雅思口語高分三要訣:流利 關聯 謊言

如何在口語的進程中獲得高分呢? 請各位考雅思的朋友們注意以下三要決:

1. fluency tip(流利要決)
千萬不要用中文式的嗯,阿來停頓,適當使用how to say, you know, let me think....進行過渡,用來顯示你說英文的自信與自然

2.  coherence tip (關聯要決)
最好在part 2的獨白階段適當使用關聯詞, 像first of all,
並列:also, moreover, in addition, what's more
轉折:however, on the other hand, but
結尾:at last, finally, most important of all (最重要的)

3.  lie tip (謊言要決)
必要時撒撒謊,for example:  what's your favorite sports?
i really love playing table tennis, that's my favorite.
這就要看你的演技了,一定要撒個真誠的謊言:)or make a touching story!因此口語是要靈活應變的,不要太死板,祝鴨子們能找到我以上描述的三要決的感覺,考試順利!