

沙拉澆汁 salad sauce

蝦仁 shrimp meat

燴大蝦 braised prawns

咖啡乳酪布丁 coffe and cheese pudding

松仁豬排 fried spareribs with mashed pine nut

芝士焗蟹蓋 stuffed crab with cheese powder

米飯(義大利) rice

蜆肉周打湯 clam meat soup

燒牛扒 grilled fillet steak

奶油乾酪沙司 butter and cheese sauce

蘑菇炒香腸 fried sausage with mushroom

烤雞配圓辣椒橄欖 roasted chicken with pepper and olives

米蘭式通心粉 milan style macaroni

威尼斯海鮮面 venice seafood noodles

比薩通心粉沙司 pizza and macaroni sauce

蘑菇燴牛肋排 braised beef steak with mushroom

義大利細麵條 italic narrow noodle

香脂醋醬拌田園沙拉 vegetable salad

雲呢拿奶油布甸 freezen cream

磨坊主婦小龍蝦 little prawn

番茄青蚝湯 tomato and oyster soup


薄牛排 thin beef steak

拌菜花 mixed cauliflower

蕎麥煎餅 ble noir

鱷梨生鮭魚 avocado and fresh salmon

燉小牛肉 stewed veal

菠菜乳酪焗生蚝 braised oyster with spinach and cheese

冰凍茄丁 frozen eggplant dices

白菜薄荷 cabbage and mint

菊萵苣色拉 lettuce salad

黃瓜粉皮 cucumber and vermicelli

烘焙蘆筍 grilled asparagus with butter and cheese

鯷魚炒香菇 fried mushrooms with anchovy

海帶芥末沙司 kelp and mustard salad

鮭魚奶油凍 salmon and butter jelly

土司 toast

蘑菇蛋卷 mushroom and egg roll

雞肉色拉 chicken meat salad

火焰薄餅 pancake

蛋煎魚 fried fish with egg

蛋白糖 egg white and sugar

馬背上的魔鬼 oyster

馬乃司拌萵筍 mixed lettuce with mayonnaise

面殼腸子 sausage

奶汁海帶 kelp wit milk and butter

檸檬牛油煎西冷 fried sirloin steak with cattle oil

瓤餡雞肉餅 pie stuffed with chicken meat

西紅柿百里香鱈魚 braised cod with tomato and thyme

蟹黃活蝦 crab yolk and shrimps

洋蔥湯 onion soup

蒸雞蛋肉卷 steamed egg and pork roll

豬肉凍子 pork jelly

黃瓜色拉 cucumber salad

罐擱鴨 braised duck in pot

煎豬排 fried pig chop

蔬菜絲混合色拉 vegetable-mixed salad

蔬菜色拉 vegetable salad

龍蝦色拉 prawn salad

鵝肝醬煎鮮貝 fried fresh scallop with goose liver jam

紅酒燉牛肉 stewed beef with red wine

五香蝸牛 spiced snails

奶油雞腿 braised chicken legs with butter

雞肉丸子湯 chicken meat ball soup

中法雙松 chicken liver and soybean pancake shreds with france sauce

茭白蝦凍 cane shoot and prawn jelly

酸辣肚絲 hot and sour pig tripe shreds

冷烤雞 cold grilled chicken

野味清湯酥皮 clear soup with crisp skin

柳橙法國鵝肝醬 goose liver jam

煎龍蝦肉 fried prawn meat

鵝肝溫沙拉 goose liver salad

香脂醋風味烤雞 roated chicken

