everyone. …… 現免費向公眾開放。
… will again be open to the public. …… 再次向公眾開放。
admission charge £4 門票 £4鎊
do not touch the exhibits/objects勿觸摸展品/物品
exhibition opening times: 開館時間:
extended opening hours during august 八月延長開放時間。
flash photograph is not permitted 不準用閃光燈拍照。
forthcoming exhibitions 即將展出
open 10:30am - 6:00pm every day throughout the year 全年每天10:3:00am - 6:00pm 開放。
open 7 days a week 每周7天開放
photography and video are not permitted inside the building 樓內不許拍照錄像。
ticket office 售票處
unemployed, disabled, students and children free 失業者,殘疾人,學生和兒童免費。
with access all day 全天開放