
押金 deposit; foregift
要式民事法律行為 formal civil legal act
要因民事法律行為 causative civil legal act
一般留置權 general lien 
一夫一妻制 monogamy

一時性抗辯權 momentary right of defense
伊斯蘭法 islamic law
醫療費 medical charge
醫藥費 hospital treatment expense
遺產 inheritance; heritage

遺產繼承人 heir to property; inheritor
遺失物 lost property
遺書 last words
遺言 last will and testament
遺贈 bequest; legacy; devise

遺贈撫養協定 legacy-support ageement
遺贈繼承 succession by devise
遺囑繼承 intestate succession
以合法形式掩蓋非法目的 legal form concealing illegal intention
義務性規範 obligatory norm

意思表示 declaration of intention
意思表示一致 meeting of minds; consensus
意思能力 capacity of will
意外事件 accident
隱名合夥 sleeping partnership; dormant partnership

隱私權 right of privacy
英吉利法 english law
英美法系 system of anglo-american law
永佃權 jus emphyteuticum; right to landed estate granted in perpetuity through a contract
永久性抗辯權 permanent counter-argument right

用益物權 real right for usufruct
優先權 right of priority
優先權日 priority date
優先權原則 a right of priority doctrine
有償民事法律行為 civil legal act with consideration

有權代理 authorized agency
有限合夥 limited partnership
預付款 advanced payment
原權 antecedent right
原則法 fundamental law
約定違約金 liquidated damages by agreement