


My aunt went toNanning to see me yesterday. I was very happy. She arrived on friday niht. OnSaturday, we went to the zoo, which has many interesting things. There are lovelydelphis, sealions, special birds, acrobatic show, and so on. However, the mostexcited thing is the Roller Coaster, which is the thing that I dream to playbut don't dear. Having hesitated for a long time, I decided to play once. Infact,I wasn't too afraid to play it. When we went out the zoo, it was alreadysix o’clock. It was our dinner time. After dinner,I had to go back to school. It’sa wonderful day!



Jan.5, 201

DearMr. Brown,

Mr.Smith called you this morning when you were out. He left a message that hewould come tomorrow morning to discuss the details about the annual meeting. Hewould arrive at about 9:00. We should make confirmation of time, number, andstandard.







My father is an ordinary people. He is a driver.He doesn’t receive too much education. But he is kind-hearted. He always ask meto be down-to-earth and keep an optimistic mind. Everyone likes him because ofhis good personality. He is always ready to help others if he can. Sometimes whenhe drives the old, he will not take monet frome them. He is so great. He has seta very good example for me. He is my idol. I will love him forever.



When I came toschool this morning, I found an Oxford Dictionary, which is the sixth printingon the ground of school gate. I was afraid it would be demaged if nobody pichedit up. And I stood there for a while seeing no one intended to pick it up. Therefore,I took it to my dormitory. The dictionary is brand new. It has a note in themiddle of the book where I saw a poem----Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again writtenin Chinese on the paper.


If its owner seesthis, please contact me after the school time or just go to my dormitory. Mynumber is and room number is 612.



March 11th,20xx
