I have a dream英語作文帶翻譯

夢想就是一種讓你感到堅持就是幸福的東西,甚至其可以視為一種信仰。那么怎么寫關於I have a dream的英語作文呢?下面是小編為大家精心挑選的I have a dream英語作文帶翻譯,希望對大家有所幫助。

I have a dream英語作文篇一

I have a dream to be a doctor.

When I was a little boy, one day I was taken to see a doctor for I had caught a bad headache.

When I passed through the gate of the hospital, I noticed there were several people crying in sorrow.

Later, I learned that one of their relatives had died of cancer and I also got knowledge that there was not efficient medicine to cure that disease.

So since then I have decided to be a doctor when I grow up. I think I will contribute myself to researching on developing such medicines.

That is my dream.






I have a dream英語作文篇二

I have a dream that I want to be a painter.

Because I like drawing pictures.And if I can be a painter ,I can draw many things .I can draw whatever I like .

For example,I can draw my mother .I like seeing her laughing face.I can draw many places that I have been to.

And a painter can earn a lot of money.So I want to be a painter.






I have a dream英語作文篇三

Everyone has his dream. So do I. When I was a little child, I wanted to be a teacher.Because it seems that the teachers know everything ,such as Chinese maths English and so on.

The teachers are always happy with many students around them. They teach us not only knowledge but also how to be good students.

They study and play together with the students happily.

They are very kind to their students. They are ready to help the students whenever they want.

How great the teachers are. I want to be a teacher in the future.




