
關於媽媽的英語演講稿2022 篇1

My mother is a junior high school teacher. She teaches English.

My mother gets up at 6a.m. every day and has breakfast at 6:30a.m. Shealways arrives at school at 7:25 a.m. She usually has two lessesons in themorning. In the afternoon, she have one lesson. After school, she playsvolleyball with her students.

In the evening, she cooks dinner. After dinner, she prepares her lessons.She sometimes help me with my homework. She usually goes to bed at 11p.m.

關於媽媽的英語演講稿2022 篇2

I love my mother.She is tall and thin.She has long and black hair.She isvery beautiful.She is about 30 years old.

She is a good teacher.She is strict about her students's studies.Everydayshe left her students' hall, but she also pay attention to their learning.She isvery busy.Even on Saturday and Sunday, she will put own day as preparation.Evenif she is so busy, she still finds time to help me with my studies and playsball games with me.

She is hard-working ,kind and patient.I remember one time I went to apicnic.She looks after me all the way.She has two children,one is me,another ismy elder brother.My mother like us very much.

I like her very much!I hope my family will happily all the way.





關於媽媽的英語演講稿2022 篇3

I like to go out with my parents, they will take me to differentrestaurants. In the restaurants, they like to order different food for me totaste them. My parents know me so much, they know I like to eat delicious food,so when they order the new food for me, it makes so happy, I like myparents.


關於媽媽的英語演講稿2022 篇4

When I was seven, I started learning English. I played games and sang English songs with other children. Sometimes, I watched English cartoons. It's funny. Then I discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the English world.

I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to go to America to visit Washington, because my cousin is over there. Of course, I want to go to London too, because England is where English language developed. If I can ride my bike in Cambridge University, I will be very happy.

I hope I can speak English with everyone in the world. Also I'll introduce China to them, such as the Great Wall, and the gardens in Suzhou. I will teaching people of the world about the beautiful language of our country.

I like the English language. To learn English is wonderful. I once wanted to be an English teacher . I also like Chinese literature. When I was really young, I was able to remember lots of poems. I also wanted to be a teacher of Chinese. Now I think that both of my dreams can come true: I will be able to use English to teach foreign friends Chinese and share Chinese culture with them. So that more and more people will be able to get to know the 5000 years' history culture, and the prosperity of our great China.

My future is not a dream. I am confident that it will come true.

關於媽媽的英語演講稿2022 篇5

Every season has its beautiful views in south china. For me, I love spring.

Firstly, spring can make lives alive. spring is beautiful and green, the leaves turn to be green suddenly and the rain will visit my hometown from time to time. Grass extend his head out of the ground, the willow sends out green bud, the river burst into song. In spring, The sky is very blue, the cloud is white, and the air is fresh. The Spring is evident everywhere. Spring make me feel happy. In spring, the weather is always sunny and warm, usually I go travelling, sometimes I go hiking and climb mountains, I like spring .

secondly, the spring is a start for the whole year. People always make some conclusion of the last year and plan their goals for the coming year in the spring and start to try hard for them.




關於媽媽的英語演講稿2022 篇6

With the development of our society, energy in the world bees more and morelimited, so it is quite important for us to save energy and to protect ourenvironment。 As a student, there are a lot of methods we can do to save energyat home。 For example, first, we can turn off the light as well as otherappliances when we are not using them。 Second, recycle the waste water, paperand other waste so that we can reuse them。 What's more, it is suggested to usepublic transportation more instead of private cars。

Above all, everyone can make a great contribution to our environment。 Ihope I can learn more to develop new and clear energy, like energy from the windand solar。

關於媽媽的英語演講稿2022 篇7

when i was nine years old i went off to summer camp for the first time. and my mother packed me a suitcase full of books, which to me seemed like a perfectly natural thing to do. because in my family, reading was the primary group activity. and this might sound antisocial to you, but for us it was really just a different way of being social. you have the animal warmth of your family sitting right next to you, but you are also free to go roaming around the adventureland inside your own mind. and i had this idea that camp was going to be just like this, but better. (laughter) i had a vision of 10 girls sitting in a cabin cozily reading books in their matching nightgowns.


