
  athens (雅典):the city of jasmines (茉莉花城)

berne (伯爾尼):the city of clocks and watches (鐘錶城)

brazil (巴西):the country of coffee (咖啡國)

canada (加拿大):the country of maple leaves (楓葉國)

ecuador (厄瓜多):the equatorial country (赤道國)(由於赤道橫貫厄瓜多國境,再加上在西班牙文中"厄瓜多"的意思就是“赤道”,因此厄瓜多擁有“赤道國”的雅稱)

egypt (埃及):the country of the pyramids (金字塔國)

ethiopia (衣索比亞):the barefoot country (赤足國)

ghana (加納):the country of cocoa (可可國)

cuba (古巴):the country of sugarcane (甘蔗國)

japan (日本):the country of cherries (櫻花國)

jerusalem (耶路撒冷):the holy city (聖城)

lima (利馬):the city of drought (乾旱城)

london (倫敦):the city of fog (霧都)

lusaka (盧莎卡):the city of copper (銅城)

malaysia (馬來西亞):the rubber country (橡膠國)

mexico (墨西哥):the cactus country (仙人掌國)

mexico city (墨西哥城):the city of frescoes (壁畫之都)(墨西哥城,以畫迷人,素有“壁畫之都”之稱。)

new york (紐約):big apple (大蘋果城)

panama (巴拿馬):the butterfly country(蝴蝶國)

singapore (新加坡):the country of gardens (花園國)

tunisia (突尼西亞):the olive country (橄欖國)

venice (威尼斯):the city of water (水城)

washington(華盛頓):the city of snow (雪城)

wellington (惠靈頓):the city of wind (風城)

bulgaria(保加利亞):the country of roses(玫瑰之國)

vienna(維也納):the city of music(音樂之都)

pagan(緬甸蒲甘城):the temple city(寺廟之城)