
a accepted 承兌

aa auditing administration (中國)審計署

aaa 最佳等級

abs. abstract 摘要

a/c, a/c account 帳戶、帳目

a/c, a/c account current 往來帳戶、活期存款帳戶

a&c addenda and corrigenda 補遺和勘誤

acc. acceptance or accepted 承兌

accrd. int accrued interest 應計利息

acct. account 帳戶、帳目

acct. ccountant 會計師、會計員

acct. accounting 會計、會計學

acct.no. account number 帳戶編號、帳號

acct.tit. account title 帳戶名稱、會計科目

acn air consignment 航空託運單

a/c no. account number 帳戶編號、帳號

acpt. acceptance or accepted 承兌

a/cs pay. accounts payable 應付帳款

a/cs rec. accounts receivable 應收帳款

act advance corporation tax 預扣公司稅
tsp total suspended particle 總空中懸浮物(污染指標)

tst test 檢查,檢測

tt testamentary trust 遺囑信託

tt, t/t telegraphic transfer 電匯

t.t.b. telegraphic transfer bought 買入電匯

t.t.s. telegraphic transfer sold 賣出電匯

tty teletypewriter 電報打字員

tu trade union 工會,職工協會

tue, tues tuesday 星期二

tv terminal value; television 最終價值;電視

tw transit warehouse 轉口倉庫

twi training within industry 業內訓練

txt. text 課文,電文,正文

ty. territory 領土,(推銷員的)推銷區域

t&e card travel and entertainment card 旅行和娛樂信用卡

t&h temperature and humidity 溫度和濕度

t&m time and material 時間和材料

t/c time charter 定期租船,計時租船

t/km ton kilometer 頓/千米

top trade opportunities program (美國)貿易機會計畫

t.o.p. turn over, please 請翻轉

tpm total productive maintenance 總生產維修(護)制

tpnd theft, pilerage, and non-delivery 偷竊及不能送達險

tpo telephoto 電傳照片,傳真

tq tariff quota 關稅配額

t.q., t.q. tale quale (拉丁)按現狀,現狀條件

tqc total quality control 全面質量控制

tr telegram restante; trust receipt 留交電報;信託收據

t.r. tons registered (船舶)註冊噸位

tr. transfer 過戶,轉讓

traditio symbolia   (拉丁)象徵性交費

tranche cd certificate of deposit 份額存單

trans translated 譯本

treas treasurer 會計,出納,庫管,司庫

trip. triplicate 一式三份中的一份

triple a 3a 3a級,最佳債券評級

trs terminal receiving system 港外待運倉收貨制度

trt trademark registration treaty 商標註冊條約

t.f. till forbid 直到取消為止

tgm. telegram 電報

three t's type, terms, technique 交易三要素,即交易類型,交易條件,銷售技術

thro., thru. through 經由,通過

thu. thursday 星期四

tip to insure promptness 確保迅速

tir carnet transports internationaux routier (法國)國際公路運輸證

tks. thanks 致謝,感謝

tkt ticket 票

tl time loan; total loss; trade-last 定期貸款;總損失;最後交易

tlo, t.l.o. total loss only=free from/of all average 全損賠償險

tlx telex=teleprinter/teletypewriter exchange 電傳

tm trademark 商標

tm telegram with multiple addresses 分送電報

tma terminal market association 最終市場協會

tmo telegraph money order 電匯單

tn treasury note 國庫券

tnc transnational/multinational company 跨國公司

tod time of delivery 發貨時間

tonn. tonnage 噸位(數)

tc telegraph collation 校對電報

t.c. traveler's check 旅行支票

tci trade credit insurance 貿易信用保險

tcic technical credit insurance consultants 技術信用保險顧問

tcm traditional chinese medicine 中國傳統醫學,中醫

td time deposit 定期存款

td treasury department (美國)財政部

tda trade development authority 貿易發展當局

tdc technical development corporation 技術開發公司

tdc trade development council (香港)貿易發展局

tdr treasury deposit receipt 國庫券存據

tech technical 技術的

tel. telephone number 電話號碼

telecom telecommunications 通訊

temp temperature; temporary (secretary) 溫度;臨時(秘書)

