工作收入證明 英文


to whom it may concern

re: (y j b y s) - income certification

this is to certify that (姓名) has been a bona fide employee of this organization since (開始任職年份).

mr./ms. (姓) has been under my supervision since (開始任職該部門年份). his/her currently position is (職位名稱).

his/her annual income for the past three years are as follow:

20xx - rmb ¥xx,000

20xx - rmb ¥xx,000

20xx - rmb ¥xx,000


name and title of signatory:


(i have authority to issue this certification.)

contact: xxx

tel.: xxxxxxxxx

(bona fide是拉丁文, 英文即in good faith: 即, 貨真價實的, 而且誠信的, 多用於確認檔案或身份的真實性。)
