

On the night of the elixir of love, in celebrate this holiday season, we came the 58th birthday of the motherland. At the same time, our students also welcomed a national holiday.

The first day of the holiday, I finish the teacher assigned the homework first, and ready to go to sleep, thinking: this National Day seems so meaningless. How to have a meaningful National Day? Go to karaoke? To the playground play a variety of choice, I am not satisfied. By the way, I went to the yearning for a long time of fort worth. To mother took me to, is a great surprise, mother agreed without hesitation. I am very happy, hurried in shoes, ready to go to fort worth!

My mother and I get a ride to fort worth, so many people inside, and toys, I'm so happy, am unable to use language to describe. Mother gave me some a spring chicken, and a cup of milk tea, and I ate and drank, and almost died for joy. Eat, drink enough, should be good to have some fun! I came to the children's playground in the fort worth, in both the slide, and ride the toy car, it's fun. In eleven long holiday, every day is filled with laughter, live very substantial.

In this National Day long vacation, I have already tasted the delicious food, play fun toys, both learning, finished holiday teacher assigned homework, do the best of both worlds, is a joy!


在這花好月圓的夜晚,在這普天同慶的佳節,我們祖國58歲生日到來了。同時,我們學生也迎來了一個 十一 長假。

假期的第一天,我首先把老師布置的各項家庭作業完成,準備去睡個覺,心想:這樣過國慶節好像太沒有意義了。怎樣才能過個有意義的國慶節呢?去唱卡拉OK?到遊樂場大玩一番 種種選擇,我都不滿意。對了,我去嚮往以久的沃斯堡。便要媽媽帶我去,真是太出乎意料了,媽媽毫不猶豫的同意了。我欣喜萬分,急忙換鞋,準備去沃斯堡!

我和媽媽搭車來到沃斯堡,裡面好多人喔,還有玩具,我太高興了,高興得簡直無法用語言來形容。媽媽給我點了一個童子雞,還有一杯奶茶,我又吃又喝,簡直高興死了。吃飽了,喝足了,應該好好地玩一玩了吧!我來到了沃斯堡里的兒童遊樂場,裡面既有滑滑梯,又有騎小車的玩具,真是好玩極了。在 十一 長假中,每天都充滿了歡聲笑語,過得非常充實。