tessa tax exempt special savings account 免稅特別儲蓄帳戶

teu twenty-foot-equipment unit (貨櫃、貨櫃)20英尺當量單位

tf trade finance 貿易融資

t time; temperature 時間;溫度

t. ton; tare 噸;包裝重量,皮重

ta telegraphic address=cable address 電報掛號

ta total asset 全部資產,資產

ta trade acceptance 商業承兌票據

ta transfer agent 過戶轉賬代理人

tab tax anticipation bill (美國)預期抵稅國庫券

tacpf tied aid capital projects fund 援助聯繫的資本項目基金

taf tied aid financing 援助性融資

tal traffic and accident loss (保險)交通和意外事故損失

tat truck-air-truck 陸空聯運

tb treasury bond, treasury bill 國庫券,國庫債券

t.b. trial balance 試算表

t.b.a. to be advised; to be agreed; to be announced; to be arranged 待通知;待同意;待宣布;待安排

t.b.d. to be determined 待(決定)

tbd policy to be declared policy 預保單,待報保險單

tbl through bill of lading 聯運提單,直達提單

tbv trust borrower vehicle 信託借款人工具(公司)

tbw thompson bankwatch, a rating agent 托馬遜銀行評估公司

tc tariff circular 關稅通報

spf spare parts financing 零部件融資

spqr small profits, quick returns 薄利多銷

sps special purpose securities 特設證券

sq. square 平方;結清

srm standard repair manual 標準維修手冊

srp salary reduction plan 薪水折扣計畫

srt spousal remainder trust 配偶倖存者信託

ss semis, one half 一半

ss social security 社會福利

st short term 短期

st special treatment (listed stock) 特別措施(對有問題的上市股票)

