
cashmere d'ecosse 蘇格蘭開士米呢

cashmere double 開士米斜紋面平紋底織物

cashmere fibre 開士米纖維

cashmere fleece 開士米絨頭織物

cashmere garment 羊絨衫

cashmere hair 開士米山羊毛

cashmere hosiery yarn 開士米針織紗線

cashmere knit goods 開士米針織物

cashmere knitwear 羊絨針織品

cashmere melton 開士米麥爾登

cashmere rug 開士米地毯

cashmere shawl 開士米披巾

cashmere socks 薄毛短襪

cashmere suiting 羊絨花呢

cashmere sweater 羊絨衫

cashmere wool fancy suiting 羊絨花呢

cashmere wool overcoating 羊絨大衣呢

cashmere work 開士米刺繡

cashmere yarn 羊絨紗

cashmere 開士米

cashmere-like acrylic machine knitting yarn 仿羊絨腈綸機織絨線

cashmerette 仿開士米斜紋絨

cashmilan 開士米綸聚丙烯腈短纖維

casimir foule 仿開士米粗呢

casimir 仿開士米薄呢

casing applying machine 套腸衣機

casing cleaning machine 腸衣刮洗機

casing collar kick 磁力鑽孔測深器

casing collar locator 套管接箍定位器

casing crushing-and-fatting unit 毛腸排糞去脂聯合機

casing crushing-and-finishing unit 毛腸排糞加工聯合機

casing cutter 套管割刀

casing for pendulum clock 擺鐘外殼

casing glass 鑲色玻璃

casing head 套管頭

casing leakage tester 套管漏泄測試器

casing paper 襯箱用紙

casing pipe 套管

casing puller 起管機

casing scraper 套管清刮器

casing sewing machine 腸衣縫合機

casing shoes 套管鞋

casing string 套管柱

casing stripping machine 毛腸去黏膜機

casing stripping-and fatting unit 毛腸去黏膜剝脂聯合機

casing support 套管支架

casing suspender 套管懸掛器

casing tester 套管測試器

casing tube 套管

casing tying machine 腸衣結紮機

casing valve 套管閥

casing well tester 套管井地層測試器

casing 套管

casio ez-label printer 卡西歐標籤製作器

casio lcd pocket color television 卡西歐液晶顯示袖珍彩色電視

casio 卡西歐牌電器

cask filling machine 裝桶機

cask making machine 制桶機

cask washing machine 洗桶機

casket cloth 壽衣呢

casket jewel box 首飾箱

casket paper 帆布箱襯裡用紙

casket 小箱

caslen 卡斯綸

casolana 卡索拉納

casolate 氯滅殺威

casoron 敵草腈

cassah silkworm 蓖麻蠶

cassarillos 平紋本色麻布

cassas 卡瑟斯松捻細平布

cassava cocoon 木薯繭

cassava flour 木薯粉

cassava meal 木薯粉

cassava sheet 木薯片

cassava slice 木薯片

cassava starch 木薯澱粉

cassava 木薯

casscanias 色條綢

cassegrain antenna 卡塞格倫天線

cassegrain reflector 卡塞格倫反射器

cassegrain type reflector equatorial mounting 卡塞格倫式反射赤道儀

casserole with cover and ears 雙耳帶蓋砂鍋

casserole with cover 帶蓋砂鍋

casserole 砂鍋

cassette audio tape 盒式錄音磁帶

cassette case 磁帶盒

cassette data recorder 盒式數據記錄器

cassette magnetic tape 盒式錄音磁帶

cassette tape duplicator 盒式磁帶複製器

cassette tape recorder 盒式磁帶錄音機

cassette tape tester 試帶機

cassette tape winding machine 繞帶機

cassette tape 盒式磁帶

cassette type recorder 盒式錄音機

cassette video tape 盒式錄像磁帶

cassette 磁帶盒

cassia bark 桂皮

cassia bud 桂花子

cassia leaf powder 桂葉粉

cassia lignea broken 碎桂皮

cassia lignea flour 桂粉

cassia lignea 桂皮

cassia occidentalis 草決明

cassia oil 桂油

cassia scrapped broken 桂芯碎

cassia scrapped whole 桂芯條

cassia scrapped 桂芯

cassia stem 桂枝

cassia tora linne 小決明子

