
你想了解開拓時期在美國語言中留下的痕跡嗎?你想知道水門事件的始末嗎?日常生活中一些不起眼的詞,包括貓、狗、馬、牛和凡士林、小費、頂住,也會演繹出讓人意料不到的含義和用法來。為了表達原文的意圖(如詞語的歷史淵源)和照顧上下文的行文,往往採取“直譯”的辦法,必要時在括弧內提供參考譯法。例如,all thumbs譯為“全是拇指”,而在括弧里提供“笨手笨腳”,“手腳不聽使喚”等參考譯法。有些讀音也是“音譯”。在不涉及上述情況時,編者一般儘量從漢語習慣出發,採取“意譯”的辦法。即使有時不能完全意譯,也儘量採取直譯、意譯相結合的做法,略增減一二個字,使其意義明顯。




The Greek poet Homer has given us many phrases. A famous one is "Achilles'heel." Every body has his "Achilles'heel," his weak spot.


This is the story Homer tells in the Iliad. Achilles' mother bathed him as a baby in the River Styx to make him immortal, deathless like a god. But she held him by the heel and it did not get wet. The heel therefore was the one spot where Achilles could be hurt, possibly killed. And so he was in the Trojan War.


None of the Trojan weapons was able to hurt Achilles. The god Apollo, however, knew of Achilles’ weak spot and told Paris about it. Paris then shot an arrow at Achilles' heel and killed him.


Who among us does not have his Achilles'heel? Even a man made of stone sooner or later will show his weak spot. It changes as we get older. But in youth it is love. Love leaves us helpless. We soon find ourselves turning "head over heels" with it.


This phrase needs no explanation. It is a clear picture of one who has fallen violently in love. He is its victim and seems to spin like a wheel, turning over and over, as an acrobat does somersaults.


A similar phrase is "turning top over tail." You could also say "Love has me by the heels", or "treads upon my heels"—it pursues you, follows you close or "snaps at my heels," as a dog that keeps biting you around the ankles.


There was a time when "to bless the world with one's heels" meant to be hanged. The man who dreamed up that phrase must have had a strange sense of humor. The expression is hundreds of years old. In the words of an English writer of the 1500's:"And the next day the three thieves were brought forth to 'bless the world with their heels'." The phrase, however, has gone out of use.