st. dft. sight draft 即期匯票

stb special tax bond 特別稅債務

stip short-term insurance policy 短期保險單

sub subscription; substitute 訂閱,簽署,捐助;代替

sun sunday 星期日

sund. sundries 雜貨,雜費

sup. supply 供應,供貨
sic standard industrial classification 標準產業分類

sip structured insurance products 結構保險產品

sitc standard international trade classification 國際貿易標準分類

sk sack 袋,包

skd separate knock-known 部分散件

slc standby lc 備用信用證

sma special miscellaneous account 特別雜項賬戶

smes small and medium-sized enterprises 中小型企業

smi swiss market index 瑞士市場指數

sml security market line 證券市場線

smtp supplemental medium term policy 輔助中期保險

sn stock number 股票編號

snafu situation normal, all fouled up 情況還是一樣,只是都亂了

soe state-owned enterprises 國有企業

sof state ownership fund 國家所有權基金

sola sola bill, sola draft, sola of exchange (拉丁)單張匯票

sov. sovereign 金鎊=20先令

soyd sum of the year's digits method 年數加總折舊法

spec. specification 規格;尺寸

sea single european act 《單一歐洲法案》

seaf stock exchange automatic exchange facility 股票交易所自動交易措施

seato southeast asia treaty organization 東南亞公約組織

sec second(ary); secretary 第二,次級;秘書

sect. section 部分

sen senator 參議院

sept. september 九月

set selective employment tax 單一稅率工資稅

sextuplicate   (檔案)一式六份中的一份

sec special economic zone 經濟特區

sf sinking fund 償債基金

sfr swiss frank 瑞士法郎

sfs summary financial statements 財務報表概要

sgd. signed 已簽署

shex sundays and holidays excepted 星期日和假日除外

shinc sundays and holidays included 星期日和假日包括在內

shpd. shipped 已裝運

shpg. shipping 正裝運

shpt. shipment 裝運,船貨

si statutory instrument; system of units 有效立法;國際量制

sbli savings bank life insurance 儲蓄銀行人壽保險

sbn standard book number 標準圖書號

sc sales contract 銷售契約

sc scilicet namely 即

sc supplier credit 賣方信貸

scf supplier credit finance 賣方信貸融資

sch schilling (奧地利)先令

scirr special cirr 特別商業參考利率

scl security characteristic line 證券特徵線

score special claim on residual equity 對剩餘財產淨值的特別要求權

sd standard deduction 標準扣除額

sdb special district bond 特區債券

sdbl sight draft, bill of lading attached 即期匯票,附帶提貨單

sdh synchronous digital hierarchy 同步數字系統

sdr straight discount rate 直線貼現率

sdrs special drawing rights 特別提款權

se shareholders' equity 股東產權

se stock exchange 股票交易所

sa semi-annual payment 半年支付

sa south africa 南非

saa special arbitrage account 特別套作賬戶

sab special assessment bond 特別估價債券

sae stamped addressed envelope 已貼郵票、寫好地址的信封

safe state administration of foreign exchange 國家外匯管理局

saic state administration for industry and commerce (中國)國家工商行政管理局

sap statement of auditing procedure 《審計程式彙編》

sar special administrative region 特別行政區

sas statement of auditing standard 《審計準則彙編》

sase self-addressed stamped envelope 郵資已付有回郵地址的信封

sat (china) state administration of taxation (中國)國家稅務局

satcom satellite communication 衛星通訊

sb short bill 短期國庫券;短期匯票

sb sales book; saving bond; savings bank 售貨簿;儲蓄債券;儲蓄銀行

sbc swiss bank corp. 瑞士銀行公司

sbic small business investment corporation 小企業投資公司

sbip small business insurance policy
rpm resale price maintenance 零售價格維持措施(計畫)

rpt. repeat 重複

rrp reverse repurchase agreement 逆回購協定

rsl rate sensitive liability 利率敏感性債務

rsvp please reply 請回復

rt royalty trust 特權信託

rtm registered trade mark 註冊商標

rto ratio 比率

rto round trip operation 往返作業

rts rate of technical substitution 技術替代率

rtw right to work 工作權利

ruf revolving underwriting facility 循環式包銷安排

ryl referring to your letter 參照你方來信

ryt referring to your telex 參照你方電傳

s no option offered 無期權出售

s split or stock divided 拆股或股息

s signed 已簽字

s second; shilling
revolver revolving letter of credit 循環信用證

rewr read and write 讀和寫

ries recognized investment exchanges 認可的投資交易(所)

