

Good afternoon. Ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to this year’s English speech competition. Taking part in English speech competition is a helpful way to learn English. While we fully prepare for the competition, we can improve our abilities of listening and speaking and develop a good habit of reading English. In the process of the competition, you should pay special attention to the following rules. First, you should finish your speech in five minutes. Second, you try your best to express yourself in English fluently. Finally, you should have a good English pronunciation.

I hope that the English speech competition will be a great success!

Thank you!


這是一篇很實用的演講稿。旨在考查學生在實際生活中在某個具體場合下靈活使用英文來表達自己思想的能力。考查學生學以致用。本演講稿有三個寫作要點:1. 說明比賽的意義,如提高英語聽說能力,養成讀書的習慣等;2. 說明比賽的注意事項,如每人演講不超過5分鐘,語言流利,發音準確等;3. 預祝比賽圓滿成功。然後自由發揮寫出適當的結尾。