
file no.:________________

application form for school admission

注: 申請者所提供的資料將用作入學申請有關事宜,並會供校方有關部門或人士查閱.入學申請程式完成後,未獲取錄之申請者資料, 當無需保留時將全部銷毀. note : the information provided will be used for school enrollment application only. it may be accessible to offices or persons who will process admission matters. information on unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after the admission process when no longer required.

申請入讀年級 class applied for

ref. no. :______________

i. 個人資料 personal particulars

英文姓名 (姓氏先行) name in full (english) (surname first) 中文姓名 name (chinese)

學生紀錄咭編號 strn

出生日期 date of birth


香港出世紙/其他身份證明檔案號碼 c.o.b./other i.d. no.

性別 gender

please stick a recent photo here

出生地點 place of birth

國籍 nationality 電話 (住宅) telephone no. (home)

住址 residential address

通訊地址 correspondence address (if different from above)

ii. 家長/監護人資料 parents/guardian particulars

父 father 英文姓名 (姓氏先行) name in full (english) (surname first) 中文姓名 name (chinese) 身份證號碼 i.d. card no. 職業 occupation 電話號碼 (辦公室) telephone no. (office) 電話號碼 (個人通訊) telephone no. (mobile/pager) 電子郵址 e-mail address 母 mother 監護人 guardian

iii. 申請人學歷 (請順序列出) academic qualifications (in chronological order)

由 from 月/年 month/year 至 to 月/年 month/year



school name


電話 telephone no.

iv. 課外活動 extra-curricular activities

由 from 月/年 month/year 至 to 月/年 month/year

活動名稱 name of activities

v. 特殊技能

(例如:音樂, 體育, 朗誦, 數學,舞蹈等等)

special skills (e.g. music, physical .education., choral speaking, mathematics, dancing etc.)

vi. 校外獎項 external awards (in chronological order)

日期 date 月/年 month/year

參與機構 name of organization

獎項名稱 name of awards

vii. 校內獎項 internal awards (in chronological order)

日期 date 月/年 month/year

參與機構 name of organization

獎項名稱 name of awards

viii. 推薦人及評語


recommendation & comments (if any)

ix. 其他 others 1. 申請者如有近親於本校就讀,請列明其姓名,班級及與申請者的關係 if you have close relatives currently studying at the school, please state their names, classes and relationship to you ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 申請者如有近親同時申請入讀本校,請列明其姓名,班級及與申請者的關係 if you have close relatives currently applying for the school, please state their names, classes and relationship to you ____________________________________________________________________________________ x. 備註 remarks 填妥本表格後,請連同下列檔案一併送交新界元朗天水圍天恆邨順德聯誼總會翁佑中學 please hand in the completed application form to the school office of s.t.f.a. yung yau college, tin heng estate, tin shui wai, yuen long n.t. with the following documents 1. 寫上學生姓名之學生近照兩張 a recent photo of the student (with endorsement) 2. 學生最近之成績表影印本 a photocopy of the latest school report of the student