rl roll 卷

rlb restricted license bank 有限制牌照銀行

rm remittance 匯款

rm room 房間

rmb renminbi 人民幣,中國貨幣

rms royal mail steamer 皇家郵輪

rmsd royal mail special delivery 皇家郵政專遞

rmt rail and maritime transport union 鐵路海運聯盟

roa return on asset 資產回報率

roc return on capital 資本收益率

roe return on equity 股本回報率

roi return on investment 投資收益

rop registered option principal 記名期權本金

ro-ro roll-on/roll-off vessel 滾裝船

ros return on sales 銷售收益率

rpb recognized professional body 認可職業(投資)機構

rpi retail price index 零售物價指數
r&t rail and truck 鐵路及卡車運輸

r&w rail and water 鐵路及水路運輸

r/a refer to acceptor 洽詢(匯票)承兌人

r/d refer to drawer (銀行)洽詢出票人

rb regular budget 經常預算

rca relative comparative advantage 相對比較優勢

rcmm registered competitive market maker 註冊的競爭市場自營商

rcvd. received 已收到

r.d. running days=consecutive days 連續日

rdtc registered deposit taking company 註冊接受存款公司

re. subject 主題

re. with reference to 關於

received b/l received for shipment bill of lading 待裝雲提單

reer real effective exchange rate 實效匯率

ref. referee; reference; refer(red) 仲裁者;裁判;參考;呈遞

reo real estate owned 擁有的不動產

rep import replacement 進口替代

rep office representative office 代辦處,代表處

repo, repu, rp repurchase agreement 再回購協定

req. requisition 要貨單,請求
q. quarto 四開,四開本

q. quantity 數量

qb qualified buyers 合格的購買者

qc quality control 質量控制

qi quarterly index 季度指數

qr. quarter 四分之一,一刻鐘

qt questioned trade 有問題交易

qtib qualified terminal interest property trust 附帶可終止權益的財產信託

quad. quadruplicate 一式四份中的一份

quotn. quotation 報價

q.v. quod vide (which see) 參閱

q.y. query 查核

r option not traded 沒有進行交易的期權

r. response; registered; return 答覆;已註冊;收益

r. rate; rupee; ruble 比率;盧比;盧布

rad research and development 研究和開發

ram diverse annuity mortgage 逆向年金抵押

ran revenue anticipation note 收入預期債券

r&a rail and air 鐵路及航空運輸

r&d research and development 研究與開發
pf project finance 項目融資

pfd preferred stock 優先股

pk peck 配克(1/4蒲式耳)

pmo postal money order 郵政匯票

p.o.c. port of call 寄航港,停靠地

p.o.d. place of delivery 交貨地點

p.o.d. port of destination; port of discharge 目的港;卸貨港

p.o.r. payable on receipt 貨到付款

p.p. payback period (投資的)回收期

p.p.i. policy proof of interest 憑保證單證明的保險利益

poe port of entry 報關港口

pop advertising point-of-purchase advertising 購物點廣告

por pay on return 收益

pr payment received 付款收訖

ps postscript 又及

pv par value; present value 面值;現
p&a professional and administrative 職業的和管理的

p&i clause protection and indemnity clause 保障與賠償條款

p&l profit and loss 盈虧,損益

p/a payment of arrival 貨到付款

p/c price catalog; price current 價格目錄;現行價格

p/e price/earning 市盈率

p/h pier-to-house 從碼頭到倉庫

p/n promissory note 期票,本票

p/p posted price (股票等)的牌價

pac put and call 賣出和買入期權

pat. patent 專利

paye pay as you earn 所得稅預扣法

paye pay as you enter 進入時支付

pbt profit before taxation 稅前利潤

pc piece; prices 片,塊;價格

pcl. parcel 包裹

pd paid 已付

per pro. per procurationem (拉丁)由...代理

o. m. s. output per manshift 每人每班產量

o. p. old price 原價格

o. p. open policy 不定額保險單

opp opposite 對方

opt. optional 可選擇的

ord. ordinary 普通的

os out of stock 無現貨

o/s outstanding 未清償、未收回的

o. t. overtime 加班

otc over-the -counter market 市場外交易市場

ova overhead variance analysis 間接費用差異分析

ow offer wanted 尋購啟示

owe optimum working efficiency 最佳工作效率

oz ounce(s) 盎司

ozws. otherwise 否則

p penny; pence; per 便士;便士;每

p paid this year 該年(紅利)已付

p. pint 品托(1/8加侖)