“'i live 17 miles from here.' i replied. 'my car could have broken down anywhere along the freeway. it didn't. instead, it broke down in the perfect place: off the freeway, within walking distance of here. i'm still able to teach my class, and i've been able to arrange for the tow truck to meet me after class. if my car was meant to break down today, it couldn't have been arranged in a more convenient fashion.'

the secretary's eyes opened wide, and then she smiled. i smiled back and headed for class.“ so ended my story.

i scanned the sixty faces in my economics class at unlv. despite the early hour, no one seemed to be asleep. somehow, my story had touched them. or maybe it wasn't the story at all. in fact, it had all started with a student's observation that i was cheerful.

deepak chopra has quoted an indian wise man as saying, “who you are speaks louder to me than anything you can say.“ i suppose it must be so.

camp was more like a keg party without any alcohol. and on the very first day our counselor gathered us all together and she taught us a cheer that she said we would be doing every day for the rest of the summer to instill camp spirit. and it went like this: “r-o-w-d-i-e, that's the way we spell rowdie. rowdie, rowdie, let's get rowdie.“ yeah. so i couldn't figure out for the life of me why we were supposed to be so rowdy, or why we had to spell this word incorrectly. (laughter) but i recited a cheer. i recited a cheer along with everybody else. i did my best. and i just waited for the time that i could go off and read my books.

關於媽媽的英語演講稿2022 篇8

Dear teacher, dear classmates:

Good morning everyone! Today the title of my speech is "wisdom to open the door of wisdom to open the road to success with diligence".

Students, you can still remember the first time into the school scenarios? Remember the first open textbooks, joy and novelty in writing the first word? That's one small step into the gate, but it is a big step in life. Life on this voyage, we sail with wisdom, hard for the pulp and began to sail to the very vast knowledge of the ocean!

Our school is a treasure house of knowledge, a cultural corridor, is Yuefu teachers and students, it is the cradle of talent. Students, in this treasure house, the corridor and the Yuefu, bathing in the morning, have you ever thought of, today the stem what? Inspired by the setting sun. Have you ever asked, today there are many harvest?

Dickens said, "I have harvested, I planted the seeds." Everyone has a chance to become a talented person, it is to see you go not to fight for this opportunity. The key to the most commonly used light, can come from diligent study, history not millions of people with their own actions to prove this statement credible Su Qin to urge their own diligent study "the first cantilever cone Cigu" story, leaving the eternal fame. Kuangheng to learn, "cutting the wall to steal light"; Chen Yin to learn, "firefly Yingxue capsule"; Yang Shi to learn, "Li Xue" and so on. They not by diligence and wisdom beyond their own success. To change the fate of knowledge, knowledge of life. Do you also want to be like them, to work hard to acquire knowledge, improve your ability to change your life?

As Mr. Guo Moruo said, "diligence and wisdom are the keys to success". Today we should remember his words, flying their own youth, with industrious sweat paved road to success in the future. Maybe we have lost at the starting line, but never let ourselves lose at the end. Hard work can make up for congenital deficiency, cherish each moment, efforts to acquire knowledge. For the brothers and sisters in ninth grade, recruit exam is not very distant, facing life's first choice, you should redouble our efforts, study hard, make adequate preparations to meet recruit exam; for our eighth graders and eighth grade is a turning point in the junior high school learning, we should grasp well, study hard, and constantly improve themselves; and seventh grade we don't relax. Now our efforts is in learning for the future and lay a solid foundation, and only the foundations of the lay a solid foundation, the house will be built higher. Students, regardless of we are in what stage of learning, we should to seize the fleeting time, take advantage of, the knowledge the gleaming gem tightly in her hand. Each success to hard work and effort to succeed, they must pay the price. As Bingxin said: "the success of the flowers, people only envy it present Mingyan, but I do not know it had Yaren, had soaked fighting leiquan, Sabian a sacrifice Xueyu!" indeed, not by some cold biting, which the fragrance of plum flowers? We are in a golden age of learning, youth, let time wasted? Life can have a few back hard? Life can have several youth? Over the past can not be changed, the so-called black do not know diligence early, Whitehead study to regret later, is the truth. Only hard knowledge, enterprising, the strongest we can play the song of youth!

Students, as long as we establish lofty ideals, down-to-earth study hard, unremitting exploration, we will be able to toil and sweat to forge the beautiful life! Let us study hard, I start from, start from today, let diligent sweat pouring opening flower of knowledge! Let the light of wisdom illuminate our hearts! We struggle to write a youth without regret!