烤鰻魚雞蛋卷 eel and egg roll

烤羊肉(法) grilled mutton

洞房喜湯 lucky soup in bridal chamber

白酒田螺 fried field snail and white wine

草莓黃瓜 cucumber dices with strawberry sauce

咖喱油煙蝦段 braised prawns with curry sauce

紅燴肉雜拌 mixed meat in brown sauce

翡翠肉湯 emerald meat soup

海鰻湯 moray soup

檳榔排骨鍋 betelnut and chop in marmite

雞蛋番茄沙拉 tomato and egg salad

鳳梨萵筍 pineapple and lettuce

菠菜沙拉 spinach salad

紅汁黃瓜 cucumber mixed with sour butter and cheese

奶油牛肉丁番茄湯 tomato soup with butter and beef dices

魚卷 fish roll

燴土豆 braised potato

雞肉丸湯 chicken meat ball soup

蘆筍濃湯 thick asparagus soup

芥末拌黃瓜 cucumber mixed with mustard

多味魚湯 savory fish soup

茄子沙拉 eggplant salad

蟹黃河蝦 crab yolk and river shrimps

西紅柿花雙拼 tomato and egg with gallo sauce

酸甜萵筍 sweet and sour lettuce

束法雞 braised chicken with cream sauce

巴黎捲心菜 paris cabbage


味噌烤肉醬 fish bone and grilled meat sauce

土豆奶汁烤菜 grilled potato with milk

土豆可樂餅 minced potato shortcake

什錦壽司卷 assorted sushi roll

生火腿乾酪卷色拉 ham and cheese salad

燒竹簡及鴨片伴壽司 roated sushi and duck meat in bamboo slip

羊羹 agar thick soup

蟹柳扒鮮草菇 braised button mushroom with crab sticks

茶巾壽司 sushi rice packaged in egg pancake

大福袋 bean curd bag

豆腐皮壽司 beancurd sheet sushi

鮭魚生魚片沙拉 salmon salad

海鰻雞骨湯(日本) conger eel and chicken soup

海鮮小火鍋 seafood chaffy dish

荷蘭豆燒麥 garden pea shaomai(dumplings)

鮪魚調味醬 tunny sauce

麻婆鍋 mapo pot

面豉燒龍蝦生豪伴海膽 prawn and oyster with flour sauce

漆匠蘿蔔 boiled radish strips

菜肉卷天婦羅 vegetable and pork roll

蕃茄肉餅 tomato and meat pie

茄子肉餅 eggplant and meat pie

青椒肉餅 green pepper and meat pie

生拌鮪魚肉 mixed fresh tunny meat

和風海鮮沙拉 seafood salad

漢堡扒 hamburg beef

海鮮刺身 seafood and radish

鍋塌明蝦 prawns baked in a pan

冰鎮芥藍 broccoli on ice

茶壺蒸海鮮 steamed seafood in teapot

和風星鰻散壽司 sushi with eel

芥藍炒鹹雞 fried salted chicken with broccoli

紫蘇天婦羅 deep fried vegetables

竹莢魚塊壽司 scad shusi

魚卵小壽 fried bean sprout with preserved vegetable

味噌湯 fish bone soup

土豆蟹魚糕 potato crab and fish cake

勝井 braised pork with sauce

炸豬排 fried pork

炸豆腐 fried bean curd

海帶燒排骨 braised chop with kelp


清蒸八寶鴨 steamed duck with “eight-treasures”

