
(福建泉州)國中的學習生涯即將結束了。三年來,在你獲取知識的同時,你的外貌,興趣愛好,習慣…都有了一定的改變吧!請你一定以(How I Change)為題,寫一篇短文,告訴我們你的變化好嗎?字數在80詞左右。

溫馨提示:1.短文中請勿使用真實姓名、地點或所在學校名稱。2.這些辭彙也許對你有幫助:hobby, habit, used to, enjoy oneself3.短文開頭已經為你寫好(字數不計入總數),請你接著往下寫。

How I Change

My life has changed a lot in the past three years. …

範文兩篇:  How I Change

My life has changed a lot in the past three years. When I was in Grade 7, I was a short and shy girl with long hair. I often listen to music at home. But now I like to make friends and take part in all kinds of activities. I prefer running with my classmates. So I'm becoming much healthier than before. Not only my parents but also my teachers are satisfied with me.

How I Change

My life has changed a lot in the past three years. I was fat and short when I came to the middle school. At that time I was interested in computer games and I spent most of time on it. My parents were worried about me.

Now, I like sports and I often play football with my classmates after school. So I become taller and stronger than before. I like reading, too. I usually go to the library to read some interesting books. Good habits help me to study better and keep healthier.