

In the blink of an eye the summer vacation came, I want to use this precious summer vacation to cram school, because I am in the final exam is not very good, in order to let this summer vacation will be worthwhile and meaningful and happy, do work and rest, I developed a special summer life and study plan.


In addition, three in the morning to go to the gym every Monday afternoon training of badminton, composition class writing; complete teacher assigned homework the rest of the time. Every day to write a two page, five page copybook "homework", two "100" in English reading.


A week to write a high quality vacation week, weekly reading an interesting extracurricular books increase knowledge, and make the reading notes, accumulate good sentence, written.

為了達到勞逸結合,每周至少游泳三次。 我一定會嚴格要求自己,按照計畫學習、生活,度過一個多姿多彩、既充實又有意義又快樂的暑假。

In order to achieve the work and rest, at least go swimming three times a week. I will set strict demands on themselves, according to the plan, learning life, spend a colorful, both substantial and meaningful and happy summer vacation.