


public transport 公共運輸

as well 也

link up sth with sth 把……和……連線起來

run through 穿過

be made of 用……製成

it is good to do sth 這樣做某事很好

ø the wind is blowing

be friendly to sb. 對……友好

have a competition 進行一次競賽

make sb. do sth. 讓某人做某事

use sth. to do sth. 用某物做某事

use sth. for doing sth. 用某物做某事

finish doing sth. 結束做某事

show sth. to sb. 展示某物給某人

at the right time 在合適的時間

ø water festival

how are you getting on with… 你……進展如何

be prepared for 為……作準備

tell sb. to do sth 告訴某人做某事

not only … but also 不僅……還……

three forms of water 水的三種形式

keep doing sth. 保持做某事

for a while 一段時間

be suitable for 適合於

time’s up 時間用完了

beware of 小心


allow doing sth

be allowed to do sth (被動語態)

know about 知道,了解

in the world 在世界上

class teacher 班主任

the first prize 一等獎

the first place 第一名

on one's way to sp. 在某人……的路上

take part in 參加

in the street 在街上

turn back 迴轉身來

hurry to sp. 慌忙去某地

friendship store 友誼商店

science fiction film 科幻電影

go to the movies 去看電影

laugh at 嘲笑

stop to do sth. 停下做另一件事

in the end 最後

keep doing sth. 保持做某事

talk about sth. 談論某事

how do you like=what do you think of 你認為如何

what about ……怎么樣

i think so, too 我也這么認為

begin doing sth. 開始做某事

talk with sb. 與某人談論

say to sb. 與某人說話

just now 剛才


with a smile 面帶微笑

both……and…… 兩者都

at the end of 最後

buy sth. for sb.=buy sb.sth. 買……給……

make great progress 取得進步

manage to do sth. 盡力做某事

during the summer holidays 暑假期間

get angry 生氣

what is wrong with you=what is the matter 你怎么了

stay at home 呆在家裡

by the way 順便問一下

between……and…… 在……和……之間

there goes the bell 鈴響了

be born 出生

be interested in 對……感興趣

of one's own 屬於某人自己的

have to 不得不

test tube 試管

electric light 電燈

last year 去年

each other/one another 互相(兩者之間)/互相(兩者以上)

not only……but also…… 不但……而且……

be good at 擅長於

catch one's eye 引起某人的注意

pick up 拾起

to one's great joy 讓某人大為高興的是

cross talk 相聲

pop song 流行歌曲

young pioneer 少先隊員

look up 向上看

stand up 站起來


over and over 再三

to one's surprise 使某人驚奇的是

just a minute 等一下

make a mistake 犯錯誤

belong to 屬於某人自己的

go boating 去划船

ask for leave 請假

have a bad cold 患重感冒

kind of 稍微有點

football game 足球賽

used to 過去常常

go to town 進城

on foot 步行

ought to 應該

the nile 尼羅河

the amazon 亞馬遜河

the yangtze river 長江(揚子江)

as…as 同……一樣

not as…as,not so…as 不如……那樣

the atlantic 大西洋

keep up-to-date 趕時髦

the underground 捷運

underground railway 捷運

had better 還是……好,最好還是……

do shopping 購物

quite a few 好幾個

make friends(with) (與……)交朋友

chinese painting (中國)國畫

shop assistant 營業員


give up 放棄

do one's best 盡力

at the south pole 在南極

set up 建立;設立

collect information(about) 收集(有關……的)情報

with one voice 異口同聲

the day after tomorrow 後天

according to 按照

fall off 跌落

look out of 從……朝外看

go up to 走上前去

concert hall 音樂廳

lantern show 燈盞

take place 發生

take the place of 代替

joint venture 合資企業

under way 在籌建中

final exam 期終考試

go to do sth. 去做某事

in the afternoon 在下午

be happy to do sth. 做……開心

around the house 在房子周圍

as we all know 眾所周知

south america 南美洲

help sb./sth. to do sth. 幫助某人/某物做某事

in a hurry 匆匆忙忙

above the ground 在地面上

had better do sth. 最好做某事

make progress 取得進步

look worried 看上去很擔憂

i see 我明白

show sth. to sb. 把某物展示給某人看

make a fire 生火

keep the balance of nature 保持自然平衡

on top of 在……頂部

a lot 許多

anything else 還有什麼嗎

go to the checkout 去結賬

make mistakes 犯錯誤

this time 這次

come back 回來

plan to do sth. 計畫作某事

two hours later 兩小時以後

feel sorry 感到抱歉

here it is 在這裡

next time 下一次

make friends with sb. 與某人交朋友


after work 工作之餘

give up smoking 戒菸

manage to do sth.=try to do sth. 盡力做某事

do one's best=try one's best 盡力某人最大力做某事

show sb.round(around) sp. 帶領某人參觀某地

take sb. to sp. 帶領某人去某地

tell sb. about sth. 告訴某人關於某事

at the south pole 在南極洲

at the station 在工作站

a bit 有點

on sunday morning 在星期天的早上

go downstairs 下樓

go up to 走到……的前面

it's a pleasure 這是我的榮幸

move to sp. 搬到……

have taken place 代替

knock at the door 敲門

again and again=over and over 再三

ask sb.to do sth. 要求某人做某事