大家上午好!今天我發言的題目是《用智慧開啟智慧之門 用勤奮開闢成功之路》。

同學們,你可還記得第一次背起書包走進學校的情景?可還記得打開第一本課本、學寫第一個字的喜悅與新奇?那踏進校門的一小步,卻是人生的一大步。人生的探索之旅由此啟航,我們以智慧為帆,勤奮作漿,開始駛向 那無比浩瀚的知識海洋!

我們的學校,是知識的寶庫,是文化的走廊,是師生的樂府,更是人才的搖籃。同學們,在這寶庫中 、走廊上 、樂府里,沐著晨光,你是否想過,今天該幹些什麼?踏著夕陽,你是否問過,今天有多少收穫?


正如郭沫若先生所說:“勤奮和智慧是開啟成功大門的鑰匙”。今天的我們應謹記他的話,放飛自己的青春,用勤勞的汗水鋪就未來的成功之路。 也許我們已經輸在起跑線上,但決不能再讓自己輸在終點。後天的努力可以彌補先天的不足,珍惜現在的每一刻,努力獲取知識。 對於九年級的哥哥、姐姐們來說,中招考試已並不遙遠,面臨著人生的第一次選擇,你們應該加倍努力,刻苦學習,為迎接中招考試做充足的準備;對於我們八年級學生來說,八年級是國中學習的一個轉折點,我們應該好好把握,努力學習,不斷提高自己;而七年級的我們也千萬不要放鬆,我們現在的努力是在為以後的學習打下堅實的基礎,只有地基打牢了,房子才會蓋得更高。同學們,無論我們處在哪個學習階段,我們都應該努力,抓住這段易逝的光陰 ,好好把握,將知識這閃光的寶石緊緊握在手中。 每一次的成功都要付出艱辛和努力,要想取得成功就必須付出代價。正如冰心所說:“成功的花兒,人們只驚羨它現時的明艷,卻不知當初它的芽兒,曾浸透了戰鬥的淚泉,灑遍了犧牲的血雨!”的確,不經一番寒徹骨,哪得梅花撲鼻香?我們正處於學習的黃金時代,大好韶華,豈能讓光陰虛度?人生能有幾回拼搏?人生能有幾個花季?過去的就無法改變了,所謂黑髮不知勤學早,白首方悔讀書遲,就是這個道理。只有勤奮求知、拼搏進取,我們才能奏響青春之歌的音!


關於媽媽的英語演講稿2022 篇9

Dear Mr. Li dear my schoolmates good morning!

Entrusted by the first group of schoolmates the topic of my speech is Necessity for lifelong learning.

About lifelong learning there is the famous proverb in Chinese: never too old to learn. Confucius the famous educator in ancient China also said: if I learn the Classical literature "Yi" from the age of 50 I would never make so many mistakes.

To sum up Necessity of lifelong learning is mainly based on the following reasons: First of all the knowledge of modern society changes so quickly if not to learn new knowledge in time you will soon fall behind the times. For example using the mobile Internet technology we can using a mobile phone to book a taxi pay various fees buy all kinds of goods etc. if a person may not grasp the knowledge especially senior people they will not use the convenience brought by Internet.

Secondly diligent in thinking can effectively prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease. This conclusion has been verified in medicine. Finally a person who maintains the habit of lifelong learning can have a stronger advantage in occupation choice. This is not only good for the person but also for the country and the society. Some people complain that they have too much work and have no time to read a book usually. But In fact lifelong learning is not only reading or having a class we can browse the web read e-books receiving distance courses through the Internet conveniently. We can learn not only knowledge but also skills.

Age cannot be a barrier to our lifelong learning. Chu Shijian once the king of China's tobacco industry had suffered a great setback before retirement. He was even put into prison. But at the age of 75 he began to study orange planting technology seriously and finally have a huge success in this area ten years late. Harland Sandoz of America began learning the fast-food lethal at his age of 83. When he was 88 years old his fast food chain often Kentucky had distributed each corner of the world.

Therefore lifelong learning is never too late to start let's start our plan today. Thank you.

關於媽媽的英語演講稿2022 篇10

Chinese cities should close schools, cut working hours and stop outdoor activities during the most severe spells of air pollution, the ministry of environmental protection has said.

"Every possible compulsory measure" must be taken to cut emissions during the heaviest smog – including suspending factory production and imposing traffic restrictions.

The ministry's guidelines, issued in a circular, come as China grapples with frequent choking smog in its big cities, a consequence of years of breakneck economic growth that has fuelled public anger.

