
251. we must admit that the overwhelming volume of indisputable circumstantial evidence far outweighed the presumption of innocence .

252. we have to accept the facts no matter how astonishing they might sound .

253. we must point out that feigning ignorance of the plight of poverty-stricken people is simply an irresponsible act on the part of ignorance .

254. the apparent success of this summer's flood control effort doesn't alter the fact a massive effort will be required to complete the reconstruction program .

255. some people criticize the united nations for gross financial mismanagement , but their accusations fail to detract from the fact that the greatest portion of the organization's 1997 budget went for humanitaryan assistance programs .

255. some people criticize the united nations for gross financial mismanagement , but their accusations fail to detract from the fact that the greatest portion of the organization's 1997 budget went for humanitaryan assistance programs .

256. the continuing wanton loss of life provides ample justification for nato intervention in kosovo .

257. ample evidence exists to prove that hereditary factors contribute to alcoholism .

258. there is every reason to believe that china's resumption of sovereignty over macao in 1999 will proceed smoothly .

259. there is strong evidence to show that the hole in the ozone layer is expanding at an alarming rate .

260. all reliable information points to the fact that the y2k virus ( millennium bug ) will create havoc with computer systems worldwide at the turn of the century .

261. statistical evidence lends support to the view that a massive influx of funding is needed to strengthen crime prevention programs .

262. personal experience has taught that kindness to others pays untold dividends .

263. case histories show that all nations face recurring periods of economic fluctuations .

264. personal experience leads me to conclude that all people need to take time to smell the roses ( evaluate and appreciate the many good things they have in their lives ) .

265. recent studies conducted by doctors show that excessive exposure to the sun's rays causes skin cancer .

266. nationwide surveys conducted in 1997 revealed a dramatic rise in the ownership of television sets , refrigerators , air conditioners and washing machines .

267. history tells us that mankind has a tendency to repeat past mistakes .

268. we have amassed ample objective proof to show the urgent need for crisis intervention in suspected child abuse cases .

269. unfortunately , available evidence fails to establish any direct link between smoking and cancer .

270. fortunately , mountains of reliable evidence proves the direct link between smoking and cancer beyond any shadow of the doubt .

271. television violence has contributed directly to rising crime , as evidenced by statistics showing a dramatic rise in copycat crimes .

272. the introduction of adcance agronomic techniques has contributed greatly to the development of agriculture , as indicated by statistics showing increased output in each of the past five years .

273. while it may appear that the gap between rich and poor people is narrowing somewhat , recently released evidence suggests that the opposite is true .

274. while attaining world peace remains within the realm of possibility , the prevailing trend revolves around regional conflicts and internal strife in many countries .

275. although statistics are quite often far less reliable than one might wish , other reliable information allows one to closely approximate industrial output figures .

276. although random sampling used for many surveys fails to cover large segments of the population , the procedure nonetheless offers insight into voting and consumption patterns .

277. the need for more government services has proved to be the case time and again .

278. the funny thing about marriage is that the newness soon wears off .

279. there are instances when one must abandon the tendency for self-prevention in order to assist a person in grave danger .

280. there are situations in which it's highly advisable for a person to control his/her temper and keep his/her mouth shut .

281. gone are the days when chinese people could expect cradle to death support from the government .

282. the days when one could safely walk city streets at night are gone .

283. china's population almost doubled to 1.2 billion people during the 1955-1995 , according to the national census bureau .

284. a report by the department of education estimates that the student-teacher ratio in china is four times higher than in the united states .

285. official figures released by the ministry of transportation show that motor vehicle fatalities have more than tripled since 1995 .

286. women accounted for less than two percent of the total number of deputies to the national people's congress in 1990 , compared with almost 12 percent in 1998 .

287. some 140 major state-owned companies have either declared bankruptcy or entered into mergers during 1998 , up a whopping 75 percent on the total number for the 10-year period between 1985-1995 .

288. china's illiteracy rate has dropped by some 60 percent over the past few years , but nonetheless remains at one of the highest levels for any developing nation .

289. the steady three-year annual rise in the export rate between 1995-1997 has been followed by steadily failling prices during 1998 and the trend is expected to continue indefinitely .

290. it is essential to examine every angle in order to fully understand the nature of a perplexing problem .

291. we must engage in thorough discussions in order to gain a better sence of the most appropriate and effective way to proceed with the project .

292. we must develop a foolproof argument in order to effectively illustrate the urgency of implement stringent environmental protection measures .

293. a comparative analysis of the positive and negative aspects of the three gorges project will perhaps provide us with a better sense of the eventual impact of the massive water control program .

294. incompatibility provides only a partial explanation for the rising divorce rate . perhaps the most significant factors center on abuse , the immaturity of one spouse or the other , and quite simply the lack of things in common .

295. the success of a company is directly related to the competency of its managers .

296. mental disorientation is but one of the many effects of alcohol consumption . another is anti-social behavior , and still another is physical deterioration .

297. apart from providing sheer enjoyment , music provides one with the opportunity to escape the daily pressures of life and enter an aesthetic world of sensual pleasure .

298. in spite of the costs involved space exploration is absolutely necessary to solve the puzzles of the universe .

299. on the one hand , technological advances yield beneficial results , while on the other they create problems which threaten our very existence .
300. there are other social factors worth serious considerations in evaluating those special behaviors .