
假如你是李華,是英國某所學校的交換生,你幾天前在英國的一個商店買的手機壞了。請你根據以下提示,給該商店客服發一封電子郵件。1.寫作目的;2.具體問題:如手機黑屏, 不能重啟等;3.解決辦法:如維修,更換新手機等。注意:1. 詞數在100字左右;2. 可適當增加細節,以使行文連貫.

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Li Hua, an exchange student from China. I’m writing to report the quality of the mobile phone which I bought from your store.

It unexpectedly went wrong a few days after I bought it. The screen turned out to be black while I was taking photos. I tried to restart it according to the instructions, but it still failed to work. Therefore, I’m sure there is something wrong with the phone. I am hoping that you direct me to a store where I may get it repaired or change it for a new one within the next 3 days. Since your store has gained a good reputation for customer satisfaction, I am confident you will process my problem at your earlier convenience.

Looking forward to your early reply.

Yours Sincerely,

Li Hua






