


He was under pressure to be a hercules in the United States. A child was trapped in the ditch by a small truck in an accident. The boy's father came and jumped into the ditch. He lifted the pickup truck to a certain height and the boy was saved! But he couldn't lift the pickup truck any more. This, I think, is precisely because the intense pressure of the rescuer has inspired his boundless potential, and his strength is beyond his usual capacity. This validates Emerson's famous saying that miracles are often caused by stress. When the child's father saw the child on the edge of death, there was only one idea in mind: "whatever it is, be sure to save the child!" As a father, he was so stressed and responsible that he didn't even have time to think about whether he could move the pickup truck. The belief that this "must save the child" and the invisible pressure have made him desperate and unleashed an unprecedented force. Judging by the dialectical point of view, things have a bad side, and there must be a good side. The same is true of stress. This is the other side of the double-edged sword. People don't always say, "well, no pressure, no oil, no pressure, no pressure." And if it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger!


As the saying goes, there is pressure to be motivated. But is the stress really good? The stress of being fit can be turned into motivation, but the stress can backfire.

The teacher left a mountain of homework, and the parents made a pile of them. This is the sadness of our students. They think it's better to do more. But who knows, buried deep in the night? Some people even went to the building to kill themselves and run away from home.

Just like the pressure cooker, there's no pressure, and there's a lot of pressure to explode.

Today is the year of the Olympic Games in China. Therefore, I thought of liu xiang. Liu xiang is a prodigy and the pride of our country. He gave us the glory of China and gave the Chinese a sigh of relief. But in recent years, is it too stressful for liu xiang? Do we think liu xiang is invincible? What if liu xiang loses? How could such liu xiang not lose?

Why are there more new gold MEDALS in the Olympic Games? The first calf is not afraid of the tiger, which is precisely because we have high hopes for them.

In the face of stress, we should confront the difficulties and never flinch. But are the pressure makers too stressed?








They, under pressure, lose their hands in the Olympics, and many of them lose their hands because of too much pressure, while the dark horse occasionally kills. Why are they stressed? Because they positioned themselves in the position of a "general", they thought they had taken a few gold MEDALS, and this time they must have another. Therefore, they carry a heavy burden of thought on their backs, so they play more conservatively and worry too much. And the "dark horse" is their orientation in the position of a challenger: if I lose, have no what, you are a star, various aspects are better than me, taken for granted; If I win, it's better to say that I have the strength to win. Thus the "black horses" can play their normal, even paranormal levels. This is an old saying, "it's easy to keep your city on the wall." In fact, the main problem facing pressure is self-orientation. If the "name" to the game as a platform to communicate with other players, with a common heart to face, positioning himself in a low position, also have the larger play space. At the Athens Olympics, did lee's team win the final victory because of their self-positioning? The greatest enemy of man is himself, so long as he conquers his own pressure, all the other external pressures are not worth talking about. Learn to relieve yourself, and you will be able to do well.

Stress can't escape, stress is the fuel of life, pressure is the motivation, fight the pressure, let the pressure come more violently!


If there is a period of time that is not very emotional, or if it is a decrease in concentration, it can also be a result of excessive stress and prolonged fatigue. If you want to adjust your time, the easiest thing to do is to schedule some time to relax. For example, telling a little joke, or listening to a little cross talk, or listening to some light music can help you relax. Study after relaxation, you will be very efficient. Physical activity and communication is also a good method. If you want to adjust your mood through physical activity, running should be the most appropriate. But don't take part in competitive sports, the first one may hurt, and the second one will affect your mood. You can also find teachers, parents and friends to talk to each other, express your emotions may be open-minded, positive input into the study.

Some students say that a nervous will sweat, the face sometimes red, do not know what to do? Let's talk about relaxation techniques here. This relaxation training can be used to improve the situation in psychology. The main point of relaxation training is that you have to imagine yourself, you have to get through your physical tension, you can imagine the proper test environment, you can see how much tension you have, and then you do this kind of adjustment. If students are nervous, we can use a sentence "to attack drugs with poison". You can imagine a tense situation to achieve your mental will. In the most popular way, you need to be nervous, and in your daily life we can exercise, and a communication and communication can actually be a good outlet for students. Is that you need, through your partner through this communication, you find other classmates also very nervous, you communicate through found everyone in what kind of way, through the communication you vent your nervous, this may help you.


If we don't go crazy, we'll graduate! "In the university entrance exam is approaching, wenzhou, zhejiang province always fine so spontaneously and has a senior year of high school students told reporters. He also said the high school junior drove to collective" shout floor "encourage for us, although a little crazy, but they make us more confident. In addition to shout" floor "decompression, in wenzhou, zhejiang province high three students from many schools have also used the campus tore the examination paper, throwing the examination paper, comfort for the college entrance examination.

If we don't go crazy, we'll graduate! "In the university entrance exam is approaching, wenzhou, zhejiang province always fine so spontaneously and has a senior year of high school students told reporters. He also said the high school junior drove to collective" shout floor "encourage for us, although a little crazy, but they make us more confident. In addition to shout" floor "decompression, in wenzhou, zhejiang province high three students from many schools have also used the campus tore the examination paper, throwing the examination paper, comfort for the college entrance examination.

According to sociology experts, this is the way students are expressing themselves in the education way. If you don't do harm to others, it's a good idea to be a fixture in the school, and take the college entrance exam with ease


I can't believe I've been in ninth grade, and my schoolbag is getting heavier and heavier. Remember when I entered junior high school, I thought my junior high school life was so beautiful! Now I found out that I was wrong, and now I deal with books every day. I often look out of the window of the birds, how free they are. It occurred to me that:

If we can all go to the ideal college,

Who needs extra lessons

Who can still be lonely in the cold winter

The hot summer waits

Who wants to do it year by year

I always listen to nagging

Yeah! How wonderful it is! But that's impossible. Only good study can create a better future. Let me cheer together!

Don't give up, don't give up. Dream far, zero distance, tomorrow work together.