辣子牛肉丁 hot diced beef

爛雞海參 steamed sea cucumber and chicken meat

鰳魚凍 chinese herring jelly

栗子燜雞 stewed chicken with chestnuts

栗子燒豬肉 braised pork with chestnuts

蓮蓬鮮貝 braised fresh scallop like lotus seed pod

涼拌三絲 three kinds of cold mixed vegetables

溜鱸魚 braised weever

熘鵪鶉 braised quail

羅漢大蝦(韓國) arhat prawns

蘿蔔沙拉 radish salad

麻辣牛肉 beef with cayenne pepper

麻辣兔肉 rabbit meat with cayenne pepper

馬不停蹄 braised pork and front trotter

美味雙耳 braised double mushrooms

燜炒平菇 fried oyster mushroom

麵包蝦仁 bread and shrimps

明月紅松雞 braised chicken legs like moon

蘑菇炒牛肉絲 fried shredded beef with mushroom

蘑菇燉雞 stewed chicken with mushroom

蘑菇海參 braised sea cucumbers with mushroom

茉莉銀耳湯 jasmine and white fungus soup

牡丹蝦仁 braised shrimp meat like peony flower

奶滷蝦仁 braised shrimp meat with milk

花生米炒牛肉丁 fried diced beef with peanuts

花生米炒蝦仁 fried shrimp meat with peanuts

滑狗裡脊 braised dog fillet

滑溜豬裡脊 braised pig fillet

黃瓜炒牛肉 fried beef with cucumber

黃瓜炒小蝦 fried shrimps with cucumber

黃瓜羹 cucumber thick soup

黃瓜泡菜 pickled cucumber

雞茸葵花湯 sunflower-shap chicken mash soup

雞茸銀耳湯 mashed chicken and white fungus soup

紅燒兔肉 braised rabbit with brown sauce

紅燒熊掌(韓國) braised bear’paw with brown sauce

紅燒豬肉丸子 braised pork balls with brown sauce

紅煨牛肉 stewed beef in brown beef

紅煨筍雞 braised chicken in brown sauce

紅棗煨雞 braised chicken with red date

紅燒裙邊 braised edge of soft-shelled turtle with brown sauce

紅燒牛頭 braised cattle head in brown sauce

紅燒牛肉獅子頭 braised beef with brown sauce

紅花燜鵪鶉 stewed quail with saffron

松仁炒鵪鶉丁 fried diced quail with pine nuts

松蘑燉鵪鶉 stewed quail with mushroom

四鮮丸子 four-delicacy balls

雙味海帶 two-flavor kelp

生烤野兔 roated rabbit

生菜牛肉 romaine lettuce and fried beef

生拌鯔魚 mixed fresh mullet

神仙爐 celestial stove

燒豬肉條 braised streaky pork strips

砂鍋海鰻 braised moray in marmite

三鮮湯 three-delicacy soup

三鮮鮑魚 three-delicacy abalone

軟炸蟹油 soft-fried crab

軟炸番茄 soft-fried tomato

軟炸豆角 soft-fried carob beans

軟溜狗肉片 braised dog meat slices

如意蛋卷 egg roll

酥炸野兔 crisp fried rabbit

素炒什錦 fried assorted vegetables

酸甜海帶 sweet and sour kelp

糖醋裡脊(韓國) fried pork mixed with sweet and sour sauce

甜辣鴿絲 hot and sweet pigeon slices

酸辣豆腐湯 hot and sour bean curd soup

鐵排明蝦 braised prawns

炒什錦西紅柿 fried tomato with multiple seasoning

炒貽貝 fried mussel

炒雜燴 fried assorted ingredients

炒章魚 fried octopus

陳皮炸鵝 fried goose with seasoned orange peel

齒綠苦蕒菜(苦苦菜) herba ixeris

蔥爆牛肉 stir-fry beef with shallot

蔥辣鱖魚條 fried mandarin fish with dried chilli and shallot

脆皮鵪鶉 crisp quail

脆皮嫩雞 crisp tender chicken

大白菜泡菜 pickled cabbage

大醬豆腐 bean curd with brown sauce

蛋白丸子 muscle balls

黨參燉雞 stewed chicken with gensing

地棗狗肉條 fried common squill bulb and dog meat strip

燉牛掌 stewed cattle hoof

番茄黃燜雞塊(韓國) braised chicken with tomato

番茄牛肉菠菜湯 beef and spinach with tomato sauce

翡翠雞茸豆腐湯 mushed chicken and bean curd soup

翡翠鮮貝球 emerald scallop balls

冬粉煨牛肉絲 sliced beef with vermicelli

鳳凰裡脊 braised fillet like phoenix

鳳凰氽牡丹 jellyfish and braised chicken breast

芙蓉蹄筋 braised pork tendon with egg white

芙蓉蝦仁 braised shrimp meat with egg white

蓋澆飯 rice with beef and assorted vegetables

干貝海參 dried scallops and sea cucumber

香酥鵪鶉 spiced crisp quail

香酥雞腿 spiced crisp chicken legs

