my weekend英語作文六年級3篇

又是星期天了,早上起床,我一眼望見了窗外剛開的茶花,心中豁然一亮。下面是小編給大家整理的my weekend英語作文六年級3篇,供你參考!

my weekend英語作文篇1

Sunday morning, I and my parents had breakfast, ready to pot, loach, shovel, cucumber, etc., happily with Xia Biao, Xia Yifeng, Liu Shushu, Liu Erqin go to the outskirts of picnic.

We choose the point is Xiangjiang River Bank. All the way to the ancient trees, lovely birds flying in the blue sky, tired, and stopped at the tree to rest for a while ... ...

As soon as we reach the destination, we are busy. I, Liu Shushu, Liu Leqin Chai Chai; father, Xia Bo father paper, prepare bowl ... ... mother cooking cooking; Phoenix (Xia Yifeng) in the river to catch shrimp.

We have a few devils to complete the task to sit on the river to enjoy the beauty. Xiangjiang River water clear, river in the small fish shrimp free to swim to swim. Xiangjiang around there are many grotesque, strange colors of the stone, such as Feng Luanshi, granite, plum stone ... ... Although most of the river is a stone, but also grow some beautiful flowers. Staggering

At noon, the sun is empty. Began to cook, because my mother was in a good mood, but also an apple and a pear cut into small pieces, into the pot. Rice cooked, white rice mixed with apple pear sweet, we give it a name, called fruit rice.

Fruit rice a good, we began to cook, although there is no food. Why I, Phoenix, Liu Erqin first eat it? The original father bought a chicken in advance. I had just finished a cock of chicken, cucumber fried ham fried, the three little devil head to the ham a folder and light. I am a chicken roasted wings, steamed loach and do a good job, Mom and Dad are not allowed me to eat loach, said I am afraid like a loach do not slip loach. what! Really boring!

After dinner, I and the Phoenix to shoot the game, to the slings loaded with stone seed to shoot a green bottle, who will break the bottle, who is the winner, after five minutes, I finally broken the bottle; we rest Ten minutes, went to the water drift, lucky to catch two fish, do not look at these two fish less, but we spent a lot of effort.

The sun gradually falling mountains, and we with a pleasant smile and lovely two fish full of return.

my weekend英語作文篇2

Today is Saturday, early morning mother and father are on a business trip, leaving me alone at home.

At first I was so happy that I was jumping in bed and thinking about how to play after breakfast. But soon, the doorbell rang. I went to open the door, did not expect aunt will come. Aunt is an English teacher, she said to accompany me to learn English words. I saw an English on the worry, did not think my mother there is a move. There are hundreds of heart reluctantly, but still under the guidance of aunt to remember the word twitter.

At noon, my aunt personally cook for me, do my favorite food. Ready to eat, my mother called back to check the post, asked aunt I have no good study. Aunt said my performance was very good. I thought, you do not know this is my trap, let aunt think I study seriously, let her rest assured that I am a person at home, and then ... ... hey ... ... ... ...

Just after dinner, the phone rang, is to find aunt, she went to pick up. I think this phone is best to let aunt out, some of my neighbors have fun outside the children have fun. Sure enough, aunt went out.

Aunt soon after, I was going to play, the doorbell rang. who? I opened the door, I was about to ask them to play the children, so good. They say go out to do the game. "game"? Suddenly I remembered the word "game" of the game my aunt taught me today. In the process of playing, I remembered my friend's English "friend" ...

In the evening, the children are back, I just entered the house, my aunt came with dinner. She asked: "and the children's games have fun?" I said: "how do you know?" She smiled and said: "I let them come to you to play it." Really? I do not believe a little, but a closer look, my aunt taught me those words, she certainly wanted to let me through the game to further impress. Aunt, your intentions really good ah!

This night, I let my aunt in my house to accompany me to sleep, she told me "Snow White", "Cinderella", in the aunt of the story which I entered the sweet dreams

my weekend英語作文篇3

6:30, we walk to the junction of the Sunshine supermarket in Miao Zhuang, the supermarket can be really big ah! Inside the goods can be considered on the dazzling array. We went in a circle, bought a lot of things, hands are unable to hold, and I see others are pushing the shopping cart, I said to my mother: "Let me push a shopping cart!" Shopping cart pushed, I helped my mother put all the stuff in the shopping cart. Mom said: "This is a good way!" Mom to checkout, and I put the car back to the original place. On a blink of an eye, you can not see the mother's silhouette, and I am anxious like ants on the wok, looking for her everywhere. I am from the 1st floor, 2nd floor, did not see my mother, and from the second floor back to the first floor or can not find.

I can not find it. On the first floor, I was ready to go to the deposit, remembered what my mother said: "We do not have a dollar coin can not save." I see someone else to save the goods, did not see people pay. Full of curiosity, I finally decided to see the knowledge of this deposit machine. Haha! I learned to use the deposit machine, can not help but said: "The original is so simple ah!" The original deposit machine do not have to vote, there are four buttons, followed by: 9,8,7,6,5,4,3 , 2,1,0, save, ←. First press the 'save' button, the following will have a small note pop out, and then draw a small note, there will be an iron cube door pop out, the middle is hollow, the need to save the items put To the hollow of the cube, and then shut the door hard, just fine. When the material is taken, the code on the small note is against the infrared recognizer, and the machine will say, "Thank you for use." Then, the cube door of the object bounced, Take it out. However, remember to take the items when the door closed, so as not to inconvenience to other customers.

I went upstairs and ran four or five times, and finally finally found her mother on the second floor.

I said to my mother: "I do not know what to say, On the first floor, I taught my mother how to use the deposit machine.

My mother and I go back, passing the school entrance of a noodle shop, I ate a noodles, my mother had to eat a rice noodle. We went to dinner, and went back, my mother said: "I walked after dinner, live to ninety-nine." I was not agree with this, but I think that after a walk, is indeed a good thing. I have no doubt about that.