cassia twig 桂枝

cassia 桂皮

cassie concrete 金合歡浸膏

cassilk spun silk 蓖麻絹紡

cassilk spun yarn 蓖麻絹絲

cassimere 薄毛呢

cassimerette 低級薄毛呢

cassimir 斜紋布

cassinet 卡西奈特厚斜紋織物

cassinetta 卡西奈塔低檔全棉斜紋呢

cassiopeium 鑥

cassiterite 錫石

cassock cloth 黑色精紡開士米呢

cast alloy iron 合金鑄鐵

cast aluminium 鑄鋁

cast brass 生黃銅

cast bronze 鑄造青銅

cast carbon steel 鑄碳鋼

cast coated board 鑄塗紙板

cast coated paper 高光澤印刷紙

cast coater 塗鑄機

cast concrete 模鑄混凝土

cast copper 鑄銅

cast cutter 石膏繃帶切削器

cast cylinder 整鑄缸體

cast fleece 低級粗套毛

cast glass 澆注玻璃

cast iron barbell 鑄鐵槓鈴

cast iron beam 生鐵桿

cast iron bibcock 鑄鐵水龍頭

cast iron bracket for sink 生鐵槽架

cast iron bracket for wash basin 生鐵面盆架

cast iron bracket 鑄鐵支架

cast iron central heating radiator 鑄鐵暖氣片

cast iron decorative street lamp 鑄鐵裝飾街燈

cast iron dumbell 鑄鐵啞鈴

cast iron electrode 鑄鐵電極

cast iron enamelled bath 生鐵搪瓷浴盆

cast iron enamelled shower tray 生鐵搪瓷淋浴底盤

cast iron flange fitting 鑄鐵法蘭配件

cast iron flange valve 鑄鐵法蘭閥門

cast iron flange 鑄鐵法蘭盤

cast iron flush cistern 鑄鐵水箱

cast iron foot valve 鑄鐵足閥

cast iron frame for washing basin 鑄鐵面盆架

cast iron gate valve 鑄鐵閘閥

cast iron globe valve 鑄鐵球閥

cast iron grate 鑄鐵爐柵

cast iron hook 鑄鐵掛鈎

cast iron ingot mould 鑄鐵錠模

cast iron manhole cover with frame 鑄鐵人孔座及蓋板

cast iron manhole cover 鑄鐵人孔蓋板

cast iron melting pot 生鐵熔化鍋

cast iron mower 生鐵割草機

cast iron pan 生鐵鍋

cast iron pipe fitting 鑄鐵管配件

cast iron pipe 鑄鐵管

cast iron plug 生鐵塞蓋

cast iron pressure pipe 鑄鐵壓力管

cast iron products 鑄鐵製品

cast iron pulley 生鐵皮帶盤

cast iron rainwater pipe 鑄鐵雨水管

cast iron ring 生鐵圈

cast iron rope pulley 生鐵繩索皮帶輪

cast iron rubber wheel 鑄鐵橡膠輪

cast iron scrap 廢鑄鐵

cast iron sewage pipe 鑄鐵污水管

cast iron soil pipe fitting 鑄鐵臭氣管配件

cast iron soil pipe 鑄鐵臭氣管

cast iron solder 鑄鐵焊料

cast iron stop cock 鑄鐵止水閥

cast iron stove range 生鐵灶

cast iron stove 生鐵爐

cast iron straight pipe 鑄鐵直管

cast iron swing check valve 鑄鐵回水閥

cast iron trap 生鐵彎管

cast iron wash basin bracket 鑄鐵面盆支架

cast iron washer 生鐵墊圈

cast iron water pipe 鑄鐵水管

cast iron welding powder 鑄鐵焊粉

cast iron wheel 生鐵輪

cast iron 鑄鐵

cast magnesium alloy 鑄造鎂合金

cast nickle alloy tooth 鎳基鑄造合金牙

cast panel 鑄造面板

cast pig iron 鑄造生鐵

cast raffinate 澆模精糖塊

cast resin 鑄塑樹脂

cast steel anchor cable 鑄鋼錨纜

cast steel anchor chain 鑄鋼錨鏈

cast steel anvil 鑄鋼砧

cast steel connection link 鑄鋼連線桿

cast steel ingot 鑄鋼錠

cast steel magnet 鑄鋼磁鐵

cast steel roll 鑄鋼軋輥

cast steel storm valve 鑄鋼防浪閥

cast steel stud chain 鑄鋼有檔錨鏈

cast steel valve 鑄鋼閥門

cast steel 鑄鋼

cast stone 鑄石

cast tow 短麻

cast tube 鑄管

cast 低級粗套毛

cast-iron lamp column 鑄鐵燈柱

castagnon 卡斯塔農阿爾馬涅克酒

castalogne 卡斯塔隆毛毯呢

castanets 響板

