


要點:1.XX年5 月12日下午2點28分,我國四川汶川發生了芮氏8.0級地震。大批房屋倒塌,人們無家可歸,大量人員傷亡,災民缺衣少藥…2.號召大家向災區人民奉獻愛心,捐款捐物,幫助他們重建家園。

要求:1.語句通順,表達準確,可適當發揮使內容連貫    2. 文中不能出現真實姓名,校名等相關信息。

3.詞數在80詞左右   4.參考辭彙:災區:quake-astriken area零花錢:pocket money重建:rebuild

A   Proposal

All the students in our school,

A sudden 8.0 earthquake happened in Wenchuan,Sichuan Province at 2:28 on the afternoon of May 12,XX


Students' Union

June 13,XX

參考中考英語滿分作文:                      A   Proposal

All the students in our school,

A sudden 8.0 earthquake happened in Wenchuan,Sichuan Province at 2:28 on the afternoon of May 12,XX

Many houses fell down and lots of people have become homeless. A large number of people were badly injured and so many people lost their lives. The people in the quake-striken areas are short of food and medicine. So ,every,let's show our love to them.Let's give away some of our pocket money,clothes or something else to them. Let's try our best to help them rebuild their homes. Come on ,everyone!

Students' Union

June 13,XX