p.a. particular average; power of attorney 單獨海損;委託書

p.a. personal account; private account 個人賬戶、私人賬戶

p.a., per ann. per annum 每年

ob other budgetary 其他預算

o. b. ordinary business 普通業務

o. b. (o/b) order book 訂貨簿

ob/os index overbought/oversold index 超買超賣指數

obv on-balance volume 持平數量法

o. c. over charge 收費過多

oc open cover 預約保險

o/d, o. d.,(o. d.) overdrawn 透支

od overdraft 透支

o/d on demand 見票即付

o. e. (o. e. ) omission excepted 遺漏除外

o. f. ocean freight 海運費

ofc open for cover 預約保險

o. g. ordinary goods 中等品

o. g. l. open general license 不限額進口許可證

oi original issue 原始發行

oii overseas investment insurance 海外投資保險

ok. all correct 全部正確

n. s. f. (nsf) no sufficient fund 存款不足

nsf check no sufficient fund check 存款不足支票

nt. wt. net weight 淨重

nta net tangible assets 有形資產淨值

ntbs non-tariffs barriers 非關稅壁壘

ntl no time lost 立即

nts not to scale 不按比例

nu name unknown 無名

n. w. net worth 淨值

nwc net working capital 淨流動資本

nx not exceeding 不超過

n. y. net yield 淨收益

nz$ new zealand dollar 紐西蘭元

o order 訂單

o. (o.) offer 發盤、報價

oa open account 賒帳、往來帳

o/a on account of 記入......帳戶

o. a. overall 全面的、綜合的

oaas operational accounting and analysis system 經營會計分析制

nm no marks 無標記

n. n. no name 無簽名

nnp net national product 國民生產淨值

no. (no.) number 編號、號數

no a/c no account 無此帳戶

nop net open position 淨開頭寸

now a/c negotiable order of withdrawal 可轉讓存單帳戶

n/p net profit 淨利

np no protest 免作拒付證書

n. p. notes payable 應付票據

npc nominal protection coefficient 名義保護係數

npl non-performing loan 不良貸款

npv method net present value method 淨現值法

n. q. a. net quick assets 速動資產淨額

nqb no qualified bidders 無合格投標人

nr no rated (信用)未分等級

n/r no responsibility 無責任

n. r. notes receivable 應收票據

nego. negotiate 談判

n. e. s. not elsewhere specified 未另作說明

net. p. net proceeds 淨收入

n/f no fund 無存款

nfd no fixed date 無固定日期

nfs not for sale 非賣品

n. g. net gain 純收益

nh not held 不追索委託

n. i. net income 淨收益

n. i. net interest 淨利息

niat net income after tax 稅後淨收益

nifo next in, first out 次進先出法

nil nothing 無

nim net interest margin 淨息差

nit negative income tax 負所得稅

n. l. net loss 淨損失

nl no load 無佣金

n. m. nautical mile 海里

n. net 淨值

n. a. net assets 淨資產

n. a not available 暫缺

n. a. non-acceptance 不承兌

na not applicable 不可行

n. b. nota bene 注意

nc no charge 免費

n/c net capital 淨資本

n. d. no date 無日期

n. d. net debt 淨債務

n. d. non-delivery 未能到達

nd next day delivery 第二天交割

nda net domestic asset 國內資產淨值

n.e. net earnings 淨收益

n. e. no effects 無效

n. e. not enough 不足

negb. negotiable 可轉讓的、可流通的

neg. inst., n. i. negotiable instruments 流通票據
mos management operating system 經營管理制度

mos. months 月

mp market price 市價

m/p months after payment 付款後......月

mpc marginal propensity to consume 邊際消費傾向

mrge.(mtg. ) mortgage 抵押

mrj materials requisition journal 領料日記帳

mro maintenance, repair and operation 維護、修理及操作

mrp manufacturer's recommended price 廠商推薦價格

mrp material requirement planning 原料需求計畫

mrp monthly report of progress 進度月報

mrr maintenance, repair and replace 維護、修理和替換

m/s months of sight 見票後.......月

msg message 留言

mt medium term 中期

m/t mail transfer 信匯

mthly monthly 每月

mti medium-term insurance 中期保險

mtn medium-term note 中期票據

mtu metric unit 米制單位
mg milligram 毫克

m/i marine insurance 海險

micro one millionth part 百萬分之一

min minimum 最低值、最小量

mip monthly investment plan 月度投資計畫

mk mark 馬克

mks. marks 商標

mkt. market 市場

mlr minimum lending rate 最低貸款利率

mltg medium-and-long-term guarantee 中長期擔保

m. m. money market 貨幣市場

mm millimeter 毫米

mmda money market deposit account 貨幣市場存款帳戶

mmi major market index 主要市場指數

mnc multinational corporation 跨(多)國公司

mne multinational enterprise 跨國公司

mo (m. o.) money order 匯票

mo. month 月

m/c marginal credit 信貸限額

m/c metallic currency 金屬貨幣

mca mutual currency account 共同貨幣帳戶

mcp mixed credit program 混合信貸計畫

m/d months after deposit 出票後......月

m. d. maturity date 到期日

m. d. (m/d) memorandum of deposit 存款(放)單

m. d. malicious damage 惡意損壞

mdse. merchandise 商品

mei marginal efficiency of investment 投資的邊際效率

mem. memorandum 備忘錄

merm multilateral exchange rate model 多邊匯率模型

m. f. mutual funds 共同基金

mf mezzanine financing 過渡融資

mfg. manufacturing 製造的

mfn most favoured nations 最惠國

mfrs. manufacturers 製造商