蟹黃排翅 braised shark’s fin with crab yolk

蟹黃魚翅 braised shark’s fin with crab yolk

八寶鵪鶉(韓國) eight-treasure quail

杏仁炒豬肉丁 fried pork dices with almond

杏仁鶉脯 braised quail breast with almond

繡球蒸菜 steamed vegetables in shape of silk ball

雪花雞腿 snow flower chicken legs

鴨絲炒鮑魚 fried abalone with duck slices

鹽水毛蟹 boiled hairy crab with salted water

櫻桃肉(韓國) braised pork with cherry juice

油爆大蝦 fried prawns

油爆脊丁 fried fillet dices

香辣牛肉 spiced and hot beef

莧菜黃魚羹 edible amaranth and croaker thick soup

蝦子燒海參 braised sea cucumber with shrimps

蝦須牛肉 braised beef strips

蝦仁豆腐 braised bean curd with shrimp meat

蝦仁扒海參 braised sea cucumber with shrimp meat

煨雞塊 stewed chicken dices

豌豆炒蝦仁 fried shrimp meat with pea

氽兔肉圓 rabbit meat balls

清燉狗肉 stewed dog meat

清炒蝦仁 fried shrimp meat

青椒炒豬肉 fried pork with green pepper

薺菜炒雞片 fried chicken slices with shepherd’s purse

蘋果燜牛肉片 braised beef slices with apple

蘋果炒牛肉片 fried beef slices with apple

平菇鯽魚湯 mushroom and crucian soup

枇杷狗肉 loquat dog meat

烹鵪鶉 fried quail

糯米全雞 stewed chicken stuffed with rice

清燉哈士蟆 stewed forest frog and chicken

清湯鯉魚丸 clear soup with carp balls

牛肉清湯 beef soup

牛肉泡菜湯 beef and pickled vegetable soup

牛尾湯 cattle tail soup

牛雜碎湯 cattle sweetbread soup

牛肉丁豆腐 braised bean curd with beef dices

清蒸甲魚(韓國) stewed turtle

清蒸鯔魚 steamed mullet

釀海蓋 stuffed crab

泥鰍穿豆腐 loach entered into bean curd

南瓜醬湯 pumpkin soup with chili sauce

全家福(韓國) braised all delicious

肉沫海參 braised sea cucumber with mashed meat

韭菜炒海螺 fried whelk with leek

桔形蝦仁 braised shrimp meat like orange

菊花豬肉 chrysanthemum-shaped vermicelli and pork fillet

捲筒狗肉 lard net canister stuffed with dog meat

咖喱雞 braised chicken with curry oil

烤牛排 grilled beef steak

烤牛肉餅 beef pie

口蘑燴全狗 braised dog sweetbread soup with mushroom

蠟石烤牛肉 grilled beef on little agalmatolite blank

辣炒干貝 fried scallops with chili powder

辣炒豬肉絲 braised pork with dried chili

辣椒嫩雞 braised chicken with dry red chili

辣肉燒駝掌 braised camel hoof and pork with chili sauce

醬燜加吉魚 stewed red porgy with sauce

醬汁鯔魚 braised mullet

澆汁螃蟹 braised crab

醬雞 braised chicken with soy sauce

金達萊花菜 azalea flower

醬爆豬肉丁 fried pork dices with sauce

金釀豆腐 stuffed bean curd with mashed pork and shrimps

醬爆雙脆 fried pork tripe with chicken gizzard

家常豆腐(韓國) home-style bean curd

吉姆雞絲湯 dry laver and chicken slice soup

雞絲海螺湯 whelk and shredded chicken soup

鴿蛋銀耳湯 pigeon egg and white fungus soup

狗肉湯(韓國) dog meat soup

狗肉粥鮮桃仁 dog meat congee with peach kernel

鱖魚絲油菜 mandarin and rape

桂花狗肉 braised dog meat

桂花兔肉 braised rabbit meat

罐子狗肉 dog meat in kettle

罐燜雞 stewed chicken in pot

鍋燒全雞 braised whole chicken

鍋燒肘子 fried pork joint

鍋塌番茄 fried tomato slices

鍋塌裡脊 pan-baked pork fillet

海帶冷菜湯 kelp soup with cold appetizers

海參鵪鶉蛋 braised sea cucumber and quail eggs

海米炒蕨菜 fried brake with shrimp meat

旱蒸南瓜 steamed pumpkin

荷葉鴨子 steamed duck in lotus leaf

核桃酪(韓國) walnut purée

紅燉狗肉 stewed dog meat with brown sauce

紅燉牛尾 stewed cattle tail with brown sauce

乾燒鯽魚 braised crucian

乾燒鯉魚 braised carp

乾燒鱖魚 braised mandarin

乾煨肉條 braised pork strips

干貝魚肚 dried scallops and fish maw

干貝黃肉翅 dried scallops and fish’s fin

炒牛肉片 fried beef slices

炒狗肝 fried dog liver