
李光耀,gcmg,ch(lee kuan yew)(1923年09月16日(癸亥年)— XX年03月23日),新加坡華人,祖籍廣東省梅州市大埔縣高陂鎮黨溪鄉,新加坡萊佛士學院畢業,1954年11月參與創建新加坡人民行動黨。








【no news is good news】

“i have always thought it strange that a country figures prominently in the world press mainlywhen it is in

trouble…nobody in the rest of the world heard much about singapore until it was captured by thejapanese in 1942 or

again until there were riots in 1955 and 1956 in the course of one of which two members of yourfraternity were

killed. i have come to believe that, so far as the foreign press is concerned, no news is good news.”

speech at foreign correspondents association, 16th sep, 1959




──《李光耀對話錄》(conversations with lee kuan yew )湯姆.普雷特(tom plate)著

“i would say the greatest was deng xiaoping. at his age, to admit that he was wrong, that all theseideas, marxism, leninism, maoism, they are just not working and have to be abandoned, you needa great man to do that…”

- tom plate's conversations with lee kuan yew



【on deng xiaoping (again)】

deng xiao ping is a great man because he changed china froma broken-backed state, which wouldhave imploded like the soviet union, into what it is today, on the way to becoming the world'slargest economy.

- "hard truths to keep singapore going"



【on xi jinping】

“i would put him in nelson mandela's class of persons. a person with enormous emotional stabilitywho does not allow his personal misfortunes or sufferings to affect his judgement. in other words,he is impressive.”

- time nov 19, XX



【on americans】

“the americans are great missionaries. they have an irrepressible urge to convert others.”

- 1992, the wit & wisdom of lee kuan yew


“如果沒有水門事件,我認為是理查•尼克森(richard nixon)。他的世界觀很務實,分析力很強,實事求是,還精於謀略,把事情辦好。但他凡事過問的性格,加上極希望連任,令他為人變得過於執著。”──《李光耀對話錄》(conversations with lee kuan yew )

湯姆.普雷特(tom plate)著

【on thegreatest us president that he've seen】

“but for the misfortune of watergate, i would say richard nixon. he had a realistic view of theworld. he was a great analyst, realistic, but also a tactician to get things done. but this need withwanting to know everything and to make sure he got re-elected became obsessive.”

- tom plate's conversations with lee kuan yew


“我的名字是吉米.卡特(jimmy carter),我是種花生的,現在競選總統。然後,他就當了總統!”

──《李光耀對話錄》(conversations with lee kuan yew )

湯姆.普雷特(tom plate)著

【on the worst us president】

“my name is jimmy carter, i'm a peanut farmer, i'm running for president. the next thing youknow, he was the president!”

- tom plate's conversations with lee kuan yew


“我不認為他是第二差的總統。我覺得小布希的顧問分析事物過於悲觀……布希自知經驗不足,了解自己是一種美德。”──《李光耀對話錄》(conversations with lee kuan yew )

湯姆.普雷特(tom plate)著

【on george w. bush】

“i would not put him (george w bush) the second worst. iwould say bush jr. had melancholyadvisers…bush jr. knew he didn't have much experience. it is virtue to know yourself”.

- tom plate's conversations with lee kuan yew


“他很聰明,精於政治,且性格外向,很討人歡喜……跟他說話,你會自覺是世上最重要的人。但我想,他經常犯規,這大致上也是事實……就他的情況來說,這部份是他性格所致。我不知道。我的意思是:他的童年很艱苦,諸如此類…….”──《李光耀對話錄》(conversations with lee kuan yew )

湯姆.普雷特(tom plate)著