


A lot of parents like to make choice for their kids, because they believe their children are young and have no idea how to make the best choice. While my parents won’t do it for me, they will leave me the options and then let me make my own decision. I feel being respected and so thankful to them. I have my idea and can take the responsibility.

很多父母喜歡為孩子做出選擇,因為他們認為他們的孩子還小,不知道如何做最好的選擇。然而我的父母不會為我做抉擇, 他們會給我留下一些選擇,然後讓我自己做決定。我感到受到尊重,很感謝他們。我有我的想法,可以負起責任。


Today, my mother gives me a task when she leaves home, she asks me to clean the house. I say yes and promise to surprise her. But soon I forget the task and play the computer games. When the time passes, I suddenly remember and clean the house quickly, I must follow my words. When mother gets home, she praises me.



The first day to go to school, I am so nervous, but the moment I see the campus, I feel eased. There are so many trees and flowers around the school, it is like a garden, making people very comfortable. Now I will always walk around the school and appreciate its beauty. I like my campus so much and I am so proud of it.
