

The winter vacation is coming to an end, and finish the homework. I heard a story, so that the origin of the Spring Festival: long long ago, there was a call in strange monsters, the annual New Year's day will come, years of strange people afraid of fire and cannon dozen years blame, he put in strange beat, and this is the Chinese New Year. Have a year of Spring Festival, I and other children put 'ChongTianBao', the Spring Festival party began, dad and mom told me to come home to see the Spring Festival evening party, don't want to leave home, watching the Spring Festival evening party. My father, mother, grandpa and grandma watching the Spring Festival evening ate fruit, I be very happy!I am very happy, very happy, hope every day was Chinese New Year!

Today is New Year's Day, every day, every family is very lively, a Chinese New Year every family to eat a very fatty foods, each meal should be placed before the whip, burn incense to the God of Wealth and hopes to make a fortune, a children are up early to wear new clothes to go to the elders to pay, hoping to get older, the red envelope, Chinese New Year, and full of gaiety, today I am feeling very good.

The Spring Festival diary  Start looking, and, well, Spring Festival is arrived, on New Year's day, I was at my  grandmother's house. There NianWei of very heavy, every family in the lunar New Year's eve put red lanterns hanging out, write the couplets, stick it out. And put the door, and pack dumpling, I was at my grandmother's house also help up busy, help adults get this made with that, own also lost in this New Year's day busy atmosphere, on New Year's day to getting up early, to follow the parents to other people's home New Year, worship the years later, in the afternoon, the family got together, talking and laughing eat a big dinner, everyone's faces lit a smile, after lunch, my brother and sister and the racing to rob to let grandpa's grandmother to New Year's money, finally we got,also are delighted, finish to grandma and grandpa's New Year's money, go with aunt uncle to, so a a will, this just on New Year's day, I will be up to 600 yuan, and before you know it was this time for bed, looking back on this day, really is in the thick NianWeiEr spent, really looking forward to every day was Chinese New Year.


我聽過一個故事,叫春節的起源:很久很久以前,有一個叫在陌生的怪物,在每年的新年的一天將會來臨,年奇怪的人怕火,與炮打年責備,就把在陌生的擊敗了,而這就是中國的新年。有一年春節,我和其他孩子們把‘衝天炮’,到了春節晚會開始,爸爸和媽媽叫我回家去看春節晚會,不願離開家裡看春節晚會。我的父親,母親,爺爺和奶奶看春節聯歡晚會邊吃水果,我很高興!   我很開心,很幸福,希望每天都過年!

今天是大年初一,每到這一天,每家都非常的熱鬧,一過年每家都會吃很油膩的食物,每頓飯前都要放鞭、給財神上香,希望今後能發財,一大早小孩子都穿上新衣服去給長輩拜年,希望能得到長輩的紅包,過年了,到處都是喜氣洋洋,我今天的心情非常好。春節日記  一轉眼,春節就到了,大年初一,我在奶奶家。那裡的年味很重,家家戶戶在除夕那天就把紅紅的燈籠掛了出來,把對聯寫好,貼了出來。還要貼鬥神,包餃子,我在奶奶家也幫起了忙,幫助大人弄這弄那,自己也沉醉在這過年忙碌的氣氛中了,大年初一要早起,要跟隨爸爸媽媽去別人家裡拜年,拜完年後,就到了中午,一家人湊在一起,有說有笑的吃著團圓飯,每個人的臉上都洋溢著笑容,吃完午飯後,我和弟弟妹妹們便爭著搶著讓爺爺奶奶給壓歲錢,最後我們都得到了,也都高興不已,要完爺爺奶奶的壓歲錢,就去跟嬸嬸叔叔要。就這樣一個一個要,這才大年初一,我就要到了600元,不知不覺就到了該睡覺的時候了,回首這一天,真的是在濃濃的年味兒中度過的,真期盼天天都過年。