State media recently reported that an eight-year-old girl who lived near a busy thoroughfare in the coastal province of Jiangsu had been diagnosed with lung cancer. The case of the girl, believed to be the country's youngest lung cancer patient, has sparked a public outcry.

Despite frequent calls for cutting pollution over recent years, and growing public anger, the problem has only got worse. Schools and workplaces typically operate as normal in all but the most severe smog, even when it reaches hazardous levels.

Primary and middle schools suspended classes last month in the north-east city of Harbin during a smog emergency. The airport and some bus routes were also closed.

China must also toughen anti-pollution measures on industry and reduce its dependence on coal, which produces more than three-quarters of the country's electricity, the environment ministry said.

Public security departments should also toughen checks on vehicles, including phasing out older ones, and ensure there are not too many on the roads, it said.

China said in September it would slash coal consumption and shut down polluting mills, factories and smelters, though experts have said implementing the measures would prove difficult.

Air pollution is expected to worsen this winter because of a chronic natural gas shortage.

關於媽媽的英語演講稿2022 篇11

Shanghai residents breathed the most polluted air they had seen in two months on Wednesday as weak cold air from the north brought pollutants to the Yangtze River Delta.

But clean air is expected on Thursday thanks to another round of cold air, forecasters said.

Seasonal factors played an important role as winter is the high pollution season, and straw burning in nearby provinces also contributed to the pollution, experts said.

Shanghai's air quality index, a new air quality reporting system that monitors sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, PM10 and PM2.5, reached 254 by 7 pm on Wednesday.

The figure, which indicated the air had reached the level of heavy pollution, was the highest seen since the index was introduced two months ago, according to the Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center.

Shanghai's hourly density of PM2.5, air particles smaller than 2.5 microns, also reached 250 micrograms per cubic meter by 10 am, while the reading was only 60 micrograms per cubic meter early Tuesday morning.

The heavy pollution in the eastern metropolis followed thick air pollution in Beijing over the weekend. Beijing's density of PM2.5 broke the record since the municipality began publishing the data in early 20xx as its figure went higher than 900 micrograms per cubic meter in several districts of the city on Saturday.

Lin Chenyan, a forecaster with Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center, said the cold front brought in airborne pollutants from the north.

"The cold snap is like a broom sweeping down all the way to Shanghai, and it brings the dust here," said Lin, adding that atmospheric motion sometimes causes trouble such as that.

Before arriving in Shanghai, the pollutants had left some of Shanghai's neighboring provinces shrouded in smog and fog.

Fifty out of the 72 monitoring stations in Jiangsu province reported medium to heavy pollution on Monday evening, according to Zhang Xiangzhi, deputy director of the Jiangsu Environmental Monitoring Center.

Yang Xin, a professor with Fudan University's department of environmental science and engineering who specializes in atmospheric particulates, said seasonal influences explain the record-breaking data in both Beijing and Shanghai.

"Take Shanghai as an example. It just celebrated its cleanest summer in 20xx - sea breeze from the southeast is helpful in diluting pollutants in the air. However, the monsoons coming from the northwest in the winter usually bring dirty air from the north," Yang said.

Agricultural straw burning in nearby areas also contributed to part of Shanghai's PM2.5 reading, according to Wang Lin, a researcher at Fudan University's Department of Environmental Science and Engineering.

"But it's hard for the Shanghai government to prohibit farmers in the neighboring regions from doing so," Wang said.

According to Lin, the forecaster, Shanghai's air was set to improve on Wednesday night and early Thursday morning. The next wave of cold air is much cleaner because of the clearing of air pollution in the north.

關於媽媽的英語演講稿2022 篇12

in our daily lives, we have many choices to make, such as what to eat for supper,what clothes to wear, or what to do on weekends. at certain times in our lives, we need to make even more critical choices, such as which school to attend, what job to take or who to choose as husband or wife. yes, life is a matter of choice. seemimgly, it means a choice of tangible things. but in essence, it means choosing a way of life. life is to be lived, savored, and enjoyed, not to be wasted or complained about.

hardly can we forget the time when our society faced the grave threat from the life-and-death disease--sars. yet, even during those dreadful times, some afflicted people remained optimistic. instead of wearing neutral white masks, some people turned to colouful ones, and thus display a happy mood. and some creative people dubbed sars to mean "smile and remain smiling." i was deeply touched by their optimisim, nearly forgetting that we're still in a battle. people who survive these kinds of circumstances, (at some point)decide in their minds to carry on in spite of the overwhelming odds.

