

Our Chinese teacher is our headteacher. Her black hair, a pair of big and black eyes, wearing a simple, generous, have knowledge very much looks. She is xu teacher.

Mr Xu's language is very rich, the teaching method is very flexible. In Chinese classes, she read the text aloud fascinating, we listened to her in mandarin reading is a kind of enjoyment. Every time reading course Wen is xu teacher taught us how to have feelings of reading aloud. On one occasion, "prairie" on the class, make the teacher's voice as if turned me into a guest. When the teacher read in a clear and loud voice, "what the fierceness of han who don't, tianya verdant setting sun" this sentence, I seem to see the people standing on the endless prairie, heard you talk to a strong feeling.

Mr Xu versatility. Talking about the lesson, "the destruction of the old Summer Palace" in order to let us know about the old Summer Palace. She used a colored chalk to draw the layout of the old Summer Palace, looks like a real old Summer Palace, at that time, I really envy the teacher that kind of painting.

Xu teacher of the class are very concerned about, regardless of the result is good or bad, she is equally.

I respect the teacher has a lot of, but I admire most is Mr Xu, I am proud to have such a good teacher, and proud.


許老師的語言很豐富,教學方法很靈活。上語文課,她朗讀課文引人入勝,我們聽她用國語朗讀簡直是一種享受。每一次讀課 文都是許 老師教我們怎樣有感情的朗讀。有一次,上《草原》這一課時, 許老師的聲音仿佛把我變成了一個客人。當老師用清脆而響亮的聲音讀到“蒙漢情深何忍別,天涯碧草話斜陽”這句話的時候,我似乎看到了大家站在無邊無際的草原上,聽到了大家傾訴者惜別之情。





A conscientious, approachable and respected teacher, teacher Chen.

When having a class, teacher Chen took pains let's reading, browsing, roaming in the sea of knowledge. Look, her hands holding a piece of chalk, his mouth constantly telling focus problem, the more serious ah! She put her knowledge to irrigate our eager heart like oasis. The students put forward problem, the teacher Chen always patiently, patiently explain to us, is analyzed.

Activity, teacher Chen is female classmates play object. After class, male students to play games with each other, reading or something. And female classmate metropolitan pestering teacher Chen, such as Chen teacher chat, talk about the problem of learning. If you are into the office, you will find: teachers and students are so cute.

In life, for the students, the lack of teachers, Chen was by like people lack the arm little leg. When the students meet with difficulties, Chen teacher always stand and never retreat, for students to ask advice, help, and so on. In spite of this, professor Chen didn't feel tired, because for her, a group of such a lovely child is to be sitting right beside only can feel happiness and joy will haunt you, "tired" has long gone.

We all love the teacher Chen, we all respect her. Because she is a diligent gardener, irrigation, protects the nation's small red flowers.

A conscientious, respected teacher, Chen teacher we all love you!





