

May l0th Monday Cloudy

This afternoon my school held an English-speaking contest named"Challenging the Future" in the multi-function classroom. The students who are excellent at English took part in the contest. I just went there as an audience.

I got a lot from their speech. In their speech, I found all of them had made full use of the present time and conditions to prepare for the future and used the known factors to challenge the unknown ones. From this I realized that we shouldn't waste our time of today and shouldn't put today's work off to tomorrow. Today is the base of tomorrow. I will no longer waste my present time. I am going to study hard and do good preparation for my future.

5月10日 星期一 多雲




May l0th Monday Cloudy

This afternoon my school held an English-speaking contest in the multi-function classroom. The contest was named "Challenging the Future"I was present at the contest as an audience.

I learned a lot from their speech. They had different plans for the future. But as they challenged the future, they had something in common,that is, they all made full use of the present. The present is the base of the future.

After the contest, I knew I needed a plan for my future as well. I must grasp my present time to realize my plan. I won't idle away the valuable time any more. I'm determined to study hard and improve myself. I will prepare to challenge my future.

5月10日 星期一 多雲





高考英語滿分作文 Studying Abroad 出國留學

面對中學生“出國熱”,社會對此有不同的看法。請你以Studying Abroad為題,


Advantages Disadvantages



3.傳播各民族間的不同文化。 1.年紀小,缺乏生活經驗,自理能力差。

1. 情感孤獨,思鄉。2. 生活學習費用高。

注意:1)第一句已為你寫好,不計入總詞數。 2)詞數100 左右。

3)參考辭彙:媒介,中間人 mediator

Studying Abroad

In recent years, studying abroad has been popular.________________________

Studying Abroad

In recent years, studying abroad has been popular. Tens of thousands of Chinese students have gone to foreign countries to study. Many people are trying their best to apply to go abroad.

There are many advantages in attending schools abroad. First, students who have studied abroad can act as mediators between people of different cultures. Second, we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from foreign countries. Third, we can learn foreign languages more quickly.

However, there are some disadvantages. Most of the students are too young to live by themselves without any living experience. Besides, being far away from their home country, they may feel lonely and homesick. Of course the costs are much.



