Sales Agency Agreement

(2) 若乙方在_______月內未能向甲方提供至少**訂貨,甲方不承擔本協定的義務。

should party b fail to pass on his orders to party a in a period of _________ months for a minimum of ________party a shall not bind himself to this agreement.

(3) 對雙方政府間的貿易,甲方有權按其政府的授權進行有關的直接貿易,而不受本協定約束。乙方不得干涉此種直接貿易,也無權向甲方提出任何補償或佣金要求。

for any business transacted between governments of both parties, party a may handle such direct dealings as authorized by party a's government without binding himself to this agreement. party b shall not interfere in such direct dealings nor shall party b bring forward any demand for compensation therefrom.

(4) 本協定受簽約雙方所簽訂的銷售確認條款的制約。

this agreement shall be subject to the terms and conditions in the sales confirmation signed by both parties hereto.


this agreement is signed on __________at___________ and is in two originals;each party holds one.

甲方:________  乙方:_________

(簽字)  (簽字)

party a:_______  party b:________

(signature)  (signature)