
中國工產黨成立紀念日,每年公曆七月一日。 1920xx年俄國十月革命勝利後,馬克思主義迅速傳遍到我國,經過"五四"愛國運動,最早接 受馬列主義的革命知識分子李大釗,陳獨秀,毛澤東,董必武等人,相繼在各地成立共產主義 小組,宣傳馬列主義,從事工人運動。在列寧領導的公產國際的積極幫助下, 1920xx年7月各地共產主義小組派出代表到上海召開了 中國工產黨第一次代表大會。後因被帝國 主義密探發覺,會議又轉移到浙江嘉興南湖的一隻船上繼續進行。參加會議的有李達,李漢俊,張國煮,劉仁靜,董必武,陳潭秋,毛澤東,何叔衡,王盡美,鄧恩銘,陳公博,包惠僧,周佛海,共十三人,代表全國冠軍五十七名黨員出席了會議。參加會議的還有共產國際代表馬林,赤色職工國際代表尼柯爾斯基。大會通過了黨的章程,選舉陳獨秀為,宣告中國共產黨成立。從此,在中國出現了完全新式的以共產主義為目的,以馬列主義為行動指南的,統一的工人階級政黨。 中國工產黨的誕生,開闢了中國歷史發展的新時代,使中國革命的面貌煥 然一新。 抗日戰爭時期,由於環境困難,不能查記"一大"召開的準確日期,因此1941年黨中 央決定召開"一大"的確1920xx年7月的首日即7月1日作為黨的生日和紀念日。

中國共產黨成立紀念日,每年公曆七月一日。1920xx年俄國十月革命勝利後,馬克思主義迅速傳遍到我國,經過“五四”愛國運動,最早接受馬列主義的革命知識分子李大釗,陳獨秀,毛澤東, 董必武等人,相繼在各地成立共產主義小組,宣傳馬列主義,從事工人運動。在列寧領導的公產國際的積極幫助下,1920xx年7月各地共產主義小組派出代表到上海召開了中國共產黨第一次代表大會。後因被帝國主義密探發覺,會議又轉移到浙江嘉興南湖的一隻船上繼續進行。參加會議的有李達,李漢俊,張國煮,劉仁靜,董必武,陳潭秋,毛澤東,何叔衡,王盡美,鄧恩銘,陳公博,包惠僧,周佛海,共十三人,代表全國冠軍五十七名黨員出席了會議。參加會議的還有共產國際代表馬林,赤色職工國際代表尼柯爾斯基。大會通過了黨的章程,選舉陳獨秀為,宣告中國共產黨成立。從此,在中國出現了完全新式的以共產主義為目的,以馬列主義為行動指南的,統一的工人階級政黨。中國共產黨的誕生,開闢了中國歷史發展的新時代,使中國革命的面貌煥然一新。抗日戰爭時期,由於環境困難,不能查記“一大”召開的準確日期,因此1941年黨中央決定召開“一大”的確1920xx年7月的首日即7月1日作為黨的生日和紀念日。

Festival party sources

China Kohsan anniversary of the establishment of the party, July 1 calendar year. In 1917 after the victory of the Russian Revolution, the rapid spread of Marxism in our country, after "54" Patriotic Movement, the first Marxist-Leninist revolutionary intellectuals to accept Li Dazhao, Chen, Mao Zedong, Dong and others, have been set up in various parts of the communist group, propagating Marxism-Leninism, to engage in the labor movement. Lenin led the public in the middle of the active help of the international, around July 1921 sent on behalf of the communist group held in Shanghai, China Kohsan first Congress party. Imperialist spy after being found, the meeting has shifted to South Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang of a ship to continue. To participate in the meeting were Li Da, Li Hanjun, Zhang cook,劉仁靜, Dong, Chen Tanqiu, Mao Zedong,何叔衡, Wang Jinmei, Deng Enming, Bo Chen, Bao Huiseng,周佛海, a total 13 people, on behalf of the National Champion 57 members attended the the meeting. Also attending the meeting were the Communist International on behalf of Marin, on behalf of the Red Trade Unions尼柯爾斯基International. The General Assembly adopted the party's constitution, election as general secretary Chen, declaring the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party. Since then, emerged in China in order to completely new for the purpose of communism, Marxism-Leninism as a guide to action, unified working class political parties. China Kohsan the birth of the party, the historical development of China has opened up a new era of revolution in China take on a new look. Anti-Japanese War, due to environmental problems and can not check in mind, "a" meeting of the exact date, so the CPC Central Committee in 1941 decided to convene a "a" in July 1921 did the first day of July 1 as the party's birthday and to commemorate Day.

Anniversary of the establishment of the Communist Party of China, July 1 calendar year. In 1917 after the victory of the Russian Revolution, the rapid spread of Marxism in our country, after "54" Patriotic Movement, the first Marxist-Leninist revolutionary intellectuals to accept Li Dazhao, Chen, Mao Zedong, Dong and others, have been set up in various parts of the communist group, propagating Marxism-Leninism, to engage in the labor movement. Lenin led in the public domain active assistance of international, around July 1921 the communist group sent representatives to Shanghai Communist Party of China convened the first Congress. Imperialist spy after being found, the meeting has shifted to South Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang of a ship to continue. To participate in the meeting were Li Da, Li Hanjun, Zhang cook,劉仁靜, Dong, Chen Tanqiu, Mao Zedong,何叔衡, Wang Jinmei, Deng Enming, Bo Chen, Bao Huiseng,周佛海, a total 13 people, on behalf of the National Champion 57 members attended the the meeting. Also attending the meeting were the Communist International on behalf of Marin, on behalf of the Red Trade Unions尼柯爾斯基International. The General Assembly adopted the party's constitution, election as general secretary Chen, declaring the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party. Since then, emerged in China in order to completely new for the purpose of communism, Marxism-Leninism as a guide to action, unified working class political parties. The birth of the Communist Party of China, China's historical development has opened up a new era of revolution in China take on a new look. Anti-Japanese War, due to environmental problems and can not check in mind, "a" meeting of the exact date, so the CPC Central Committee in 1941 decided to convene a "a" in July 1921 did the first day of July 1 as the party's birthday and to commemorate Day.