

以"My Mother"為題,寫一篇120字左右的短文。需包括以下要點:

(1) 媽媽的身材不高,稍胖,圓臉,長發。

(2) 媽媽是家庭主婦,每天起床很早,為全家人做飯。

(3) 早飯前做些家務,飯後送孩子上學。雖然她沒有很多錢,卻常給我們買好衣服和學習用品。

(4) 媽媽晚上睡得晚,她總有很多活要做。

(5) 媽媽勤勞,我愛媽媽。

【學生習作】 My Mother

My mother is not tall and short (1). She is a little fat. She has a round face and long hairs (2).

My mother is a housewife. She is very busy every day. She get to(3) up very early every morning. She gets up at about five thirty. After that she begins to cook for the family.

Before breakfast, she does some housework. After breakfast, she sends our children (4) to school. She always tells us study hard (5). She has not many (6) money, but she often buys us some nice clothes and school things.

My mother goes to bed very late every night. She always has a lot of work to be done. (7)

My mother is hard-working. I love her very much.

(1)如果說"她中等身材",應該說: She is of medium height.



(4)此處"我們孩子"是同位詞組,"我們"與"孩子"之間是同位關係,應將其改成:us children。

(5)這裡應使用動詞不定式,即tell us to do something。

(6)money 為不可數名詞,前面套用much修飾,而不能用many。

(7)這裡的動詞不定式to do的邏輯主語是she,它們之間是主動關係,所以動詞不定式套用主動形式。

