
篇一:Sincere Thanks to My 對朋友的感謝 英語作文

Sincere Thanks to My Friends

Everyone has his circle of friends,big or small.There is an ancient proverb in China——“the more friends you make,the more ways you can take”, which means friends are the person who can help us.But from my point of view,the value of friendship can not be estimated.Besides help us,they also can accompany us and love us.Friends are the person will not leave us whether we are together or not and wherever we go.

In my life,I also have had many friends so far.We might come across in Primary School,Middle School,High School and University.Even we met when we were born and grow together,we call them “fa xiao”in Chinese.My friends make me happy,sad, heart-broken.We cry together,laugh together,and sometimes we may argue,speak something bad and decide to break up forever at the time of being impetuous.But we always came to an compromise and apologized to each other.Our friendship and our emotion made us lose courage to abandon the other.I am willing to apology to everyone hurt by my mistakes and I am also ready to forgive the people who have courage to acknowledge a mistake,because I cherish our friendship.

In a word,friendship is the biggest wealth in my life,and it is the fruit I harvest on the way to grow up.My friends

all,thanks for your company ,thanks for your love.

Don’t say “give up”simply .Don’t loose your hands simply.Or else,one day you will find how big the mistake you made is and how late the time you can apology is.

篇二:感謝 英語作文

我常常想起201x年最後的那3個月,那是我坐在自習室努力複習,準備考研的日子。每天重複做著幾乎相同的事情,所以複習是枯燥的,無聊的,煩悶的。但是,我仍然感謝那段日子和那些人。我感謝我的同桌,謝謝他們每天和我一起靜心看書,謝謝他們和我討論問題。我感謝我的室友,每天很早起床洗漱,打擾到她們的美夢,謝謝他們的理解與包容。更要感謝我的好朋友,是他每天早起去幫我占座,讓我在座位緊張的情況下,仍然能坐在自己喜歡的位子上。謝謝那些研友們,是你們的努力督促著我,不能放鬆,激勵著我前進。感謝我的同學,謝謝你們幫我做了那么多的事。也要謝謝我的父母,謝謝你們的支持與鼓勵。 生活給予我挫折的同時,也賜予了我堅強,我也就有了另一種閱歷。不要因為冬天的寒冷而失去對春天的希望。擁有了一顆感恩的心,你就沒有了埋怨,沒有了嫉妒,沒有了憤憤不平,你也就有了一顆從容淡然的心!試著用一顆感恩的心來體會,你會發現不一樣的生活。

I often think of the last three months in 20xx, I sat in the study area to review, to the day of one's deceased father grind. Repeat every day doing almost the same thing, so revision is boring, boring, boring. But, I still thank those days with those people. I thank two deskmate sitting next to me, thank them reading and meditation with me every day, thank you very much they discuss problems with me. I thank my roommates, get up early every day, wash gargle, disturb their dreams, thanks for their understanding and tolerance. More want to thank my good friend, is he gets up early every day to help me to account for, let me in the case of seat nervous, can still sitting in his favorite chair. Thanks for those friends, are you trying to urge me, can't relax, inspire me forward. Thank my classmates, thank you for you help me to do so much. Also want to thank my parents, thank you for

your support and encouragement.

Life gives me setback at the same time, also gives me strong, I also have another kind of experience. Don't cry because it is cold in winter and lose hope for the spring. Have a grateful heart, you have no blame, no jealousy, no angry, you also have a calm cool heart! Try to use a grateful heart to feel, you will find a different life.


Forever Friendship

In you life,you will make so many friends.But what’s is the ture friends and forever friendship.Someone who changes your life just by being part of it. Someone who makes you laugh until you can’t stop. Someone who make you believe the whole world full of sunshine.This is forever friendship.

As the saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed.It has become the teaching for true friend.But everyone has thier own standard in making friend.Some view it important to make friends with whom they may share similar interest or hobbies with.These are true friends.But someone to make friend in order to gain some favors or privileges.These are not true friends.

If you turn and walk away, Your forever friend follows, If you lose you way, Your forever friend guides you and cheers you on.Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. And if you find such a friend,You feel happy and complete,Because you need not worry,Your have a forever friend for life, And forever has no end.

when you're down, and the world seems dark and empty, Your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times, and the confused times.