
  the importance of reading classics

1、 閱讀經典書籍隊人的成長至關重要

2、 現在願意閱讀經典的人越來越少,原因是……

3、 我們大學生應該怎么做


now some people, especially the elderly, are of the view that classics play a significant role in the life. english learners, for example, can benefit a lot from the famous readings, or classical books. besides, they maintain that their childhood is exposed to these great minds.

however, young men in growing numbers seldom enjoy reading these articles or books. in other words, they find few interests in reading so-called classics. a lot of reasons are responsible for this. to begin with, they are in the shadow of practical minds. these classics may not meet the needs. what’s more, online reading is a good way for people to get information easily and efficiently. moreover, the young people are too busy to read them.

from what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that effective actions should be taken to prevent the situation. first, we can enjoy these minds in our free time. second, these articles or novels will be arranged for further reading in our retirement. certainly, it is high time that we placed great emphasis on the issue.



2、知己知彼,揚長避短。寫作就好像在 “博弈”。在寫作考試中,考生是真正擁有最多信息的人,考官僅僅只能被動接受你所給的信息。考生是出招的人,考官是接招的人。考官永遠不知道,哪些話你會說,哪些話不會說。所以,你只說自己會說的。如果有經典句,再怎么繞也要用上僅有的這幾句經典句。這會讓閱卷人“認為”你的文章語言質量不錯,因為他可能這一生只看你這一次文章。

3、重在變化,寧簡勿爛。 作文考試評卷中,大多採用加分原則。“難詞長句”不是加分的必然。關鍵在於變化,變化不分難易,只要有變化就行。變化分為,詞的變化,句的變化。在用詞上,同一文章中,相同意義的詞要爭取不斷的用近義詞替換。比如可以採用,被動句、轉折句、並列句、插入語等簡單易行的辦法加以替換。

