
編者按:簡單通俗的表達在英語作文中可以傳情達意,挺好的,可是閱卷老師的不待見.不好好說話,搬弄一些“高分表達”反而成了作文的時尚。 坊間流行高分詞,這是事實.悲呼?喜呼?英語寫作需要注意些說明呢?


1. individuals,characters, folks替換(people ,persons)

如:Opinion about Chinese education varies from individual to individual.

試比較:Different people have different opinions about Chinese education.


Unlike the new generations, most of the old folk show little interest in popular songs.(跟年輕人不一樣,大多數 上年紀的人對流行歌沒什麼興趣)

2: terrific, positive, favorable, rosy, promising, perfect, gorgeous , excellent, outstanding, superior替換good

如:He is not superior to me in football.

He is inferior to me in football.

試比較:He is not so good at football as I.

3.unwanted,less impressive,unfavorable, poor, wicked,shabby, ill , leave to be desired (有害的)替換bad

如:1)The boy finds his academic grades are less impressive.

2)The unwanted grades embarrassed the boy.

(試比較:He was sorry for his bad grades.)

3)In spite of his great efforts, he has English leaving to be desired.

試比較:His English is bad though he studies hard.