laid-off workers, typically regarded as the victims of economic advancement, are subject to desperation that being unmeployed has brought on them. but, encouragingly, we have witnessed some of them striving hard to rebuild confidence toward life and discover new opportunities for demonstrating their values.

although we cannot choose our appearance, inborn gifts and even avoid unexpected disasters and adversities, we do have the privilege to choose to live optimistcally,to love our lives, to have dreams, and to cherish hopes.

every morning when we get up, we have a choice of how we want to approach life that day. as for me, i choose to be cheerful.






關於媽媽的英語演講稿2022 篇13

Everyone in our life should face something we hate,or some one we neverwant to face.

So,how can we face the difficulties.

Difficulties happen all the time,but do not be afraid of difficultys.Justgo ahead withe what we are doing with a smile.Do cry and have a smile ,which isthe best way we can use to beat difficulties.Never give up and do your best fortomorrow's sunthine.Trust yourself ,believe in that tomorrow will be better.

You see,no matter what difficulties we face,we always smile,don'twe?So,earthquake we are not afraid because of our smile;hXnX, we are not afraidbecause of our smile....

Together forever no matter what happens,and, with a smile,trust thateverything can be soved!

關於媽媽的英語演講稿2022 篇14

i'm a student.i like eggs and coconut.because eggs is very good for me.it's very healthy.the coconut is a very sweet .i like them.

what about fruit?i like banana very much.banana always grows in the warmarea. it's nice to eat, and it is good for our healths. like us ,monkeys alsolike to eat bananas. you can see this in the zoo.

they are really healthy and delicious.i think you will like them,too.




關於媽媽的英語演講稿2022 篇15

Dear teacher, dear classmates:

Good morning, everyone. Today, our speech topic is under the ancients says,

So, what is the etiquette? Say simply, the etiquette is self-restraint and respect for the kind of behavior standards, is shown to others respect and

understanding process and means.

Civilized manners, not only a personal quality, embodiment that brought up, it is personal morals and embodiment of social ethics. More urban face, but also a nation's face.

So study etiquette can not only inside strong personal qualities, plastic units outside more can lubrication and improve relationship.

As with 5,000 years of civilization

We were in society, identity, role in constantly changing. We this moment hate others, next moment often become people dislike of object. These are only

This semester, we have to create

annual meeting of the activity at the site. Also, we have a new classroom, had dreamed of plastic runway, we still decorate calligraphy, folk music

characteristic such as corridor, and is equipped with calligraphy room, willdisplay the classmates of calligraphy. Besides characteristic corridor, we also designed the stair culture, wall culture, decorate virtue small story, the celebrity dicta, Olympic champion, scientists, dancers, etc. Campus environment will be beautiful and harmonious.

關於媽媽的英語演講稿2022 篇16

when a variety of problems plague the information systems, the critical importance of information security becomes the focus of people's concern. it does deserve the unprecedented emphasis. it is widely accepted that information security, to some extent, outweighs other spheres in the field of information. so the related authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations place the high priority on it.

information security concerns a range of problems- information interception, loss, damage etc. business and military information leakage will have an devastating impact. for the information owners and monitors, they must drive their efforts to enhance the security protection and maintenance. for example, a strict control over the access to the secret data shouldn't be absent. the network and software provider should take a set of tailored protection measures targeting different computer crimes. the security issues should be also considered at the legislative level, so we are clamoring for a law designed to clamp down on various cyber crimes.

關於媽媽的英語演講稿2022 篇17

Good evening ,Ladies and Gentlemen:

Thank you very much for choosing to come in such a cold night.Today my topic is about choice and process.A research shows that a man has to make 73 choices one day.With so many choices one day, people easily get so confused and afraid of making wrong choice that they hesitate and finally miss the true part of life. In my opinion, the following part is of much more importance than the choice. There is no absolute right or wrong choice but wonderful or boring life, which the process makes the difference. Life is a box of chocolate,you never know what you will get. Forrest Gump made no decision by and for himself but he accomplished great success with his strong will in the process. The process is not the road itself but the attitudes and feelings ,the caution, courage and persistance we have as we encounter new experience and unexpected obstacles. Take myself as an example, I changed my major when I became a postgraduate. After the choice,days have been harsh for me.I cannot understand the new lessons at all. For they are closely related to mathmatics which I learned nothing about before. However wuth the belief that this is the great chance for me to experience new ideas and challenge myself,I persisted. I asked for help from every channel and reorgonized my life. Gradually I could understand some parts and even found maths interesting.Moreover, I learned to act instead of complaining. In retrospect,the choice left no trace in my mind but the happiness and bitterness of the past four months becomes an unforgetable experience in my life.

