
10.abroad adv overseas
1. affect 影響 vt. the small amount of rain last year affected the growth of crops .
2. blame n. 責備 vi. compliment n. 稱讚
you should not blame on me.
3. bubble n 氣泡
children like make bubbles with soap and water.
4. cemetery /semiteri / 墓地 graveyard
there are many tombs in the cemetery.
5. commendation n 讚揚 praise / blame  he was given the commendation for bravery after he saved the little children from fire.
6. ‘conflict  / reconcili’ation  和好 調停 n  reconcile v
7. cooperate v. cooperation n. cooperative adj.
8. curious adj. curiosity n. inquisitive adj.  好奇
9. be all greek to sb. 對什麼完全不懂
i am good at dancing, but drawing is all greek to me.
1.delicious / sweet-tasting
2. direct v. 監督 adj. 直接的
which is the direct way to london?
there is nobody to direct the workers.
3.draw v. 拉 / drag
draw your chair nearer to me.
4.empire n. 帝國
the united states was once a part of britain empire.
5.event n.事件
the discovery of america is a great event.
6.failure n. 失敗
7.file n.文卷檔 v. 歸檔
please put these letters in the main file.
the secretary filed the card in order.
8.frank adj. 坦白的 / honest candid 率直的 坦白的 /deceitful 慣於欺騙的  dishonest
he was frank to admit that he hadn’t studied the lesson.
9.generate v. 產生 generating station 發電廠
10. halt v. 停止前進
halt between two opinions 拿不定主意。 halt in one's speech 講話吞吞吐吐。
a poor argument halts. 論點拙劣,漏洞百出。
1.fraud 欺騙,欺詐;舞弊;frod
2.horn n. 角 blow [toot] one's own horn 自吹自擂  lift up one's horn 趾高氣揚;盛氣凌人  lower one's horn 卑躬屈膝;降低身分
a goat has two horns. 
3.individual n. 個人 adj. 各別的
representative individuals 代表人物
a teacher can’t give individual attention if his class is large.
the interests of society are more important than the interests of the individual.
4.’interval n.(時間的間隔)
there is a long interval before he replied.
after a year's interval 隔一年後
in the intervals of business 在工作空隙時間
in the intervals 不一會兒,不久
5.knot n.繩結
the knots of your package must be tied tightly.
make [tie] a knot in a rope 把繩子打個結
the knot of the matter 問題的癥結
6.liberal adj.自由主義的/通才的
he is liberal in his view on government.
they want their children to have a liberal education.
liberal ideas 開明的思想
a liberal translation 意譯
7.magnificent adj. 華麗的grand/ splendid
magnificence n.
a grand air 堂皇的氣派,堂堂儀表
grand entrance 大門  a grand man 偉人
it will be grand if you can come. 你要是能來,那就再好沒有了
do the grand 〔口語〕裝模作樣,擺架子
what about going there together -yes, splendid! 一道去怎么樣? --不錯,很好!
8.mental adj. 心理的 physical
keeping mental health is very important in modern society.
9.momentary adj. temporary暫時的 everlasting
his feeling of danger was only momentary ; it soon disappeared.
in momentary expectation 沒有一刻不盼望
10.neutral adj. 中立的
he remained neutral in the argument between his two friends.
a neutral state [zone] 中立國[地帶]
11.omit v. 遺漏 刪除
he made many mistakes in spelling by omitting letters.
omit to (do/doing) lock the door 忘記鎖門
he omitted making his bed. 他忘記了鋪床
1. surrender vt./vi
  surrender oneself to 向…投降
  surrender oneself to justice 向法院自首
2. propose vt. 提議,建議; 推薦,提名;計畫,打算 proposal n. 建議 proposer 提建議的人
  i wish to propose a toast to our friendship. 我建議為我們的友誼乾杯
  i do not propose to stay long at shanghai我不打算在上海久住
man proposes, god disposes. 〔諺語〕謀事在人,成事在天
3. di’spose vt.
⑴ ~sb to do sth 使某人願意做….(make sb willing or redy to do sth)
his criminal record doesn’t dispose me to trust him.
your words of cheer dispose me for the task. 你的打氣使我願意接這項任務了[page]
the lamp was disposed on a table nearby. 燈配置在附近的桌上
⑶vi 處置,處理;安排 (of)
dispose of
1. 處理,處置,安排;解決;辦妥 (dispose of a business affair 處理一件事務。 dispose of oneself 安排好自己,設法過日子。 dispose of old clothes 把舊衣服處理掉)
2. 除掉,幹掉,殺掉 (dispose of the mice in the attic 消滅閣樓上的老鼠)
4. extort vt. 勒索 ~ sth from sb
the police used torture to extort a confession from him.
5.embassy n 大使館 大使的職務[地位] 大使及其隨員
go on an embassy 去當大使。
 send sb. on an embassy 派某人出任大使
6. grant
grant (sb.) a request 接受(某人)要求grant a pension 給予退休金。  i grant you. 就算你對。  this granted, what next 就算這樣,下文呢?  take it for granted 認為當然
7. bribe n. 賄賂 私禮 誘惑物
take [offer] a bribe 受[行]賄
give [offer, handout] bribes to sb. 向某人行賄
vt./vi  向…行賄,收買
bribe sb. into silence 用賄賂封住某人的嘴
8. the customs n.海關
9. prohibit vt. 不準許,禁止;阻止,防止
(~~ sb/sth from doing sth)
p- him from coming [his coming]. 別讓他來。
smoking strictly prohibited. 嚴禁吸菸。
summer resort 故宮 the imperial palace