
Hi,I'm Freda Frog! Help me guess the Color the rainbow. Here is my cap, I wear upon my head. I can guess its color... It's RED!! Here is apumpkin, sitting in the sun.I can guess its color... It's an ORANGE one!! Here is a little duckling,a funny little fellow. I can guess its color... It is YELLOW!! Here is my dinner,Yucky lima beans,I can guess its color... They are helping me!! START OVER THE

嗨!我是青蛙弗雷達!幫助我猜出在彩虹中的這些顏色。這裡是我的帽子,我把它帶在頭上。我可以猜出它的顏色...... 它是紅色的!!這裡是一個南瓜在太陽下坐著。我可以猜出它的顏色...... 它是橙色的!!這裡是一隻小鴨子,一個有趣的小傢伙。我可以猜出它的顏色...... 它是黃色的!這裡是我的晚餐,令人討厭的利馬豆。我可以猜出它的顏色...... 它是綠色的!!這裡是一個沙灘皮球,嶄新發亮的。我可以猜出它的顏色...... 它是藍色的!!這裡是一個棒棒糖,一個小的粘粘的環狀物。我可以猜出它的顏色...... 它是紫色的!!做得好,謝謝幫助我!!