NO matter what the choice is, enjoy the process. In the process, your potential will be inspired and new discoveries,improvement and progress will come to you. These are the most beautiful sceneries and only on the way can you see it.These make your life colorful.

There is no need and I donnot want to judge whether it right or wrong for me to be here,but I congratulate to myself for I gain a and enjoy this fantastic experience. So my dear friends,never worry about your choice and enjoy the process. I am sure you will get something new and intersting tonight after you chose to come here. Thank you!

翻譯:晚上好,女士們,先生們: 非常感謝您選擇在這樣一個寒冷的夜晚。今天我的話題是關於選擇和過程。一個研究表明,一個人必須選擇73一天。有這么多選擇一天,人容易困惑和害怕犯錯誤的選擇,他們猶豫,最後錯過了真正的生活的一部分。在我看來,下面的部分是比選擇更重要。沒有絕對正確或錯誤的選擇但精彩或枯燥的生活,這一過程的區別。 生活是一盒朱古力,你永遠不知道你會得到什麼。阿甘為自己做出任何決定,但他用堅強的意志完成了巨大的成功。


回想起來,選擇沒有留下任何痕跡在我的腦海里,但幸福和痛苦過去的四個月成為一個難忘的經歷在我的生命中。 無論選擇什麼,享受這個過程。在這個過程中,將激發你的潛力和新發現,改進和進步必到你們這裡來。這些都是最美麗的風景在路上,只有你能看到它。這些讓你的生活豐富多彩。 沒有必要,我不想來判斷是否對還是錯我在這裡,但是我對自己祝賀我獲得和享受這美妙的體驗。所以親愛的朋友,永遠不會擔心你的選擇和享受這個過程。我相信你會得到一些新的和有趣今晚在你選擇來這裡。謝謝你們!

關於媽媽的英語演講稿2022 篇18

When clock is belling,my heart ripple along with it,to distant withyou,transmit my missing,to be joyful!My dear friend!

Please open the window,let the new year's wind blow your room and the snowflying in,my warming wish flutter to your heart!

Flowers are disseminationing fragrant,friendship transmissing warm,hope usto brimming in a happy year,wishes you: Happy New Year! Best wishes! Does notexperience the wind and rain, how can see the rainbow?nobody can casuallysucceed!So refuel!The same as New year!

Missing are a smell of flower fragrance,inundated the mountain valley,coveryour and me,and blessing are the boundless attention,overflow the eye,until theheart.We hugging and listening the new year'clock,just like listening the breathof annual,crowding around our same dream,making the sincerly blessing with theture love,Happy New Year!

My dear friend!wish you happy usually,have the vitality continually,stillhave happiness and content,I'm very happy to cooperate with you in the pastyear,hoped you best wishes in the new year!The breeze lightly strokes,the whiteclouds far pass,in my heart was the eternal friendship,willing my blessing isthe most freshest,and you will take it to your heart!

關於媽媽的英語演講稿2022 篇19

I have received many presents when I have my eleven birthday party. Myparents give me a teddy bear, my uncle gives me a book. My best friend gives mea goldfish. Among all the gifts, I love the goldfish the most.I always want tohave a pet in the family, but my parents don’t allow me to keep one. Now I havemy own goldfish. I will keep it and take good care of it.This goldfish is verybeautiful. Its colour is pink. I love watching it swimming in the water.Sometimes, I will feed it. I wish it can grow up with me. This is the bestbirthday presentever!在我11歲的生日聚會上,我收到了很多禮物。我的父母送給我一個泰迪熊,我的叔叔送我一本書。我最好的朋友送了我一條金魚。在這些禮物中,我最喜歡的是金魚。我一直想在家裡面養只寵物,但是我父母不允許。現在,我有了自己的寵物魚。我會好好照顧它的。這條金魚非常美麗,它是粉色的。我很喜歡看它在水裡面游來游去。有時候,我會餵它。我希望它能和我一起長大。這是我收到最好的生日禮物!