


假如你是李華,你的美國朋友Carl 在學漢語時遇到下圖中的成語,他來信向你求助,希望你能告訴他這個成語的寓意以及在什麼情況下使用這個成語合適。請用英語給他回信。






Dear Carl,

I am happy to know that you are getting along well with your Chinese.It's quite natural that you should have difficulties with Chinese idioms, because their meanings are so much different from their apparent meanings.

The original meaning of the idiom attached is that when the shepherd found his sheep missing because of the broken sheepfold , he was advised to mend it in time.Today, the moral of the idiom is that when you make a mistake and do something wrong, you should correct it as soon as possible.It is somewhat equal to an English phrase “Late better than never”.For example, you can use the idiom to encourage your friend to work harder to make up the time he has wasted.Hope you will make more progress!

Best regards!


Li Hua


調查顯示目前我國公民年人均閱讀量還不到有些國家的十分之以, “全民閱讀”也連續兩年被寫入了《政府工作報告》。請以“ Reading Matters”為題,寫一篇英語倡議書向English Weekly徵文專欄投稿。



注意: 1.詞數100左右;


Reading Matters

Dear fellow students,

It is reported that

Thanks for your listening.


Dear fellow students,

It is reported that the annual average reading amount of per Chinese is only about one-tenth of that some other countries in the world,which causes certain worries among us. How did this come about?

The causes consist of two aspects. Firstly,people’s lack of reading habit explains the main reason,which is the most urgent and difficult thing to change. Secondly,it is obvious that people nowadays care more about material gains than the enrichment of the mind.

It’s high time that we paid due attention to developing good reading habit as it can bring us enormous benefits. For one thing,reading enables us to acquire knowledge and thus broadens our horizons. For another,it provides enough food for thought and improves our practical skills. What’s more,reading enriches our mind and makes it possible for us to lead a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Thanks for your listening!


Educational Justice

At this precise moment in time and with the impending entrance examination, the problem of educational injustice has loomed more conspicuous and has been brought to the center of public attention. It is almost absolutely correct that schools' misbehavior gave rise to seditions and agony.


Dated back to last month, one official representative at the meeting of People's Representatives put forward the issue of educational partiality, maintaining that the possibility of certain metropolises' students admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University is approximately 40 times more than that in Henan province. Recently, when it comes to the enrollment of middle school students, another heated news has been propagated that certain schools enjoying better location, faculty and favorable policies are illegally stretching their legs towards elite students over the whole province, exerting definitely pernicious influences on the regulation of tests and examinations.


As a student, I'm sincerely concerned with this. From my own perspective, the leading action we should be encouraged to take is to distribute resources more sensibly. It's imperative to give more rights for admission to prestigious universities to students in need, which may propitiously precipitate the process of social justice. Also, governmental regulation and punishments are in desperate demand. Banning on such misconducts as searching for students over the boundary in certain schools serves as a solution.


What is more, personally, it's advisable for the school administrators to secure a clear mind that faculty and regulations rather than students are more significant linchpins in maintaining competence and attractiveness.


There is still a long way to go for sake of overcoming the perplexity of educational injustice. Notwithstanding, we are bound to accomplish it with fortitude.