castellamare cotton 卡斯特拉馬雷棉

castellated nut 槽形螺母

caster 小腳輪

casthouse crane 爐前吊車

casting analyzer 鑄件成品檢查儀

casting bed 澆鑄台

casting binder 鑄造粘結劑

casting carriage 澆鑄用車

casting cleaning machine 鑄件清理機

casting die 壓鑄模型

casting frame 砂箱

casting machine 澆鑄機

casting machinery 鑄造機械

casting mould 鑄型

casting pig 鑄鐵

casting steel bench vice 鑄鋼台虎鉗

casting steel 鑄鋼

casting tungsten carbide powder 鑄造碳化鎢粉

casting 鑄件

casting-slodzian mass analyzer 卡斯汀-斯洛參質譜儀

castle circular nut 六角圓頂螺母

castle nut 開花螺母

castor bean 蓖麻

castor cocoon 蓖麻繭

castor francaise 法蘭西海狸氈

castor leaf 蓖麻葉

castor oil 蓖麻油

castor pomace 蓖麻油渣

castor root 蓖麻根

castor spun silk 蓖麻絹紡

castor sugar 細白糖

castor 迴轉腳輪

castor-bean sheller 蓖麻脫粒機

castor-bean stripper 蓖麻籽摘取機

castor-oil acid 蓖麻油酸

castorseed cake 蓖麻籽餅

castorseed oil 蓖麻油

castorseed 蓖麻籽

castrating pincers 閹割鉗

castravane  卡斯特拉范生絲

castrix 鼠立死

castrix-giftkorner 鼠立死

casual clothes 便服

casual coat 茄克式短外衣

casual crew hat in cotton corduroy 粗條紋絨布水手便帽

casual footwear 便鞋

casual jacket 日常穿的短外衣

casual pants 休閒褲

casual shoes 休閒鞋

casual shorts 休閒短褲

casual slacks 便褲

casual suit 便服

casual wear 便服

casuarina equisetifolia slice 木麻黃片

casuarina equisetifolia wood 木麻黃木

casuarina equisetifolia 木麻黃

cat belly skin plate 貓肷褥子

cat fur 貓裘皮

cat head skin plate 貓頭皮褥子

cat leg skin plate 貓腿皮褥子

cat line 貓頭繩

cat scanner 計算機處理軸向x線體層照相掃描器

cat skin bed cover 貓皮床罩

cat skin hat for man 貓皮男帽

cat skin jacket 貓皮短大衣

cat skin overcoat for child 貓皮童大衣

cat skin overcoat for lady 貓皮女大衣

cat skin overcoat 貓皮大衣

cat skin plate 貓皮褥子

cat skin vest 貓皮背心

cat skin 貓皮

cat suit 連衣褲

cat's eye 貓眼石

catacaos cotton 卡塔卡歐斯棉

catadioptric telescope 反折射望遠鏡

catalin ophthalmic solution 卡他靈眼水

catalpa ovata 梓樹

catalyst attritor 催化劑磨碎器

catalyst for ethanol delydration to ethylene 乙醇脫水制乙烯催化劑

catalyst for ethylene acetoxylation to vinyl acetate 乙烯氣相氧化制醋酸乙烯催化劑

catalyst for methanol amination to methylamine 甲醇氣相胺化制甲胺催化劑

catalyst for propylene ammoxidation to acrylonitrile 丙烯氨氧化制丙烯腈催化劑

catalyst for toluene disproportionation and transalkylation 甲苯歧化與烷基轉移催化劑

catalyst reducer 催化劑還原器

catalyst scrubber column 催化劑洗滌塔

catalyst settler 催化劑沉降器

catalyst 催化劑

catalytic agent 催化劑

catalytic co detector 催化一氧化碳探測儀

catalytic combustion type oxygen analyzer 催化燃燒式氧分析儀

catalytic converter 催化轉化器

catalytic cracker 催化裂化器

catalytic cracking unit 催化裂化裝置

catalytic detector 催化檢測器

catalytic exchange reactor 催化交換反應器

catalytic filament detector 催化絲式檢測儀

catalytic hydrogenation apparatus 催化氫化器

catalytic ionization detector 催化電離檢測器

catalytic muffler 催化式消音器

catalytic ozone converter 催化臭氧轉換器

catalytic reformer 催化重整裝置

