
a &b: hi, everyone! welcome to the “charming language, rhythmic speech” english story contest.


a: i’m 崔倩茹. i’m from sm 06123. 我是來自商貿06123班的崔倩茹。

b: i'm 毛婉伊. we’re from the same class. 我是毛婉伊,我們來自同一個班級。

a: oh, 毛婉伊. i feel very much honored to host today’s contest. this is the first time in our school and this is also the first time in my life. i will never forget the moment, i think.


b: what you said is really true. i feel the same way. all of us are looking forward to viewing the scene. 噢,你說的一點不錯。而且我頗有同感。我們大家都在翹首以待

a: have you heard of the song “we are ready”?

b: yeah, why? i can even sing it. “we are ready.”

a: though time is very pressing, all of our contestants are full of confidence. they are very keen and have spent much time and efforts on it. after much practice and careful preparations, and now they are ready. so we can be sure our stories in english contest will be a great success.

a: 雖然時間很緊迫,但各位參賽選手還是充滿信心,他們熱情參與,付出了很大的努力。經過各參賽選手精心準備和艱苦訓練,我想他們一定胸有成竹,不用說,我們的英語故事會一定會成功。

b. hey, 毛婉伊, why do we hold such a contest, do you know? i have heard of a lot of stories in chinese, such as children’s stories, fortune stories, but never before have i heard of such a story contest.

哎,毛婉伊, 你說我們為什麼要舉行這樣的故事會呢? 我聽說過很多故事會,如少兒故事會,財富故事會等等,但我可從來未曾聽說過英語故事會呀。

a: yes, indeed. but i think this is the very reason why we hold such a contest. do you know what our department is called in english?


b: why yes, “business english and tourism english”, is that right?

a: you are right. since you know that, then it is obvious that english is the main subject for us. so we should pay more attention to both written and spoken english. and spoken english is the most important tool in our future work. so this is the very reason we hold such a contest. though this is the first time, it is a beginning. and i think it is a good beginning because we know a good beginning is half done.

既然你知道了,那也就不難理解了。英語是我們的主打學科,而聽說又是我們的弱項,可是將來也許是我們的強項噢。這就是我們舉辦talk show的原因所在。雖然是第一次,可別小看了,常言道:良好的開端是成功的一半呀。