If I were……假如我是英語作文

If I were……

If I were a teacher, I would not treat my students just as some know-nothing kids. I wouldn't give them homework that can never be done.If I were a teacher, I would try my best to let them like me, not be afraid of me. I wouldn't teach them just as if I were a sage. If I were a teacher, I would make friends with my students. I would respect them and understand them. If I were a teacher, I would make study a happy thing to my students, but not a burden to them.


假如我是老師,我對待學生一定不像是對待不懂事的孩子那樣,不會懲罰似的給他們留永遠也做不完的作業。我會讓學生們喜歡我,而不是害怕我。我不會像聖人一 樣地處處說教。如果我是老師,我會和學生們成為平等的好朋友,尊重他們,理解他們。使他們以學習為樂,而不是把學習當成一種負擔。