catalyzer 催化劑

catamaran ship 雙體船

catania 緞條裝飾花綢

cataplasma 泥罨劑

catapleiite 鈉鋯石

catapult 拋射器

cataract dissector 白內障吸盤

cataract enucleation scoop 白內障摘出匙

cataract knife 白內障刀

cataract needle 白內障針

catawba cotton 卡塔巴棉

catch bolt 止動螺栓

catch on wheel 擋輪器

catch plate 收集盤

catcher boat 捕鯨船

catcher 捕集器

catching diode 嵌位二極體

catchweed bedstraw 豬殃殃

catechol tannin 苯鄰二酚

catechol 鄰苯二酚

catechol-oxydase 兒茶酚氧化酶

catecholase 兒茶酚酶

catechu-tree 兒茶

catering truck 給養車

caterpillar conveyer 履帶式運輸機

caterpillar crane 履帶式起重機

caterpillar excavating machine 履帶式挖掘機

caterpillar excavator 履帶式挖土機

caterpillar fungus 冬蟲夏草

caterpillar hauling scraper 履帶式搬運刮土機

caterpillar hydraulic loader 履帶式液壓裝載機

caterpillar loader 履帶式裝載機

caterpillar tractor 履帶式拖拉機

caterpillar truck 履帶式卡車

caterpillar type oxidation bleaching range 履帶式氧漂白機

caterpillar type sintertng machine 履帶式燒結機

caterpillar 履帶拖拉機

caterpillar-mounted excavator 履帶式挖土機

catfish 鯰魚

catgut linen 刺繡亞麻布

catgut 腸線

catharometer 熱導氣體分析儀

cathartic 瀉藥

cathautograph 陰極自動記錄器

cathay tan brown 棕色直接染皮

cathay 條子緞

cathedral glass 教堂窗玻璃

catheter mount 導管接合器

catheter puller 導管拆卸器

catheter 導管

cathetometer 測高儀

cathetron 汞氣整流器

cathinone 卡西酮

cathode bias resistor 陰極偏壓電阻器

cathode cell 陰極電池

cathode coupled oscillator 陰極耦合式振盪器

cathode coupler 陰極耦合器

cathode feedback amplifier 陰極反饋放大器

cathode follower amplifier 陰極輸出放大器

cathode follower detector 陰極輸出檢波器

cathode follower probe 陰極輸出器探頭

cathode follower type difference amplifier 陰極輸出式差頻信號放大器

cathode follower 陰極輸出器

cathode grid lens 抑制柵透鏡

cathode heater 陰極加熱器

cathode phase inverter 陰極倒相器

cathode potential stabilized emitron 陰極穩壓攝像管

cathode resistor 陰極電阻器

cathode shield 陰極護罩

cathode sleeve 陰極套管

cathode spray machine 陰極噴粉機

cathode tube 陰極管

cathode voltameter 陰極電壓表

cathode-casting machine 陰極鑄造機

cathode-coupled amplifier 陰極耦合放大器

cathode-coupled clipper 陰極耦合削波器

cathode-coupled multivibrator 陰極耦合多諧振盪器

cathode-input amplifer 共柵放大器

cathode-loaded amplifier 陰極負載放大器

cathode-pulsed triode oscillator 陰極脈調三級管振盪器

cathode-ray accelerator 陰極射線加速器

cathode-ray camera 陰極射線攝影機

cathode-ray curve tracer 陰極射線曲線描繪儀

cathode-ray direction finder 陰極射線測向儀

cathode-ray indicator 陰極射線指示器

cathode-ray lamp 陰極射線燈

cathode-ray modulation indicator 陰極射線調製指示器

cathode-ray oscillograph 陰極射線示波器

cathode-ray oscilloscope tube 陰極射線示波管

cathode-ray oscilloscope 陰極射線示波器

cathode-ray polargraph 陰極射線極譜儀

cathode-ray television tube 陰極射線電視管

cathode-ray tube controller 陰極射線管控制器

cathode-ray tube display 陰極射線管顯示器

cathode-ray tube oscillograph 陰極射線管示波器

cathode-ray tube plotter 陰極射線管繪圖儀

cathode-ray tube spot scanner 陰極射線管光點掃描器