

國際兒童節的設立,和發生在二戰期間一次著名的屠殺--利迪策慘案有關。1942年6月12日,德國法西斯槍殺了捷克利迪策村16歲以上的男性公民140餘人和全部嬰兒,並把婦女和90名兒童押往集中營。村裡的房舍、建築物均被燒毀,好端端的一個村莊就這樣被德國法西斯給毀了。第二次世界大戰結束後,世界各地經濟蕭條,成千上萬的工人失業,過著饑寒交迫的生活。兒童的處境更糟,有的得了傳染病,一批批地死去;有的則被迫當童工,受盡折磨,生活和生命得不到保障。為了悼念利迪策慘案和全世界所有在戰爭中死難的兒童,反對虐殺和毒害兒童,以及保障兒童權利,1949年11月,國際民主婦女聯合會在莫斯科舉行理事會議,各國代表憤怒地揭露了帝國主義分子和各國反動派殘殺、毒害兒童的罪行。為了保障世界各國兒童的生存權、保健權 和受教育權,為了改善兒童的生活,會議決定以每年的6月1日為國際兒童節。當時的很多國家表示贊同,特別是社會主義國家。



establishment of the international children's day , and the occurrence of a famous during world war ii massacre - lidice tragedy related. june 12, 1942 , the german fascists shot czech village of lidice male citizens over the age of 16 , more than 140 people of all babies, and women and 90 children taken to concentration camps. the village houses, buildings were burned, a village hey germany and france and it was ruined . after world war ii , the recession around the world, thousands of workers unemployed , the hungry live life . the worse the situation of children , and some had an infectious disease , died in droves ; others are forced to work as child labor, tortured life and life can not be guaranteed . to mourn the lidice tragedy and all the world's children who lost their lives in the war , oppose murder and poisoning of children, and to protect the rights of children , in november 1949 , the international federation of democratic women's council meeting held in moscow , delegates angrily exposed the imperialists and reactionaries kill , poison crimes against children . in order to protect the world of children 's rights to survival , health and education , in order to improve the lives of children , it was decided in the annual june 1 international children's day. many countries agreed at the time , especially the socialist countries.

many countries will be june 1 as the festival of children , especially in the socialist countries. in western countries, children's day dates vary, often with little celebrations of the public . so it was misunderstood as only socialist country before the june 1 as the international children's day.

in order to protect the interests of the world's children , in november 1949 , the international federation of democratic women's executive committee decided to convene in moscow on june 1 of each year as the international children's day . after the founding of new china , the central people's government administration council on december 23, 1949 regulations, the china children's day and international children's day unified.