
I don’t know 我知道

I can’t speak English 我不懂英文

Yes , Please 請

Excuse me 勞駕

I am sorry 對不起

Could you do me a favor? 能夠幫我忙嗎?

Please say it again 請再說一次

Anyway 總之

Of course 當然

By the way 順便提一下

if 如果,假設

Besides 另外,況且

Actually 實際上

May I smoke here? 能在這裡吸菸嗎?

May I use this phone? 能夠使用電話嗎?

May I sit here? 能夠坐在這裡嗎?

May I ask something? 我想問點事情

Is there a police station here? 附近有警察局嗎?

What time is it now? 現在幾點了?

I am tired 我很累

As soon as possible 近快---

Please help me 請幫助我

I feel sick 我感覺不舒服

I’m lost 我迷路了